Hi, I am Gabriela Guime, sole owner of TwistyPen. When I started doing translation work, I have always been keen on keeping the right meaning of what is being translated rather than doing a word-for-word translation. There are so many nuances with the spanish language that just doing a word-for-word translation becomes ineffective. There are sentences that have a deeper meaning, or words that are actually hard to represent in spanish. I differentiate from other translation/interpretation services in that I take the time to understand, digest and then express the work in Spanish. I simply don't just "google translate" and correct.I pride myself on creating translations that not only read well, but convey the actual meaning of the material being translated. Having grew up in Ecuador, coming from long-line of spanish teachers, I have gathered a pool of experience in reading/writing and crafting well-versed passages in Spanish.Be trying to reach new customers by offering spanish-ready descriptions, or educating your employess by having spanish manuals, I can help! Give me a call or drop me an email