Valley Chiropractic Clinic

(on jordan ave)
Chiropractors in Juneau, AK
Massage Therapy
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


7:00AM - 6:00PM
7:00AM - 6:00PM
7:00AM - 6:00PM
7:00AM - 6:00PM
7:00AM - 6:00PM
8:00AM - 12:00PM


2203 Jordan Ave
Juneau, AK


If you or a loved one suffers from chronic migraines or back pain, visit the caring professionals at Valley Chiropractic Clinic. Located in Juneau, AK, the team at this clinic is dedicated to providing treatment, education, and pain relief to their patients. With more than 35 years of experience, you can trust them with your needs, regardless of your specific ailment.

As a locally owned and operated chiropractic clinic, they treat everyone who walks through their doors with compassion and personal attention. When you visit their office, they’ll sit down with you to review your condition and progress, as well as offer suggestions for what you can do between visits to help your recovery and overall wellness. You can also benefit from their “No Wait Policy” to minimize interruption to your day.

These chiropractors take a gentle approach to alleviating pain from sports injuries, auto accidents, work injuries, and chronic back and neck pain. They accomplish this by utilizing a variety of treatments, including spinal adjustments, functional medicine, physical therapy, therapeutic massage, clinical nutrition, cold laser therapy, and decompression therapy.

The mission of Valley Chiropractic Clinic is to support as many patients as possible, educating them so they can better their lives. Along with personalized care and a custom treatment plan, they accept most insurance providers and complete the paperwork for you so you can focus on healing.

You don’t have to suffer from chronic pain. Receive the care you deserve at Valley Chiropractic Clinic. Call them today at (907) 789-9549 to schedule an initial consultation or visit them online for more information. You can also like them on Facebook.


Valley Chiropractic Clinic Photo Valley Chiropractic Clinic Photo


On a scale of one to 10, how would you rate your happiness? How about your health? Could your score use a boost? Post your answers in the comments below! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
The good news is that unless you’re already suffering from an extreme spinal curvature, the effects and symptoms of poor posture can almost ALWAYS be reversed. It’s also worth noting that many of these simple exercises can be performed at home after an initial consultation to ensure they are the correct motions for your body. This means that quite often it’s possible for you to return yourself to optimum health and happiness simply by remembering to prioritize proper alignment throughout your day! Try these simple corrections to optimize alignment: - Sit up straight - Tuck your chin in towards your chest to lengthen the back of the spine - Don’t cross your legs when sitting at a desk - this places unnecessary pressure on the lower back muscles and compresses the lumbar spine. What are you waiting for? Start correcting your posture today! Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Figures show that between 30-40% of the elderly adult population suffer from some sort of postural or spinal deformity. If you’d like to reduce the likelihood of developing a spinal curvature or difficulty with alignment as you age, then it’s vital for you to begin addressing any postural difficulties as soon as you can! Optimal postural alignment allows for correct energy flow through the body, causing muscles to return to normal functioning as it’s ensured they do not have to overcompensate for poor posture. This results in improved circulation, faster healing time from injury and illness, and an overall boost in energy levels. Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
“Self-love requires you to be honest about your current choices and thought patterns and undertake new practices that reflect self-worth.” -Caroline Kirk Self-love is achievable when life is simplified when you realize you are deserving, and when you actively work to improve health. Self-love is so important the internet is bursting with quotes on it! “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating in which people cycle between periods of fasting and eating. Rather than specifying which foods you should eat, intermittent fasting dictates when you should eat them. Two popular methods include: The 16/8 method, which involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours, and fasting for 16 hours in between. The 5:2 diet where you consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week, but eat normally for the remaining 5 days. Intermittent fasting has allowed many to lose weight and maintain healthy eating. Get more great health tips with our bi-monthly newsletter! Sign up here! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Research shows vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissue all over the body. Because the body cannot make this vitamin, it must be acquitted through the diet. Though it may not keep you from catching a cold, there is some evidence that high doses of vitamin C may decrease the length of cold symptoms by as much as one to one-and-a-half days for some people. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, green and red bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kiwifruit, among others. #wellness #ValleyChiroCrew #StaySafe Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here:
If you lack confidence, living a healthier lifestyle will help! When you start feeling good about your body, you become more confident every time you look at yourself in the mirror. When you look good outside, you start feeling amazing inside too, and that can be seen in all aspects of your life! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Did you know exercise is a crucial part of fibromyalgia management? Share what you currently do for physical activity in the comments below. Try to incorporate aerobic, strengthening, and flexibility exercises as part of a regular exercise program to help relieve pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms. #fibromyalgia #chronicpain #chronicillness #invisibleillness #fibrowarrio
If you said Swedish, you’re right! The Swedish style massage is the best-known form practiced in the West. Swedish massage combines a number of techniques for the ultimate relaxation experience. By working the soft tissues and muscles in the body, massage helps restore balance and health. During a Swedish massage, oil or lotion is applied to the skin to reduce friction while various massage strokes are applied. The goal is to work out tension and knotted muscles to promote better health. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
You may have heard the saying, “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” This is often the case when we fill our plates with more food than our stomach can hold, which, of course, leads to overeating. To avoid this, try eating from smaller plates. #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
The truth is that eating healthy and taking care of your body adds up over time to increase your life expectancy. What changes can you make to ensure a long, healthy life? #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Chronic disease is rampant in today’s society. Although some of the risk factors for diseases such as genetics are out of your control, healthy lifestyle behaviors can aid in keeping you healthy. To prevent lifestyle-related diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, make sure to eat a balanced diet, participate in daily physical activity, and allow yourself 7-8 hours of sleep each night. #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Make your own unique massage oil essential oil blends! What you need: 1-2 oz of a carrier oil 10-12 drops essential oils Carrier oils are indispensable when blending essential oils for skin application. Essential oils are highly concentrated and need to be diluted before applying to the skin. Additionally, by mixing with an appropriate carrier oil, the oils will be better absorbed by the body. My personal favorite carrier oils include: sweet almond oil jojoba oil coconut oil shea butter Feel free to also experiment with mixing different carrier oils to create your perfect blend! Popular oil scents to try: frankincense essential oil bergamot essential oil sweet orange essential oil peppermint essential oil rosemary essential oil Check out these recipes to help you get started: Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Aromatherapy massage is a great way to enhance your massage experience. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant oils offering a host of different benefits. During an aromatherapy massage, essential oils can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin, or both. The combination of essential oils and massage promotes beneficial changes in your mind and body by affecting the limbic system, a region of the brain known to influence the nervous system. Some commonly used oils and their benefits: -Calming: chamomile, lavender, and geranium oil -Uplifting: ylang-ylang, clary sage, rose, and neroli oil -Energizing: rosemary oil -Decongesting: eucalyptus, pine, and tea tree oil Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Migraines remains a poorly understood disease that is often undiagnosed and undertreated. In fact, more than 50% of migraine sufferers are never diagnosed. Furthermore, 25% of migraine sufferers would benefit from preventive care, yet only 12% receive it. If you’re not part of the 12%, here are lifestyle tips to help prevent migraines: Get the recommended amount of 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Exercise regularly to make migraines shorter, less severe, and happen less often. Keep blood sugar levels stable by eating regularly. Participate in daily stress-relieving activities of your choice. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Maintaining a diet rich in probiotic foods can help maintain gut health and reduce sugar cravings. This is because the harmful bacteria feed on sugar and signal your brain to eat more. However, when healthy bacteria is balanced, these cravings are reduced. Probiotic-rich foods include fermented foods such as: Plain yogurt Kefir Sauerkraut Kimchi Do you regularly eat any probiotics? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Aging is something we can’t avoid, but we CAN avoid brittle bones, weak muscles, and other health issues that can appear over time. A nutrition-rich diet, enough exercise, and quality sleep are the key ingredients to staying in great shape at any age! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here:
Finding a happy medium when it comes to creating healthy habits is a must! Tweak all the aspects of your life that point you in more of a healthy direction. Start easy by removing some unhealthy foods, working on managing your time to allow for more sleep, and throw a tube of sunscreen in your purse! All these little tweaks will make a world of difference in your life! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
“I think everybody’s weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.” – Johnny Depp Embrace self-love! Treat yourself to a massage. You’re worth it! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
The best way to determine if certain foods may be responsible for your migraines is to start a food journal. This will help you connect the dots between triggers and episodes. Common triggers include: Chocolate Coffee MSG: Monosodium Glutamate Beer Red Wine Cheese Salami Have you ever kept a food journal? What did you find out? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
I can’t overstate how crucial fiber is to a healthy diet. Fiber can increase satiety and help you control your weight over time, but studies show most of us aren’t getting enough of it. According to the American Heart Association, the daily value for fiber is 25 grams per day. Use this chart to help guide you in increasing your fiber intake: #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Check out this informative video on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here:
It may seem expensive to live a healthy lifestyle but think about the cost of treating disease. It's your money- you decide where you want to spend it: at the grocery store or a doctor's office! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
In her powerful TED Talk on body language and posture (linked below), Amy Cuddy has discussed how holding the body in various positions has specific effects on our overall mood and outlook. It can increase confidence, decrease anxiety, and ensure that all bodily functions are optimized. She describes how taking a ‘large stance’ such as expanding the feet wide and opening the arms out to the side actually increases testosterone production and reduces stress hormones significantly. It goes without saying that the way we hold ourselves has a direct effect on outlook and mood. Take a listen to Amy’s talk and share in the comments what you think! Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Studies show that many types of stress or intense emotions are linked to migraines. Some reported stressful situations that may trigger your migraines include: work tension relationship issues financial stress anxiety lack of sleep Have you linked a certain stressor to your migraines? Do you have any stress-reducing activities you do regularly? Research shows that a stressful event or a particularly stressful day often occurs 2 to 3 days before a migraine attack. Any means of reducing stress can help prevent stress-related migraines. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Ever hear about a trigger point massage? During a massage, specific points, called trigger points, can be worked to relieve pain in other parts of the body. Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain. Learn more about trigger points here: Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
When it comes to weight loss, the importance of sleep is highly underrated—but it’s just as important as eating healthy and exercising. In fact, studies show that poor sleep is one of the most substantial risk factors for obesity. If you don’t already have a bedtime routine, it’s time to start one! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Yes, working out burns energy, but it also leads to more energy, it’s true!! This is because working out strengthens your heart allowing it to work more efficiently. Have you done anything to increase your heart rate yet today? #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here:
When you start feeling great about yourself and your body, you’ll become an inspiration to those around you. When you become more full of life, excitement, and confidence, other people will want to learn from you! This goes to show, living a healthy lifestyle is not only benefiting you but also to those around you. #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Among the numerous symptoms and effects of poor posture, increased stress and tension has to be one of the most debilitating and frequently observed by chiropractors. This can be due to a number of things, but most often from physical stress being placed on the body due to poor alignment, which translates to soreness and pain, which in turn leads to mental stress. The decreased levels of testosterone caused by poor alignment can also be a factor, as cortisol levels will increase to counteract this. The posturally challenged individual will be left stressed, sad, and unwilling to move the body to shift it! (This may sound extreme, but trust us, we’ve seen it happen!) In fact, it’s even possible to build resilience to stress by remembering to sit up straight and commit to a period of proper posture instead of allowing the body to be slouched or hunched throughout the day. Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Any migraine sufferers will know this answer is FALSE. Compared with a migraine, tension-type headache is generally less severe and rarely disabling. Tension headaches can be described as having mild to moderate pain intensity, distracting but not debilitating pain, and accompanied by a steady ache on both sides of the head. Migraines, on the other hand, are defined by moderate to severe pain, intense pounding, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
The biggest difference in Shiatsu massage is no oil or lotion is used. Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork stemming from traditional Chinese medicine. Localized pressure using the therapist's fingers, hands, and elbows stimulates acupressure points on the body to improve the flow of energy and help regain balance. Shiatsu massage is effective for minimizing symptoms of various conditions, such as arthritis, insomnia, back and neck pain, sciatica, and even sinus problems. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
If you are looking for a heartfelt and meaningful message then you will appreciate this video! YOUTUBE.COM Christian the Lion: Original Viral Video
One of the keys to success for weight loss is committing to yourself and truly believing that you’re worth the effort to change. This means holding yourself accountable, accepting slips ups, and celebrating small goals. How can you commit to yourself for success? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Perhaps by scheduling a massage? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
We always encourage practice members who have children to bring their kids into our office because starting care in their formative years makes an enormous difference as they grow and mature. Acute conditions may result from birth trauma, sports mishaps, and accidental injury. Chiropractic care benefits children by correcting the spinal alignment to improve their overall health. When vertebral joints are misaligned during birth or from a blow or fall, muscle tissue and nerves may also be affected. Spinal adjustment frees joints, restores motion, and relieves nerve pressure which may be the cause of additional ailments. Parents report successful results in children's health issues such as acute earache, upper respiratory infection, muscle pain, neck pain, and accident trauma. #GetChecked #ChiroForKids #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
We always keep these in stock for this reason (minus the HCQ, of course!) Pamela Inman November 12 at 9:35 PM · Electrolytes are life saving. Copper is very helpful in ridding fungus, bacteria, virus. Magnesium with potassium is so healthy. Right purportions are important.
You don’t have to become a vegetarian, just make sure that plants take up at least half of your plate! Replace the meat and potatoes for meals that contain 80% veggies and a small side of lean protein such as grilled chicken or fish. #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation
Problems like herniated or degenerative discs usually start small but NEVER underestimate the potential pain! As the causes of these problems are widespread, the treatment plan will vary from person to person. Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
Very few of us are eating enough fruits and veggies. For better health, you want to aim for 5 portions per day! Check out this fruits and vegetables serving sizes from the American Heart Association to make sure you’re getting at least 5 portions: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Massage is the perfect therapy for moms-to-be. Suffering from lower back pain, swollen ankles, and sleepless nights is common during pregnancy. Unfortunately common over the counter remedies are not allowed! Prenatal massage is a relatively safe, drug-free way to provide relief. Look for a practitioner who is experienced and licensed in prenatal massage with the know-how to properly apply techniques during pregnancy to position and support the pregnant person's body. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so, there’s a good chance that your immune system is not performing optimally. Misalignments (or subluxations) in the spine will cause poor communication between your brain and your immune system. Chiropractors restore that broken communication through gentle adjustments that align your vertebrae which helps allow your body to take better care of itself. With a properly functioning central nervous system, your immune system will be better equipped to defend your body from disease and infection. Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
We spend our lives sitting – at our desks, in front of the TV, in a meeting, or in the car. Break your sitting time by standing for five minutes every hour! #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Who is COMMITTED to teaching their children the WELLNESS LIFESTYLE?! - Frequent adjustments and chiropractic care - A healthy, fresh, nutritious diet -Daily fun exercise -A positive self-image that encourages them to stay true to their values and to cultivate a strong set of morals and judgment. #GetChecked #ChiroForKids #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition Please let us know if you have any questions! Give us a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here:
While boys are impacted by migraines more in childhood than girls, women are affected more than men in adulthood. 85% of chronic migraine sufferers are women. Roughly 1 in 4 women will experience migraine in their lives. Three times as many women as men suffer from migraine in adulthood. More severe and more frequent attacks often result from fluctuations in estrogen levels. Do you know if your migraines are hormone driven? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Envision your ideal life. Think of goals you wish to achieve, dreams you wish to transform into reality. All of it is possible. Through positive thinking, self belief, and productive action, you will create a wondrous universe which becomes your everyday life. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Did you know regular massage sessions rejuvenate the skin? Massage increases circulation helping to remove toxins from the body and deliver nutrients to the sebaceous glands, which in turn makes the skin softer and more supple. So go ahead, indulge yourself, you deserve it! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
The Problem - Stiff neck and shoulder muscles The Cause - Lack of movement and mobility of the upper body, likely to be experienced by desk workers. The Solution - Moving only the head. Allow the chin to drop down towards the sternum, stretching out the back of the neck. Repeat up to 10 times a day. Similarly, rounded shoulders are caused by a weakness in the trapezius muscles of the upper back and shoulder blades. To combat this, lie on your belly with the palms facing the floor and the elbows bent at 90-degree angles from the body. Use an inhale breath to lift the entire front of your body from the floor and keep the chin tucked in towards the sternum. What are your most commonly experienced postural complaints? Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
Migraines are actually the sixth most disabling illnesses in the world! While most sufferers experience attacks once or twice a month, more than 4 million people have chronic daily migraines with at least 15 migraine days per month. Are you one of the more than 90% of sufferers unable to work or function normally during their migraine? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
What benefits has your child experienced once under chiropractic care? Please share because you never know how far-reaching your words will travel! #GetChecked #ChiroForKids #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Does asthma run your life? During the breathing process, signals in the nervous system travel from our brain to the spinal cord in the neck. By relaxing tension and pressure in this area of the spine, patients can experience relief of their breathing-related symptoms. In a two-month study of patients who had chiropractic care to help their breathing, patients treated had a 45% decrease overall in the number of attacks that occurred, and 31% of patients were able to decrease or stop medication. These results were highlighted in the treatment of asthma in children. Sources: Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
Standing in line at the mall, wrapping gifts, and giving hugs DOES NOT count as exercise. Get creative with your exercise routine. Bonus points if you include the family! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Try reflexology! Applying pressure to specific points in the feet and hands can balance your nervous system and stimulate endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural pleasure hormones needed to reduce stress and discomfort. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Take the following self-checks in the mirror to do a quick self-analysis of your posture: 1. Take a side body photo and a front-view photo of yourself. 2. One the side body photo, check to see if your ear is in front of the midpoint of your shoulder. If so, it’s likely your head is too far forwards. 3. In the front photo check to see if one shoulder is higher than the other. 4. Also, check if your feet turn out more than 10 degrees to either side. These are just some of the seemingly minuscule alignment issues which can result in bigger problems down the line if not addressed in the early days of misalignment. As always, make sure to seek professional opinion when beginning a course of exercises or correctional movements! Want to know more about how to get healthier and stay way? Sign up for our newsletter and get free expert advice: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew
In life, there will be critics and people who are intimidated by your ambitions, hopes, and dreams. However, there will also be those who admire your passion and energy, and want to see you succeed. Focus on the positives; never allow anyone to dim your light. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Functional medicine is a technique that holistically treats the body as a whole, rather than individual parts. By identifying the root cause of conditions, functional medicine treats the cause rather than the symptoms. Have you considered seeing a functional medicine specialist to treat your migraines? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
I’ve always preferred to eat my calories versus drinking them, especially when the food is much better than the drink choices! Soda, wine, beer, eggnog… keep it out of your cup and out of your regrets. #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
One of the greatest gifts that we receive at our office is when a child experiences an adjustment and smiles!!! #GetChecked #ChiroForKids #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Have you considered meditation as a migraine treatment? The key is regular practice. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day, you can reduce migraines and improve overall health! If you’re interested here’s a guided meditation to try: Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #Migraine #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Your health is just as important (More) then the Christmas cookies!
Fill in empty time between courses with movement-based activities. Dance, sing, play, make memories! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Did you know massages aid in detoxification? Just think about all those (failed) detox fasts. Skip the fast and book a massage! During a massage, the lymphatic system is worked along with the muscles. The lymphatic system distributes fluid throughout the body helping to fight infection. However, unlike the heart, the lymphatic system does not have a pump, which is why massage is needed to aid the flow. By speeding up the flow of the lymph fluid, the body can carry toxins away from the muscles and organs to be removed and secreted from the body. This boosts the immune and autonomic nervous system, helping to prevent infection and keeping you toxin-free. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Never ever forget that you become what you believe. Combine your self belief with a killer work ethic and you shall achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams! Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Health is the combination of science and art. The science is what all of us know… -Eat a well-balanced diet -Exercise regularly -Get sleep -Drink water -Perform stress reduction activities The ART is how you go about making HEALTH your own. Find a way to enjoy the process of getting healthy so that the choices you make become habitual and are much much, much easier to consistently achieve. My question for you is…What is your IDEAL version of HEALTH for you? #LetsBeEPIC
When it comes to desserts, I’m all in! I want to try it all! Except I usually outsmart myself and pre-commit to splitting my dessert with someone. This way we can both sample a few things without eating the full piece and without being wasteful. It’s a win-win! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
“I found in my research that the biggest reason people aren’t more self-compassionate is that they are afraid they’ll become self-indulgent. They believe self-criticism is what keeps them in line. Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says being hard on yourself is the way to be.” – Kristen Neff Life is hard enough! Give yourself a break. De-stress with massage therapy to improve your health and wellbeing and retrain your brain for positive self-talk instead of negative self-criticism. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Massage
Your dreams are your innermost calling. Always remain steadfast and never ever give up on what sets your soul on fire. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
It is time to LOVE your naysayers. The people who doubt you. The people who challenge you. The people who try to get in your way! YOUTUBE.COM Why To Love Your Haters | Robin Sharma
Many people set goals each year and most of them fall short for a variety of reasons…. -Time -Money -Discipline -Direction -Clarity -Etc. But what if this year was YOUR YEAR - the MOST EPIC YEAR YET?!?!?! I am going to post daily challenges over the next couple of months that (if implemented) are guaranteed to change your life forever. So, if you are READY to take your life to a level that always seemed impossible to reach comment below with “I AM READY!” I am excited to go on a journey with you for an absolutely EPIC year! If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Everyone dies, but not everyone LIVES!! Make the choice - how will you LIVE? YOUTUBE.COM Prince Ea - Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives
What can get done tomorrow should ALWAYS get done TODAY. Let’s make the commitment to TAKE ACTION on anything that we have put off for far too long… -Date night with your partner? -Starting a new business? -Meeting with a friend? -Eating healthy or exercising? -Writing your book? -Etc. Who is ready to TAKE ACTION with me? If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Are you a turkey fiend? Remember to reach for the lighter pieces of meat if you’re counting calories. (Bonus points if you remember to take off the skin!) #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Fill in the blank and share your response… Over 50 million adults are living with arthritis. How does it impact your life? Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #arthritis #chronicpain
If you wait for the ideal moment, you will be waiting forever. It is up to YOU to seize the moment and make it right! Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Treat yourself the way you treat others this holiday season… with RESPECT! Take an hour to get a massage and de-stress. You deserve it! If you appreciate this Winter Wellness tip, please pass it along! Please let us know if you have any questions! Give us a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Always see through what you believe in. Do you know how many people have quit right before their miracle would have arrived? Stay strong! Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
There are many causes of hip pain and in almost all cases, chiropractic plays a large role in providing a solution. Our completely natural approach to hip pain/sacroiliac relief allows patients to avoid the costs and risks of surgery and drugs. What do you think is the number one cause of hip pain? Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
Did you know that chewing gum 15 minutes before a big meal can trick your brain into thinking that you’re already eating so you may actually eat less later? Give it a shot and let me know what you think! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
You’d be surprised how many people would appreciate a good, healthy surprise during the holiday feast as many are trying to lose weight but are too embarrassed to say it. So pop out that healthy appetizer or dessert and watch how many faces light up! You’ll immediately know who your new accountability partners are. #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition
Your health is just as important (More) then the Christmas cookies!
Due to flooding we are not able to open today. Our staff will reach out to reschedule any appointments that were missed later today. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Electrolytes are life saving. Copper is very helpful in ridding fungus, bacteria, virus. Magnesium with potassium is so healthy. Right purportions are important.
Valley Chiropractic Clinic updated their business hours.
“Those with type-2 diabetes had a statistically significant 35% increased chance of having vascular dementia. Comparing those with hemoglobin A1c of less than 7% with those whose A1c was above 10.1%, there was a 93% increase in the risk for vascular dementia, a 67% increase in the risk for non-vascular dementia, and a 34% higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease-associated dementia.” CANOPYNATURALMEDICINE.COM Vascular Dementia Risk Particularly High in Type 2 Diabetes | Canopy Natural Medicine
Can you imagine the feeling of satisfaction as those who wronged you see you ascend to the very top? Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Most adults need from 7 to 9 hours a night - are you getting enough? Sleep is crucial to health, which is why having a bedtime routine can help you get the rest your body needs. Here are some tips for incorporating into your routine: -Try going to bed and waking at the same time each day -Do something relaxing before bed -Create a comfortable sleep space that is clutter-free and a cool temperature What is an essential part of your sleep routine? Share what you do wind down for the night in the comments below! Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Woody Allen has a great quote about happiness… “The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” This does not mean settling for less than you want and deserve, but it does mean that maintaining an abundant mindset (regardless of your current circumstances) is the key to a happy life. Try smiling right now and commenting below with how good it feels! #LetsBeEPIC
Someone asked if a small plate means we can eat whatever we want during our holiday feast and the answer is… as long as 70% is vegetables, you have 30% of your plate to fill with another healthy choice - so dig in! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
Are you ready for any opportunity that may come your way? Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Research has shown that daily exercise can: Increase the lifespan Lower the risk of diseases Help you maintain higher bone density Aid in weight loss. The key to finding a sustainable way to exercise and stay healthy is finding an activity you enjoy. For some joining a gym is motivating, others may need more structure from a fitness class. You may also find enjoyment in joining a walking club or taking weekly dance classes. ANY movement is exercise! So get out there and get moving. What types of activities do you enjoy? #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
What was the best book that you read recently? What books do you recommend for motivating and inspiring others to make this year EPIC? #LetsBeEPIC
Things to include on your holiday plate as suggested by the #AmericanHeartAssociation: -Fruits and vegetables -Whole grains -Beans and legumes -Nuts and seeds -Fish, skinless poultry, plant based-alternatives -Fat-free and low-fat dairy products -Healthier fats and nontropical oils (You can view their full PDF here: #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
On average, women begin to experience the symptoms of menopause at age 51. Like PMS, chiropractic can provide a drug-free alternative to treating symptoms of menopause. (Research has shown that more women are choosing alternative therapies, like chiropractic, for treatment and women who use these therapies generally find them beneficial!) Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
Think for a moment about your last doctor visit… How much time did you spend with the doctor? 15 minutes is the national average. In that short time, did your doctor go over your diet? Ask you about your physical activity routine? Or discuss how different functions in the body are related? Most of you will answer no to these questions. This is what makes functional medicine practitioners so unique. They spend time with their patients listening to their histories and examining the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease! Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
It is up to us to do the work and construct our best lives. What are you doing today to create your good health and wellness? Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Fruits are loaded with nutrients! Vitamins and minerals are essential for your body to function optimally. You should be eating fruit EVERY DAY. Fruit makes an excellent breakfast, snack, or dessert. Share your favorite fruit and way to eat it below… #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
The chaos (or lack of chaos) in your environment will dictate your ability to create an EPIC year. I have always believed that the way we organize our outer world is a direct representation of how we feel about ourselves internally. Take pride in your environment - all of your “stuff” should have a place - and get organized! #LetsBeEPIC
Who says you have to go in blind? Ask the hostess for the holiday menu beforehand and map out what you should and shouldn’t have. If there are more “shouldn’t haves” than “should haves,” bring a healthy dish to add one more option to your menu. #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
Do you suffer from constant headaches and migraines? Your spine is misaligned! The primary cause of headaches is tension within the neck, which means that part of your spine is out of place, causing an imbalance that’s throwing off your Central Nervous System. Slight manipulations can put your spine back into alignment and solve your headache woes. Get adjusted! Please let us know if you have any questions! Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for a digital magazine and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: #GetChecked #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #chronicpain
I love this! The humor, the stories, and the ideas that making small changes create lasting positive changes. What is a small change that you are committed to making? YOUTUBE.COM The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor
An easy way to limit your sodium is to rinse and repeat, especially when it comes to canned beans or vegetables. #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
Here’s the truth about weight loss pills. They can help you shed pounds; HOWEVER, long-term use is expensive and may be harmful. According to experts at Mayo Clinic, research about the pills' effectiveness is weak. Additionally, they caution that diet pills can have unpleasant side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, upset stomach, loose stools, and insomnia. Bottom line: Diet pills are no substitute for lifestyle changes. #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Always keep the endgame in mind. Sometimes what appears to be the ‘end all be all’ is merely one of the final steps towards a revolution. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
When we eat, we’re feeding the bacteria in our gut. What we eat determines whether we’re feeding the beneficial or harmful bacteria. In order for the good bacteria to flourish, we need fermentable fiber, which is food for the good gut bacteria. It is vital to consume naturally occurring fiber from whole food plant sources like fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds. What have you fed your gut today? #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Time is our most precious finite asset.. Money will come and go. Things will come and go. Jobs will come and go. Choose how you spend your time and invest in the relationships that really matter to you. I believe all relationships should be synergistic where everyone benefits from the dynamic. If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
I often hear that it’s harder to stay active when it’s so cold outside, but I beg to differ! Sledding, ice skating, and even shoveling snow can all count towards your recommended physical activity goal of 60 minutes a day! #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
Joint and tissue destruction often occurs because of a lack of nutrients and an increase in the quantity of damaging free radicals generated by environmental and dietary toxins or intense, repetitive movements as can occur in athletes. Issues with joints and connective tissues are often managed with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but these drugs often bring with them serious side effects including GI upset and pain, nausea, heartburn, kidney damage, and cardiovascular events (heart attack and failure, stroke, etc.). Arthroben® uses a unique combination of nutrients that do not result in negative side effects and is offered in a highly absorbable powder. It is available in two delicious flavors — green apple and lemon-lime, as well as an unsweetened version. Learn more! CANOPYNATURALMEDICINE.COM Arthoben to support healthy joints | Canopy Natural Medicine
An easy way to limit your sodium is to rinse and repeat, especially when it comes to canned beans or vegetables. #HolidayHealthTip #SharingIsCaring #BeTheBestYou
Here’s the truth about weight loss pills. They can help you shed pounds; HOWEVER, long-term use is expensive and may be harmful. According to experts at Mayo Clinic, research about the pills' effectiveness is weak. Additionally, they caution that diet pills can have unpleasant side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, upset stomach, loose stools, and insomnia. Bottom line: Diet pills are no substitute for lifestyle changes. #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Always keep the endgame in mind. Sometimes what appears to be the ‘end all be all’ is merely one of the final steps towards a revolution. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
When we eat, we’re feeding the bacteria in our gut. What we eat determines whether we’re feeding the beneficial or harmful bacteria. In order for the good bacteria to flourish, we need fermentable fiber, which is food for the good gut bacteria. It is vital to consume naturally occurring fiber from whole food plant sources like fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds. What have you fed your gut today? #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Time is our most precious finite asset.. Money will come and go. Things will come and go. Jobs will come and go. Choose how you spend your time and invest in the relationships that really matter to you. I believe all relationships should be synergistic where everyone benefits from the dynamic. If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Authenticity is MAGNETIC! When we try to be something we are not we lose what makes us so beautiful. The world wants the REAL you to show up at all times. (This should be a goal for all of us this year.) I know it is often difficult, but please realize the man or woman that looks back at you from the mirror is PERFECT! #LetsBeEPIC
Check out this short video on how the food you eat might be causing toxic reactions: Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
If you’re eating a balanced diet, one low in sugar and unhealthy fats, and high in vegetables, you don’t need the added stress of counting calories. If tracking every bite is stressing you out, try eating intuitively. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
It all depends on YOU! You are an innately powerful human being. You have the power to transform any circumstance through the decisions you make each day. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Processed foods should be avoided for many reasons; one, most nutritional value is lost in the creation of these foods and two, the added preservatives are harmful to our health. Many processed foods contain a high amount of salt, which leads to higher blood pressure and heart disease. In general, the more ingredients food lists on the label, the more processed it is. Stick with foods that look like the original source: whole grains, produce, etc. Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Diet and nutrition form the foundation of health, however, the typical modern diet lacks several very important nutrients. Did you know that iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, affecting more than 25% of people worldwide? Iron deficiency leads to lower red blood cell counts making oxygen less available in the body (which explains why symptoms include tiredness, weakness, weakened immune system, and impaired brain function). Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating in which people cycle between periods of fasting and eating. Rather than specifying which foods you should eat, intermittent fasting dictates when you should eat them. Two popular methods include: The 16/8 method, which involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours, and fasting for 16 hours in between. The 5:2 diet where you consume only 500–600 calories on two non-consecutive days of the week, but eat normally for the remaining 5 days. Intermittent fasting has allowed many to lose weight and maintain healthy eating. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
When you overcome fear, you will discover all of the great things waiting for you. Have you arrived at everything you’ve ever wanted? Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
When it comes to dietary fats, not all are created equal! Here are some tips to help you know which are healthy: -Avoid trans fat, common sources: Solid margarine, commercial cookies, and pastries, fast-food french fries, “partially hydrogenated oil” in food ingredients. -Limit saturated fat, common sources: Red meat, whole milk and whole-milk dairy foods, cheese, coconut oil, many commercially prepared baked goods and other foods. -Take monounsaturated fats, common sources: Olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, most nuts, high-oleic safflower, and sunflower oils. -Take polyunsaturated fats, common sources: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines, flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil. #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
I am always upset when I meet people who simply go through the motion of life without pursuing their ultimate passions. What are you passionate about and HOW do you incorporate this into your life? #LetsBeEPIC
I love this video about believing in yourself! YOUTUBE.COM Believe in yourself- Motivational Video
As more doctors begin offering complementary and alternative therapies, functional medicine is beginning to infiltrate the mainstream approach. Natural approaches are now preferred over conventional medicine alone. (Many doctors are realizing the benefits of combining therapies for better results!) Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
If you’re trying to lose weight, you know you need to cut out sugar. Unfortunately, this becomes more complicated once you start realizing that sugar goes by many pseudonyms. It’s true, sugar has over 50 different names! Get the full list here: Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Never fear mistakes, for each time we fall, there is something new to be learned, something that will propel us to greatness. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
What is your #1 FEAR? Do you know how to handle it? Do you know how to prevent it from holding you back? Do you want to be in control? YOUTUBE.COM How To Overcome Your Fears - The #1 Game Changer!
For a healthier lifestyle, make sure to surround yourself with genuine and positive people. This may mean having to purge negativity. You don’t need toxic people in your life. If you feel that a friend is overly critical or negative, let him/her go. You don’t need negativity from yourself either. #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Scheduling is extremely important if your goal is to get a TON of stuff done - which I am sure it is. Schedule time for your family. Schedule time for yourself. Schedule time for your business. Schedule time for leisure. Schedule time for health. Schedule time for personal development. Schedule time for friends. Do you already do this? Any tips and tricks that will help all of us??? If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
The importance of diet and physical activity cannot be overlooked when treating and preventing chronic disease. Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician, a ten-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He’s not only an advocate for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, but he’s also a practicing functional medical physician, too! Dr. Hyman promotes living a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise and stress reduction techniques. You can learn more about him here: Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
This video takes away all the excuses, leaves no room for doubt, and will compel you to get up, rise, and grind! YOUTUBE.COM Rise and shine - Athlete and running ultimate motivation
This is a simple way to keep on track if you can follow it. Keep healthy snacks nearby and stocked at home to help prevent eating something unhealthy. This also requires you to ditch the unhealthy, easy to grab, junk foods. Think about it, if you have the choice between a bag of potato chips or a handful of almonds, which are you more likely to go for? Snacks that are easily portable and simple to prepare include whole fruits, nuts, baby carrots, yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs. While these snacks may not seem as ‘fun’ as a bag of flavored potato chips, you will get used to them and start craving them over time! Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
The power of a sound mind is mighty enough to vanquish any lingering feelings of uncertainty. Let me know how I can help you! Give me a call at 907-789-9549. Want more information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #WellnessJourney #GetHealthy #BetterYou #ValleyChiroCrew #Chiropractic #FunctionalMedicine #FunctionalNutrition #Motivation
Posture plays a number of roles in health, including: -breathing -concentration -how you feel about yourself -organ function Good posture doesn’t mean keeping your spine entirely straight. You just want to aim to maintain the natural curves of your back: (1) the concave curve from the base of your head to your shoulders and (2) the concave curve from your upper back to the bottom of your spine. For tips on how to sit and stand properly, check out: Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Oh my - this is a tough one for all of us. Everyone has at least one (or many) limiting beliefs. -I am not good enough -I am not smart enough -I am not wealthy enough -I am not attractive enough -I am not adaptable enough -I am not, I am not, I am not.... It requires a community of people who believe in one another to help kick any insecurities out of our life. Are you with me? If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
The only way to either get what you want from someone OR to help someone who is stuck is to ask the RIGHT questions. Rachael Herrscher, CEO of, discusses the process of learning to ask the right questions in the right way. YOUTUBE.COM TEDxSaltLakeCity - Rachael Herrscher - What?: Asking the Right Questions
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies but symptoms are subtle. It is believed that about 42% of people in the US may be vitamin D deficient. (Vitamin D is delivered to cells via the bloodstream and turns genes on or off. Nearly every cell in the body has a receptor for vitamin D.) Vitamin D has been coined the sunshine vitamin because it is produced out of cholesterol in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight, which is why people living far from the equator are more likely to be deficient. Dietary sources are scarce, however, cod liver oil and fatty fish (such as salmon, mackerel, sardines or trout) provide pretty high amounts. Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
When it comes to heart-rate increasing activities, there are countless options! No matter how you get your cardio, it’s a crucial aspect of weight loss. Share below your favorite method of cardio activity. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. Not only that, but alcohol is repeatedly proven to have adverse effects on our body and health — impacting the proper functioning of our brain, liver, lungs, and other major organs. If you drink alcohol regularly, you may want to reduce your consumption, if not cut it out altogether. #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
I am putting a challenge out there that is going to make many people uncomfortable… In the comments below… what is the #1 thing holding you back from your ideal life? 3-2-1 SHARE! If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Diabesity affects one out of every two Americans, but what is it? Dr. Mark Hyman talks about a condition of imbalances in blood sugar ranging from a small amount of belly fat to type 2 diabetes which he calls ‘diabesity.’ 90% of people don’t even know they have it. Learn more during his talk at the #140You conference: Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important that you’re doing it for the right reasons. Are you trying to lose weight so that you can become a version of yourself that you can ‘finally’ love? If so, take the time to learn how to accept yourself in the body you’re in today. Give yourself a break, stop the judgment, and promise yourself that you’re worth the effort to feel better and become healthier. Once you learn to value yourself at any weight, it’s much easier to fall in love with taking care of yourself. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Bring a water bottle when you go out. That way, you can drink whenever you want. It saves you money, increases your H20 intake, and you won’t need to resort to bad alternatives like soda. Snap a picture of your reusable water bottle and share it below! #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
What are you ready to GET RID OF STARTING TODAY? If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Over 100 million Americans have digestive problems including irritable bowel, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux… Of course, there are over 200 over-the-counter remedies for digestive disorders, many of which miss the mark. Even worse, many of us (doctors included) do not realize that digestive problems wreak havoc over the entire body leading to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer, and much more. In fact, the gut acts as a second brain as it contains more neurotransmitters than the brain! Gut health is crucial to overall body health! Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
MEDICALNEWSTODAY.COM Vitamin D-3 could 'reverse' damage to heart Dr. Jason Nardi, DC March 4 at 5:59 PM · Vitamin D could reverse damage to the heart!
Dr. Jason Nardi, DC March 4 at 5:59 PM · Vitamin D could reverse damage to the heart!
I can’t overstate how crucial fiber is to a healthy diet. Fiber can increase satiety and help you control your weight over time, but studies show most of us aren’t getting enough of it. According to the American Heart Association, the daily value for fiber is 25 grams per day. Use this chart to help guide you in increasing your fiber intake: #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Single-ingredient foods are those WITHOUT added ingredients. For example, grapes, spinach, or chicken are all whole single-ingredient foods. Name your favorite single-ingredient food! Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Keeping up with routine doctor and dental visits are vital to a healthy lifestyle. Some diseases don’t show up in terms of symptoms until it is too late. Blood tests and regular teeth cleanings can help you detect potential issues while they are still reversible or treatable. Just because you feel healthy doesn’t mean something serious isn’t lurking. Don’t take the risk! If you’re due for bloodwork or a dental cleaning schedule it today. Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
The ultimate challenge on your quest to making this year the most EPIC yet is to look in the mirror and proclaim ”I AM PROUD OF YOU!” I know this is often difficult because we harbor resentment and regret... but if you truly want this year to be better than anything you’ve previously experienced it is time for you to believe in yourself as much as I BELIEVE IN YOU! If you are doubting how EPIC your year can truly be, message me - I have something to tell you! If you want more EPIC information and health-saving tips from an expert? Sign up for my digital magazine, "Your Health Matters" and get them delivered straight to your email twice a month: Sign up here: #LetsBeEPIC
Fact: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Fact: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Fact: In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Fact: High blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking are key heart disease risk factors. Fact: 80% of deaths from heart disease are attributed to preventable factors like obesity, physical inactivity, heavy drinking, and eating unhealthy foods. Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
When it comes to weight loss, the importance of sleep is highly underrated—but it’s just as important as eating healthy and exercising. In fact, studies show that poor sleep is one of the most substantial risk factors for obesity. If you don’t already have a bedtime routine, it’s time to start one! #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Such an inspiring video on a concept that should become part of our education system… Philosophy for a happy life… YOUTUBE.COM My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
You may need to try several approaches to weight loss before you determine which one is right for you. Finding what works for you is a process that takes trial and error, and that’s okay! As long as you’re not falling for diet fads, and you’re truly committed to a healthier lifestyle, success is within your grasp. Message me if you are interested in creating a program together! Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
“Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.” -Michael Pollan Do you have any advice on living a healthy lifestyle? Share your thoughts in the comments below... #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Take a look at this powerful Ted Talks video on reforming an outdated medical system: Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
Do you understand LEADERSHIP? You don’t need to be a CEO or the owner of a company. You need to become a LEADER in your life!
One of the keys to success for weight loss is committing to yourself and truly believing that you’re worth the effort to change. This means holding yourself accountable, accepting slips ups, and celebrating small goals. How can you commit to yourself for success? #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Fill in the blank in the comments below, then share with friends to find out their health goal... #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
If you’re not a whiz in the kitchen, simple meal prep can go a long way for healthier eating! Dedicate a few hours once a week to meal prep, and you’ll have healthy food at the ready all week long. I suggest investing in a week's worth of glass storage containers, prep as soon as you return from the grocery store, and remove any unwanted junk food from the counter and cupboards. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
If you’re an avid reader, check out these books for a healthier lifestyle: -Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser -In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan -Mindfulness for Life by Craig Hassed and Stephen McKenzie -How Not to Die by Gene Stone and Michael Greger Do you have any book recommendations to share? Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
"People have every right to see things from their perspective as long as they see it from my perspective." This is a fun video that also has an important lesson… let me know what you think! YOUTUBE.COM How To Get Offended - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 52
As many of you may have experienced, losing weight is not as simple as eating less. (In fact, eating less can set off a reaction in the body to store more energy!) We’re told a calorie is a calorie, which is true in a lab. However, once calories are metabolized, they are absorbed at different rates. Functional medicine understands the diverse differences and can help! Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
What’s the craziest weight loss tip you’ve come across? Share your responses in the comments below! #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
Check out this inspiring TED talk by Graham Hill as he explains the benefits of being a weekday vegetarian: Help spread the word and Share if you agree! Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Functional medicine utilizes various lab testing techniques to determine which interventions will best serve each patient’s personal needs. Common hormone therapy interventions include: - Melatonin to improve circadian rhythms - DHEA to help keep cortisol in check - Milk thistle and DIM to break down estrogen Talk with your functional medicine physician to find out if hormone intervention therapy is right for you! Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
Feeling grateful? Write it down! Research shows people who express gratitude daily are less stressed and have a more positive outlook. Try starting a gratitude journal to track things for which you are thankful. Refer back to your journal on days you need a pick me up. Do you like pro-tips on staying health?! Then why aren't you on our mailing list? Never forget - we are always here to help - let us know what we can do for you! Call us 907-789-9549. Learn more about us at #ValleyChiroCrew #BeTheBestYou #WellnessJourney
Functional Medicine is interested in getting to the root cause of disease in order to treat the individual, not just symptoms. Basic principles include: - personalized health care to treat the individual, not the disease - supports the normal healing mechanisms of the body naturally - scientifically based Instead of asking, “What drug matches up with this disease?” Functional Medicine asks, “Why do you have this problem in the first place?” Sign up for our powerful functional medicine newsletter! Every two weeks Dr. Nardi will share healthy tips, great recipes, and more. Get Your Health Matters here: #BeTheBestYou #wellnessjourney #wellness #holistic #functionalmedicine are #functionalmedicine #wellness #integrativemedicine #healthylifestyle #nutrition #holistichealth #health
In certain situations, eating out is unavoidable, but this doesn’t mean you have to throw your healthy habits out the window. Here are some tips to help keep your weight loss on track when eating out: Avoid cream-based dressings, soups, and sauces (ask for them on the side). Opt for grilled proteins over fried. Ask for a to-go container when you get your meal so you can save half your meal for later. Make your own meal from veggie-based side dishes. Looking to get healthier in 2021? Give Valley Chiropractic a call and see what Dr. Nardi has to offer. From chiropractic care, clinical nutrition, and weight counselling - We've got you covered. And we are taking clients for nutrition in-person and telemed now. Call us today at 907.789.9549 #functionalmedicine #nutrition #chiropractic
A video filled with AFFIRMATIONS!!!! WATCH - WATCH - WATCH! YOUTUBE.COM Morning Uplift - YOU ARE AMAZING! - Epic - Uplifting - Healing


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Valley Chiropractic Clinic


  • What is the phone number for Valley Chiropractic Clinic in Juneau AK?
    You can reach them at: 907-789-9549. It’s best to call Valley Chiropractic Clinic during business hours.
  • What is the address for Valley Chiropractic Clinic on jordan ave in Juneau?
    Valley Chiropractic Clinic is located at this address: 2203 Jordan Ave Juneau, AK 99801.
  • What are Valley Chiropractic Clinic(Juneau, AK) store hours?
    Valley Chiropractic Clinic store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 7:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat: 8:00AM - 12:00PM, Sun: Closed.