Meet Coach Ray Candidate for Lee County Sheriff
Public Forum
Public Forum
A government agency that receives money for employees, equipment and everyday cost but does not use that money by the end of the year will either not receive the same amount of money next year or has to return that money. One two or three months before the end of the fiscal year the head of the department says no I want to have this money just in case, but most of the employees say we need someone to fill this department or we need this equipment why not spend the money since we have it. let's use that money to make improvements within the department such as training and better equipment and so on. If we don't use it we will lose it. Every person that is born and dies between that amount of time you are given an important resource called TIME. Time is no different than the excess money, how will you use your time to benefit you and your family. Stop saying one day I will do this or I will do that or I will go to school or I will open a business and so on. The only time you have is now. Make the best use of it. Once it's gone you can't get it back. Just do it, now!
Sometimes the wind blows against you, head on, to the left and to the right, but eventually it will blow to the back of you and push you along. Hang in there, the wind you are looking for is coming.