Established in 2005, The Uptown Butler started as a cleaning service, tailored just to your needs weather you lived in a apartment or estate. Over time due to our customers requesting us to locate personal for Pet Sitting, Handy Man, Moving, Ground Transportation, Etc,. After having customer complaints about the personnel being late or no-showing we have taken all services in house as of 2012. Service with Excellence, The Uptown Butler gives you back the gift of time, that you can spend with family, friends, or gain a little pamper me time . We are here to make your life easier and free of stress, all of our clients absolutely love us & ALL of our services are tailored to fit YOUR NEEDS. We also offer our clients a non-disclosure policy. We will not share your name, or any other information. If you would like to learn more or schedule someone from our team please give us a call at 214-403-7204.