Music has a powerful effect on our emotions. We often listen to music that reflects what we are feeling. For example, if you feel happy, you’ll likely listen to joyful music, or if you feel sad you might listen to something more soothing and somber. We can also use music to evoke a desired emotion. If you feel sad and maybe you want to feel happy you might listen to some upbeat music to help change your mood.
The Use of Music in Pregnancy, Labor, Birth & Newborns | UVM Medical Center Blog
Pregnancy and early parenthood are filled with intense changes that can bring both joy and stress. Research shows that mindfulness can boost our moods and reduce anxiety and depression. It can also improve concentration and memory, decrease heart disease and high blood pressure, and strengthen our immune systems.
Pregnancy: Mindfulness Meditation for Health & Stress Reduction
In January of 2017, Anya Koutras, MD, packed her bags and traveled to Ddegaya, Uganda for the first time. Ddegaya is a rural town five hours south of Kampala, the capital of Uganda. In Ddegaya, Anya volunteered at Engeye, a non-profit health clinic for the surrounding rural community.
Vermont Family Doctor Treats Families in Rural Uganda
Stephen Brown, MD, specialist in gynecology, obstetrics, clinical genetics and clinical molecular genetics, explains what we know about Trisomy 21, better known as Down Syndrome.
Trisomy: What is it and What Does it Mean for Pregnancy?
Majorie Meyer, MD, obstetrician and maternal fetal medicine physician, weighs in on cord blood banking.
Cord Blood Banking: What Expecting Parents Need to Know