60 never looked sooooo good!!!!! 🎂Happy Birthday to our FAVORITE dentist!!!! Dr. Walter Little!!! 🙌👏🎉
Due to Hurricane Sally, our office will be closed on September 15, 2020. We will keep watch on the conditions and will make a decision in the future if further closures are needed. We will definitely keep you posted and update you as soon as we know more!!! Stay safe anad God Bless!
We will re-open Tuesday Sept 8th at 8:30 am
Can you say BLING BLING???? We are LOVING these Disco Balls!!!! #discoballs #drwalterlittle #mobiledentist #slugs #callus!
We are CLOSED and will re-open July 6, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. If you have an upcoming appointment or waiting on a call back to schedule your next appointment to have your gold delivered, we will call you as soon as we receive them back from the lab. If you receive a text message stating that you need to call us to schedule, please disregard the message. That is our automated system and we will not text you to schedule. Due to Covid-19 , we want to Thank you for being patient and understanding.
Walter K. Little, Jr. & Staff
"Our Flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it" ~Unknown
Our office will be closed Monday May 25th in Observance of the Memorial Day Weekend.