Vic Bailey Honda

(on daniel morgan ave)
Auto Dealers in Spartanburg, SC
Auto Dealers
Auto Repair
Gas & Service Stations


500 E Daniel Morgan Ave
Spartanburg, SC


From our first day of business, we here at Vic Bailey Honda have held a solid commitment to providing the widest selection of Honda vehicles in Spartanburg, as well as the Greenville, Gaffney, Pauline, and Landrum areas, as such we have become an automotive leader in our area. From the beginning, Vic Bailey Honda has provided the best selection of vehicles and quality customer service.


Company name
Vic Bailey Honda
Auto Dealers


  • What is the phone number for Vic Bailey Honda in Spartanburg SC?
    You can reach them at: 864-920-2890. It’s best to call Vic Bailey Honda during business hours.
  • What is the address for Vic Bailey Honda on daniel morgan ave in Spartanburg?
    Vic Bailey Honda is located at this address: 500 E Daniel Morgan Ave Spartanburg, SC 29302.