As of Monday January 14th the VISM Facebook page will be merged into the OrthoVirginia page. Follow us to keep up with all that is going on at OrthoVirginia
OrthoVirginia Virginia Institute For Sports Medicine updated their website address.
Virginia Institute for Sports Medicine (VISM) is pleased to announce it will join OrthoVirginia effective January 1, 2019. OrthoVirginia is headquartered in Richmond, with offices located in Richmond, northern Virginia, and Lynchburg, and is the state’s largest provider of musculoskeletal care and therapy. “Merging with this larger group of orthopaedic physicians allows us to improve our independent practice and maintain a patient centric focus,” said Patrick W. O’Connell, M.D., president of VISM. “It will provide our community with access to a larger group of physicians, innovations and technology, while maintaining quality and affordable care. The physicians, office location and the day to day operations will not change.”
Has winter left you with achy joints and sore muscles? Let our team of experienced Orthopaedic Surgeons and Physical Therapists help you jump into the fun spring activities that you enjoy! Call us today at 757-422-8476 for an appointment that is convenient for you.