Ugh don’t like going to places I don’t know
Going for the checkup since my emergency appendix surgery in Paris...........🙍🏿♂️😯
UPDATE: All is liking goog for a full recovery just need a little more time to recover. So I am off for the next two weeks if anyone is bored and want to visit. Prognosis is for a full recover and kudos to a wonderful job the French Doctor’s did to help me. 😎Now time to relax and heal 😎
Good morning, make it a great day
Being compliant and getting my physical 👍🏻
I think my mom's gone crazy
February 1, 2018 at 9:12 AM ·
Other then being a little over weight my physical went good.
Can you see our Resident Momma Work Duck 🦆?Apparently she comes every year to nest in the stand alone planter near the building that is about 2-3 feet off the ground. Maybe I should start a "duckling" watch since April the Giraffe refuses to give birth lol Updates to follow...😋
Good Morning I was just awaken by receptionist at doctors appointment. She informed me that I was snoring. Ma'am your appointment is at 930a, you can come back if you like. No Thanks I'm Not Sleeping.
How did we get here? He did incredible. We need to do some work with nighttime brushing but all in all, pretty great.