Well Integrative Chiropractic Acupuncture Rehab 롱아일랜드 웰 통합 통증병원 updated their business hours.
Greg Dorn
August 10 at 6:35 PM ·
slowly slowly the message gets out there...
Rehab Science
July 30 at 10:48 AM ·
📚Neurodynamic mobilization (NDM) techniques involve moving the limbs and spine in specific patterns and are designed to improve the mechanical and physiological health of our neural tissue.
🔎Conditions that often respond well to this type of mobilization include radiating neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, low back pain and sciatica.
🧠NDM is thought to work secondary to the natural structure of the nervous system in that it is a continuous network from the brain all the way to the distal most aspects or our extremities. The post image allows us to appreciate this amazing network and helps us better understand the mechanics underpinning neural mobilization.
✅The video shows several mobilization techniques for the following major peripheral nerves.
1️⃣Median nerve
2️⃣Ulnar nerve
3️⃣Radial nerve
4️⃣Sciatic nerve (straight leg raise)
5️⃣Sciatic nerve (slump)
6️⃣Femoral Nerve
📚Basson A et al. The Effectiveness of Neural Mobilization for Neuro-Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017.
Rehab Science
November 9 at 10:04 AM ·
𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥
🧠The scapulae are flat bones that serve as attachment sites for 18 muscles. These muscles act to move the scapula through six movements, which include: elevation, depression, upward rotation, downward rotation, protraction, and retraction.
✅Today’s post covers some of my favorite exercises for training the muscles that surround the scapulae. Give them a try!
1️⃣Reverse Fly (scapular retraction)
2️⃣Scapular Y (scapular depression)
3️⃣Bottoms-Up Press (upward rotation)
4️⃣Clocks (scapular protraction isometric) - The key in this exercise is to prevent the shoulder blade from winging when your weight is on one arm.
5️⃣Scapular Plus (scapular protraction)- This exercise specifically targets the serratus anterior muscle, which is the main muscle involved in limiting scapular winging.
Calli GR
November 12 at 11:22 PM ·
남자 아이 모델로 표현한 소아 질환일러스트들 #소아 #발열 #감염 #전염 #의학 #일러스트 #메디컬 #캘리디자인
Leia Cohen
November 21 at 2:20 PM ·
Are you cultivating your happiness hormones?
Calli GR
December 2 at 3:56 AM ·
한눈에 보는 운동법 #운동티칭 #일러스트 #캘리디자인
Could herbal medicine (Soshihotang) be a new treatment option for COVID-19?: a narrative review
Rehab Science
December 15 at 10:19 AM ·
𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐮𝐦
📚The quadratus lumborum or QL muscle is a low back muscle that runs from the iliac crest (top side of pelvis) to the 12th rib and the transverse processes (lateral projections) of the lumbar vertebrae.
🔎The QL acts to move the spinal column through extension and ipsilateral (same side) sidebend and is considered a major postural muscle as it also acts to stabilize the low back and pelvis in the frontal plane of motion.
🧠Discomfort in the QL region is associated with many cases of low back pain and is typically reproduced with palpation of the muscle between the 12th rib and pelvic crest.
✅If you have pain in this region, a combination of stretching and strengthening of the muscle is often helpful.
1️⃣Active Lumbar Sidebend
2️⃣Standing QL Stretch
3️⃣Supine QL Stretch
4️⃣Unilateral Loaded Carry
5️⃣Side Plank
6️⃣Dynamic Side Plank
7️⃣Dumbbell Loaded Sidebend
Calli GR
January 8 at 6:47 PM ·
교통사고후유증 Q&A 작은 사고인데 통증이 오래가고 심해요. #교통사고후유증 #치료 #한의학 #일러스트 #캘리디자인 #자동차보험
Calli GR
January 8 at 12:20 AM ·
교통사고 후유증 편타성손상 한의원에서는? 교통사고후유증 #한의학 #치료 #자동차보험
January 4 at 10:40 PM ·
[1日 1茶] (by 아이누리 한의원)