Tran Star Transmission

(on long)
Auto Repair in Houston, TX
Auto Repair


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


6363 Long Dr
Houston, TX


Est. 1991 by Mr. Frank, Tran Star Transmission is Houston’s most trusted transmission repair shop. We have been providing the Houston area with reliably great transmission services for over 25 years. At Tran Star Transmission, we take tremendous pride in keeping drivers safe on the road and being able to handle virtually all transmission services for both foreign and domestic transmissions. Whether you need a clutch replacement, transmission replacement, rebuild, or a simple flush, our certified technicians can handle it. All of our work is guaranteed, and we take pride in offering affordable rates. We service the transmission of nearly all makes and models. We take care of your vehicle’s transmission, so you can shift with ease and drive with peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more!


Tran Star Transmission Photo


  • Transmission Rebuilding
  • Computer Diagnosis
  • Transmission Fluid Change


TRANSMISSION REPAIR & REBUILD A scheduled Transmission Rebuilding is a crucial aspect to maintaining a dependable and sturdy automobile. Making your car work harder than it needs to will shorten its life. Want to get your vehicle in tip-top shape? Drop it off at Trans Star Transmission for a Transmission Rebuilding today. Our services are backed by an amazing 12 month, unlimited mile warranty! Give us a call or stop on by for any of your transmission related questions and concerns.
Transtar Transmission added 3 new photos — at Transtar Transmission. March 25 at 9:57 AM · Houston, TX ·
Transfer Case 4x4 Repair If your trucks 4x4 is acting up, come bring it to Tran Star Transmission today!
Rear Main Seal Replacement If your vehicle is leaking motor oil from the rear main seal, bring it over to Tran Star Transmission and we'll take care of you!
Transtar Transmission added 2 new photos — at Transtar Transmission. March 11 at 8:37 AM · Houston, TX ·
-Quitar y poner transmisiones automaticas -Necesario tener sus propia herramienta -Estamos locados por el 610 y 45 Sur llame 713-643-7618 TRANSTAR TRANSMISSION MECANICO (Instalador de Transmisiones)


Company name
Tran Star Transmission
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Tran Star Transmission in Houston TX?
    You can reach them at: 713-574-1473. It’s best to call Tran Star Transmission during business hours.
  • What is the address for Tran Star Transmission on long in Houston?
    Tran Star Transmission is located at this address: 6363 Long Dr Houston, TX 77087.
  • What are Tran Star Transmission(Houston, TX) store hours?
    Tran Star Transmission store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.