The Zoe Abbott

(on lakeview)
Financial Services in Clearwater, FL
Financial Services


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


626 Lakeview Rd
Clearwater, FL


  • Financial Management
  • Life Insurance
  • Debt Relief
  • Tax Relief
  • Credit Repair
  • Financial Planning


It is an incredible thing that every day is a new opportunity to create your future 💫 You do not need to be trapped by patterns of the past. 😰 Bad debt, past failures, transgressions and losses can hold us back, but every single new day is a chance to break free from that through positive action. 💪 It’s an incredible adventure to see how high you can soar and it’s even better when you take others with you. I work with people to help them address what is holding them back in the area of money and finance. If you want help in this area please reach out at TheZoeAbbott.com or through DM.
I 100% know from talking to people some feel that life insurance can seem like an unneeded expense or scam. 💸 I know that in the past there are stories of being let down by insurance companies whether it be health benefits not covered or efforts to no pay on a claim.  There has been betrayal. 😭😡 Sometimes it can seem like you need the money NOW, not when you are dead. However, I have seen time and time again that lack of life insurance can devastate a family. 😨 I bought my first life insurance when I was 25. 🤱🏻It was a permanent plan that would give my family $1,000,000 if anything was to happen to me. I had just become a mother and I wasn’t making much money at the time, but I knew that I wanted to create stability for my daughter in the event anything was to happen. It was really such a small amount of money for such a large payoff of security. I also knew that down the line that money could be used to help my daughter, groups I care about and leave a legacy. 💯 Over the years that initial investment in the financial security of my family propelled me to create all different avenues of money generating endeavors. 💵🎉📈 I am not reliant upon just life insurance for the security of my family, but it is a vital aspect of my financial plan. September is #lifeinsuranceawareness month. Right now there are over 932K GoFundMe accounts listed with the word ‘funeral”. That is nearly a MILLION families and communities struggling with the death of a loved one. This is why I am passionate about helping families secure the right life insurance plan. Dying is simply expensive. 💸☠️ 💸 It’s a hard topic to think about let alone talk about, but it is part of life. We will all die. We might as well handle the expense now rather than leave it for our loved ones to deal with.
The last few months have proven to me that it does not take a long time to completely transform a life. 🤩 It absolutely takes hard work and dedication, but I have seen first hand that the factor of time does not play a major role. ⏳⏱ I have observed agents working on my team not only transform the lives of their clients in a matter of months, but personally create abundance in their own lives in that same time span. 💵⏰😊 I have seen my close friends handle major areas of stress through tackling the cause of that stress and resolving it in a matter of hours or a week or two. I personally have gotten my body into a condition I never thought would be possible in a relatively short time frame. 🏋🏻💃🏻 The small wins & the small steps done consistently with hard work and dedication get us there. 📈🎉🥳 Let’s work hard today guys! Photo by @theamyfitch
💵Financial Planning💵 This area is often equated with being frugal or “living within ones means”. 😝 On the opposite end you could be living extravagantly and being completely irresponsible. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Both activities are equally damaging to your financial health. 💸💸💸💸 The first thing I do with all my clients in a totally non-judgmental way, is work out where their mindset is around money. 😖🤪🥳 This area is full of misconceptions, false info, anxieties and stress. Those factors can completely block your ability to have money, make money and create wealth & happiness. Financial planning is not something to be stressed over or put off. It’s one of the most vital and empowering things you can do for yourself and your family. 📈🎉💯 If you feel ready to change your financial situation and build real wealth, security and happiness for yourself and your family please reach out at TheZoeAbbott.com - I would love to work with you.
I know that it can be hard to stay courageous and face the things that might be easier to ignore or put off until later. Maybe it’s that bill that came in the mail you are too scared to open, the conversation you can’t face having or the life change you know in your heart you need to make, but you are just too scared to make the leap. I want you to know that you CAN do it. You are actually natively courageous and you factually can just ignore all the negative thoughts, decide right now on the brave path and go! 💯 It’s only Tuesday. We have so much time left this week and in this month of September to make it the most productive one yet! 🎉📈 photo by @theamyfitch
Being a mom, business owner, entrepreneur and all the other life roles can be a lot sometimes and you can sort of lose yourself. 🤪 I have found that it’s important to work on self-betterment and personal growth concurrently with all those other things. If you are not doing well, that will reflect on everything around you. ✨🌎 This past year has been a period of a lot of personal growth for me and I’m excited for the future I am creating. ❤️
Life begins one step out of your comfort zone. 😅 Finding our way through difficulties is where we learn valuable lessons. ❤️ We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone. 🙇🏻‍♀️ Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible. 📈✨🚀 Real change can be difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. 💃🏻 Photo by @theamyfitch Dress by @evernew_official
I’m looking forward to a great week of helping my clients and my team achieve success! ✨📈❤️ I love what I do. There is nothing better than helping other people break free from the barriers that were stopping them from what they really want to achieve in life. When I help someone set up a tax sheltered savings and retirement plan or educate them on how to set up their finances so money becomes a tool for success rather than an anxiety riddled chain to the past, it allows them to look toward and create the future. I love helping people realize their dreams. ✨ It is the passion of my life. If you would like to become a financial consultant and agent please reach out. It’s incredibly rewarding to change people’s lives while also achieving success and happiness in your own life. https://thezoeabbott.com/join-the-team/
I choose happiness. I choose enjoying life. I choose working incredibly hard to help others. I choose to also love and help myself. This has been such an incredible life so far and I’m hopeful and excited for the future and all that we will create. ✨
I know It’s a lot harder in some ways, but it’s the most rewarding and fulfilling for yourself. 😊 If you don’t have residual or passive income you are living an uncertain life financially and in the future. 😬 There is not 100% security in a job, even a high paying one, so be smart and don’t rely on a paycheck or one single source of income ever. Don’t expect your job to fund your vision as your vision is probably a lot bigger than your paycheck. 💵📈💯 @thezoeabbott Money Truth of the Day #financialwife #moneytruth
You may not be able to tell, but I am incredibly excited for the projects my team and I have in the pipeline! 😜 So many great things to come with a team I truly love.✨📈❤️ Working out ways to help people on a whole new level! Stay tuned!! Photo: @theamyfitch
You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. ❤️ For me, I applied the tools and methods I use for business and finance to the handling of my body. I was done feeling upset about it and living in continuous physical pain so I changed my mind and got going. It all starts with a decision followed by continued, disciplined action. Building wealth, creating a business, getting healthy, raising kids & helping your community. It all needs to happen. Make that decision. Set star high goals. Work hard and celebrate the small milestones along the way. ✨📈❤️
I’m happy to be featured on Yahoo Money! Link below! 😊 I love the moment that happens with my clients where all of a sudden a switch flips and they go from feeling overwhelmed by money to feeling empowered by their ability to handle it. That is what gets me excited about working in the finance industry and helping people learn about the benefits of #lifeinsurance, #taxsheltered #retirement, #investments and #budgeting. Money is meant to empower you to accomplish your goals. It’s only energy. It’s not the end all. What you can create with money is all that matters. Check out the article! 📈✨🎉💵 https://money.yahoo.com/amphtml/millennial-master-finance-zoe-abbott-130000494.html MONEY.YAHOO.COM Millennial Master of Finance, Zoe Abbott shares her approach to Financial Planning
Do you feel trapped in your job? 😒 It can happen where you are making JUST enough money to get by, but not enough to really live the life you want. I know how that is. You can’t afford to quit but honestly you really can’t afford to keep going in that state. You must strive for abundance. 📈Making just enough money will always result in unexpected expenses, feeling like you can’t take chances and bad debt. 💳🔨 What is great about my team and our business model is it can be started part time as a side hustle. There is minimal investment monetarily to get started and success is based on hard work and helping others. For many of my agents, that side hustle becomes their main hustle and they break free from the 9-5 rat race to nowhere. If this is something you are interested in send me a message or sign up here - https://thezoeabbott.com/join-the-team/
Feeling ready to crush it this week! ✨📈💃🏻 #monday ✨New Monday ✨New Week ✨New Goals Time to take it to the next level! Photo by @brandon.faust @faust.photos
This was such a fun last minute shoot with @brandon.faust at Clearwater Beach. It’s been nice creating, having fun and wearing cute dresses all while growing my businesses and working on myself personally and as an artist. Life is pretty fun but a lot of hard work right now. 🥰📈🎉
The things you think about yourself, your ability and your worth will manifest in life, but how do you turn those negative thoughts off? You turn them off through action and production. By concentrating on production and recognizing the wins no matter how small you will bring about greater degrees of success and self-confidence. Try it today and through the weekend. If you need any help, please reach out. I am here. Xx Zoe @thezoeabbott #moneytruth of the day from your #financialwife ✨ Money and happiness flow toward productive and positive people. Get busy.
It’s been such a hard year. So much pain and heartache across the world. I truly believe that deep down as humanity we are strong enough to make it through this. There is a lot of negativity and hatred, but for that to even exist there MUST be a true foundation of love, otherwise it would just be indifference. Our bones are good and we will survive. I love you all. The Bones written by Maren Morris
I’m feeling thankful for a really transformative year personally and professionally. 💜 Thank you so much to all my family and friends who have been so supportive. ✨💜 Thank you to my incredible clients, it’s such an honor to help you and to see your life grow and expand. 🎉📈💜 Photo by @theamyfitch Shoes and Dress @gioffrefashion #financialfreedom #dream #femalefounder #ceo #femaleceo #workingmother #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurmindset #financialadvisor #lifeinsuranceflorida #invest #style #luxury #happiness #wfh #wfg #iamwfg #trtakeover #weightlosstransformation #journey #gioffre #purplehair #sunshinestate
I had an incredible time in California, but I’m happy to be home in the Sunshine State. ☀️ 🌴 💜 - For all my Florida clients or anyone interested in working with me, feel free to reach out! TheZoeAbbott.com Photo by @theamyfitch Jacket @gioffrefashion Hat @brixton
I am thankful for working in a business and industry that is always needed and in demand. 💜 Recession proof and pandemic proof. 💪 For anyone that has been the adverse effect of these times, it may be time to review your options and consider taking on more or making a transition. If you would like to learn more about what I do as a Financial Success Consultant, reach out at TheZoeAbbott.com
Enjoying life with the hustle. 😊 I think a lot of people have this idea to work really hard for a long time and then enjoy themselves. When the truth is you have to enjoy what you do and enjoy yourself along the way. Not just work hard with the idea that later you will do nothing. We are not designed to do nothing. 😟 We are designed to be productive, be creative, make things, and do things. ✨ Don’t do anything that you don’t enjoy with the idea that hopefully you will be able to do nothing later. That will never fulfill you. ✨Enjoy your life. ✨Enjoy the process. I love the idea of living life as if each day is not taken for granted. Xx, Zoe
Happy Saturday guys. I love fluffy pillows. How about you? 😂 Hope you enjoy your weekend! ❤️ #📷 @theamyfitch #saturdayvibes #entrepreneurlife #wfg #lifeinsurance #investment #selfworth #happiness #purplehair #decor #glamboss #financialliteracy #financialfreedom #financialsuccess #financialwife #thezoeabbott
There is an abundance of success, money and happiness. Go create it.
For years I limited my own success with the idea that I could only be good at one thing or not have it all. The idea that I had to sacrifice one thing for another. Either I was going to be successful in business and sacrifice happiness and health or I would struggle financially while doing what made me happy and healthy. My REAL success started when I saw that it is possible to have it all and anyone who tells you that you can’t or that it’s impossible is dealing with their own struggles and uses that as an excuse for failure. Ultimate success across all aspects of life is the goal I work towards every single day. Photo by @brandon.faust @karinafaust8 Hair and Makeup @ashwithlash_ Dress @gioffreclearwater @rockchicchick @angela.gioffre
I am honored to be hosting a panel on Thursday February 25th at 8pm EST along side such incredible women and @themoderndaywife The Fuel Your Fire Event is designed to give you mini workshops to provide you with tools and resources to take your goals and dreams to the next level. I’ll be speaking about how to gain control of your finances so you can fully enjoy the present while building financial security in the future. It’s hard to achieve big dreams without money and I’ll be sharing my strategies on budgets, financial freedom, investing and legacy building. Sign up via the link in my bio! Use the code: ZOE10 for 10% off your ticket. https://buytickets.at/themoderndaywife/r/zoeabbott
What do you think about this? It’s an interesting concept to be both never satisfied while also being able to acknowledge the wins and successes. What is your view on that mindset?
At the end of the day the most important thing for me is how I treat other people and the relationships we develop. ❤️☺️ For me it doesn’t matter if someone is rich, poor or anywhere in between. Each person is important and has potential to do great things. Honestly, this is what I have built my business around. I don’t chase people for deals. I make friends. I truly work to help people. I build trust and I deliver good service no matter the financial situation someone may be in. Helping people gain sanity on their finances so they can accomplish their goals and live a happier and more fulfilling life is what is important. I’m proud that I was able to come out to California this week and help some friends with just that. If you need help reach out at TheZoeAbbott.com Xx Zoe your #financialwife Photo @brandon.faust @karinafaust8 @ashwithlash_


Company name
The Zoe Abbott
Financial Services


  • What is the phone number for The Zoe Abbott in Clearwater FL?
    You can reach them at: 727-422-3238. It’s best to call The Zoe Abbott during business hours.
  • What is the address for The Zoe Abbott on lakeview in Clearwater?
    The Zoe Abbott is located at this address: 626 Lakeview Rd Clearwater, FL 33756.
  • What are The Zoe Abbott(Clearwater, FL) store hours?
    The Zoe Abbott store hours are as follows: Mon-Sat: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sun: Closed.