Shipping is alive and well! Tight capacity and record rates. If you're placing orders now, let your freight forwarder and customs broker know your anticipated ship date. Make sure your container gets moving! #unitmoves, #unitinternational, #freightforwarder, #uscustomsbroker
Goods entering the U.S. may no longer be marked with the country of origin of Hong Kong. They must be marked with county of origin of China.
Be careful out there! #BadSeeds
States are warning people about suspicious packages of seeds that appear to be from China
#UnitInternational, #PurchaseInsurance, #ItHappens
If you're paying ad valorem tariffs on import products from China, make sure you check the exception lists. You may be eligible for a retroactive refund if your product qualifies. If you're unsure, call us. We'd be happy to check for you.