Ethos of True Green Promos
Be as green as can be.
At True Green Promos, we continuously strive to offer tradeshow and promos items that leave the softest footprints possible on our environment.
To deliver on our promise to bring you the greenest solutions, we:
Only offer products made from recycled, sustainable or long-lived materials
Source as locally as possible to minimize the carbon footprint of our offered products
Deliver our products in zero-waste packaging, and
Vet our suppliers, and our supplier?s suppliers, to ensure that each and every green claim on our website is substantiated.
Being truly green in the real world is hard work. While other suppliers turn a blind-eye to wide-spread green-washing, we investigate our various supply chains so that our clients are able to fulfill, in fact not just in word, their own missions to be better stewards of the environment.
And if you find an environmentally superior version of anything on our site, please let us know. We will send you a thank you gift.