An Uncontested Divorce can Save You Time and Money over the Traditional Contested Divorce
This word evokes the range of emotions involved in ending a marriage. It also evokes thoughts of the cost and time needed to complete a divorce, and the confusion that can surround lengthy legal proceedings. Many people facing divorce feel that their lives will be put on hold while their case makes its way slowly through the courts, and attorneys collect sizable fees.
Uncontested divorce in Jacksonville, Florida does not have to be lengthy, expensive, or confusing. At the Law Office of Attorney Robert Peters, we offer low flat fees for uncontested divorces, and focus on completing your divorce as quickly as possible, often without you coming to our office or having multiple court appearance.
Uncontested Divorce is Fast, and inexensive
The cost of an uncontested divorce in Jacksonville, Florida does not have to be expensive. In an uncontested divorce, for example, the parties have agreed in advance how to divide marital property, allocate debts, arrange for custody of minor children and set spousal support.