Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) might be the law, but it's not a perfect measurement of how impaired you were. Tests can be administered imperfectly, while some people really do have a high alcohol tolerance. Our firm does everything possible to question the results of a BAC test in court to give our clients the benefit of the doubt.
Read about what happens when your BAC doesn't match your impairment:
While domestic violence is a very real problem, unscrupulous individuals can use false domestic violence accusations as leverage against a spouse in a dispute. Even when accusers want to walk back their accusations, prosecutors will not drop charges.
If you've been falsely accused of domestic violence, read this article to figure out what to do next or call us directly for a free consultation:
One of the hardest things about a DUI conviction is the loss of the ability to drive. Fortunately for first-time offenders, some drivers might qualify for the Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism (RIDR) program. Completing this program reduces your charge to reckless driving, which means your license won't be suspended.
If your license is suspended, you may be able to apply for a hardship license, which is a provisional driver's license that allows you to drive for specific reasons (for work, for school, for medical reasons, etc).
Learn more about drivers license suspension here:
Tampa Driver's License Suspension Lawyer | Suspended Licenses in Florida
Florida law is designed to discourage people from refusing to take a blood, breath, or urine test. While you cannot be physically forced to comply with a chemical DUI test, refusing to take the test—even if you're later found not guilty of DUI—will automatically result in your license being suspended for a year. In some cases, you may be charged with a misdemeanor for refusal.
However, you CAN refuse to take a field sobriety test. Refusal may not protect you from arrest, but you are able to refuse without incurring any criminal penalties.
Refusing a Blood, Breath, or Urine Test in Florida
It's possible to move while you're on probation—but your probation officer (and the court) will need to approve it first. Keep in mind that no matter where you move, you'll still need to meet with your probation officer one-on-one.
This may not apply to everyone; some people are considered a "flight risk" and may need to remain in the area.
Learn more on our blog!
Can I Move While on Probation?
If you're facing domestic violence charges, there are three things you need to do as soon as possible:
1) Consult with an attorney.
2) Change your login info for your phone, bank account, social media accounts, and other vital info.
3) Present all evidence to your attorney.
With cases like these, it's crucial that you don't try to 'fix it yourself.' The stakes of your case could affect where you're allowed to live, whether you're allowed to see your children, and other serious consequences. Speak with an attorney at Thomas & Paulk as soon as possible.
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