Vision Martial Arts Center instructors are trained professionals at teaching the character building traits that develop black belts from the inside out; focus, discipline, self-control and perseverance to name a few. You won’t find student instructors at our school. We maintain a staff of highly skilled, thoroughly educated adult professionals to give you the very best in martial arts education. Vision Martial Arts Center is designed as a personal development system as well as a self-defense system especially for kids and women.With our martial arts classes, you get to experience the best martial arts instruction anywhere with highly skilled and trained martial arts professionals in an atmosphere that is disciplined yet comfortable. Our comprehensive and efficient systems includes TEX KWON DO (TAE KWON DO with a Texas Attitude), classes that are exhilarating - physically and intellectually, and personally rewarding experience. Our taekwondo and karate classes not only teach kids and women the art of self defense but also discipline, great body coordination, and strength. Take advantage of our Back to school karate specials for your kids.