Every year the IRS releases a list of tax scams: Read and beware. #taxes #taxscams #scams
“Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams to Watch For
The question everyone has: Will Social Security be around for you? Read this. #socialsecurity #retirement
Social Security: The Elephant in the Room
Your local library is for more than just books; you might enjoy special programs and events organized there, which may help you meet fellow retirees and explore new interests.
There are billions in unclaimed dollars in the US. Is some of that yours?
Surprise! You’ve Got Money!
The financial risks to consider when evaluating self insurance? #Insurance
When to Self-Insure
These 6 things might make your next return a prime target for an IRS audit. #taxes #IRS #audit
Red Flags for Tax Auditors
Retirees often receive discounts at restaurants and other eateries. Sometimes, though, you might get greater satisfaction by sharpening your culinary skills. Consider taking a cooking class, so you can eat well at home too.
How much is enough for your emergency fund?
Your Emergency Fund: How Much Is Enough?
The average college senior graduates with credit card debt. How will your kids manage money?
Do Your Kids Know The Value of a Silver Spoon?
Retirement may change your perception of investment risk.
Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement
Staying active is important in retirement. Joining a gym or taking a fitness class might be one way to do that. Another way might be to walk more and drive less. Even one short walk each day could be beneficial.
In September, stock prices dropped as investors worried about stalled fiscal stimulus talks, the upcoming election, and new European coronavirus cases.
Monthly Market Insights | October 2020
Wall Street has a lot of cliches. How many do you know?
16 Wall Street Cliches in 60 Seconds
Periodic withdrawals in retirement may not be such a good idea.
Systematic Withdrawals in Retirement
Building a personal #legacy may be the highest order of altruism. It can begin with four simple steps.
Building Your Legacy
Surprises crop up every day, and they’re a great reason to work with us.
You are unique. Your goals and needs should be the basis of any financial strategy you follow. #WholeLifeInsurance
A Look at Whole Life Insurance
Property taxes too high? Here are ways to potentially lower your assessment. #homeowner #propertytax
How to Appeal Your Property Taxes
In December, stock prices rallied thanks to multiple COVID-19 vaccines and the signing of a new fiscal relief bill.
Monthly Market Insights | January 2021
The tax rules that govern donating art are complex and confusing. #taxes #art
Donating Art: Taxation Abstraction
Concerned about the social impact of your investments?
Investing with Your Heart
You’ve heard Medicare Parts A, B, C, & D referenced, but what do they mean—and what do they cover? Find out more here:
Breaking Down the Parts of Medicare
You’re the conductor of your 401k, IRA and taxable savings.
Orchestrating Your Retirement Accounts
With increasing wealth comes unique financial challenges.
Investment Challenges of the Affluent Investor
Some simple, inexpensive energy-saving tips that may help you save money.
A Penny Saved is Two Pennies Earned
Don't Forget! Valentine's Day is this Sunday. Here is your reminder to grab your loved one a card and some sweet treats!
Business owners should consider a succession plan sooner rather than later.
Succeeding at Business Succession
[Video] How familiar are you with the Federal Reserve? Here’s a quick history. #fed #federalreserve #fedpolicy
The Fed and How It Got That Way
As January came to a close, stocks were mixed as attention shifted to unprecedented activity around a handful of companies with short-interest positions.
Monthly Market Insights | February 2021
Whether your 65th birthday is on the horizon or decades away, understanding the different parts of Medicare is critical. [Learn More Now]
The A, B, C, & D of Medicare