Wellness mode

(on market)
Health and Medical in Indio, CA
Health and Medical
Hospitals and Medical Centers


6:00AM - 6:00PM
6:00AM - 6:00PM
6:00AM - 6:00PM
6:00AM - 6:00PM
6:00AM - 6:00PM


82855 Market St
Indio, CA


Wellness Mode Provides Diet and Wellness Services to the Greater Indio, CA Area.


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  • Initial consultation
  • Grocery store trip
  • 1 on 1 coaching
  • Weight loss
  • Health care


💭 “Just wanna start off by saying THANK U to your team! U provided the tools and constantly checked in to motivate us and made sure we followed the program. It’s was difficult in the begging but then it became normal., I adapted well to the new eating habits, meals were delicious and satisfying. With exercise in the mix, I met my ideal weight. Know that u provide the tools and education, it’s my turn to apply the tools provided and maintain .”
💭 “Just wanted to say thank you 🙏, this journey was not easy but I was ready for a change physically and also ready mentally. Some days were hard when temptation was around especially around the weekend but I had good support from friends. Wellness mode staff was extremely helpful and ready to answer any questions I had. Their positive attitude and support made me feel good about myself. Thank you! I could have not done this without wellness mode. This only the beginning of my health and fitness journey. “
💭 “Thank you wellness mode !After multiple failed attempts to loose weight with many other diets and being at my heaviest ever. I was going into the diet determined yes very determined but yet scared and anxious because I had never been able to really go through with a diet I would always start and never finish . I am incredibly thankful because wellness mode helped me number one lose weight and two get my self esteem back. I am also so great full for the coaches because I know that having a coach for me is what helped me stay on track . Thank you so so much to the wellness mode team . “
💭 “ I was so happy this journey has taught me a lot about myself. This was my first diet ever and I learned that I was a huge snacker. I never knew how to keep my body clean. After my son and as soon as I hit 30 I felt my weight just increasing. I was always exhausted and never had energy for anything. The wellness program taught me how to eat in what my body needed not what I wanted. Thank you for the laughs and encouraging memes lol thank you for your patience and continuous support!”
💭 “This journey has been a difficult one no doubt, but it has been very rewarding. I feel I have a lot more energy now this weight off. Also to add I feel way more confident in myself. I appreciate all the information and assistance that was given to me! Thank you ladies!! “
💭 “First of all, I would like to thank these amazing women I have had the pleasure of meeting in the past. Last year I tried the program but I quit half way. Even with those 6 weeks I did last year I dropped about 30 pounds so I honestly knew what I was getting myself into. After I quit last year I started my old bad habits again and within a month I gained more than I had lost. Now with the maintenance menus I feel I can control what I can eat and how to stay at a specific weight without starving. Now I am educated on how many carbs or how many calories I can put in my body . Thank you ladies and I will be back for more!!! “
💭 “I want to Thank all the ladies for helping me meet my goal! I am very great full for joining the program again, this time was a little different. I want to continue eating healthy and making healthy meals for my family 😊”
💭”My journey in Wellness Mode was a lifetime experience 🌟 I had so many challenges and obstacles that made me more stronger & I did learn from them the hard way, my mind became stronger & I learn how to control my anxiety & stress for FOOD. The reason I never give up was: Myself, my health, & well-being💜and most of all my family 👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Hubby & kids always ask for a change in myself, which now they are so proud of me for taking this journey. I learn a lot in this 12 weeks of the program. Overall when you have the strength and believe in yourself, you can accomplish so many things & changes in your life. The program teach me a lot an give me the tools to apply it to my new life style. Thank you 😊 Wellness Mode Thanks to my Coach, for her patience and dedication.”
💭 “I don’t know where to start, I don’t even know where I got the strength to commit to something really hard! But once you get to see the scale going down and start gaining confident of yourself you just want to keep going and going. My goal was to be at 145 lbs at least, after I reached it almost at the end of the program I wanted to go for a little more far and now I’m here.. I just want to thank all the girls who are behind the phone all the time cheering and encouraging to keep the right way. Thank you so much! For this big lesson!💕”
💭 “THANK YOU AGAIN LADIES!!!!! You taught me well. I had kept the 25lbs that I lost the first round off for a year. When the quarantine started, I let my guard down and started my sweet bread and coffee habit back up again🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️. I gained 13 lbs. I joined the program for a second round to loose those pounds again. I’m not going to try to lie cause the scale told on me every day😡😱😂 but just going back to your teachings, I went back down to the weight I had reached at the end of round one. With that being said, I am back on track and going to continue to maintain at my comfortable level. A sweet bread here and there is good for my soul. Over indulging isn’t. I will continue to recommend your program to all those that need to get healthy. Un Millón de Gracias 😊 🥰😘🤗😊”
Holiday Special 🦃 Don’t miss out our Thanksgiving special for the month of November 😀 I know the holidays can always be more challenging but this is the perfect time to keep your weight off and still enjoy the holidays as we provide cheat meals weekly 😌 if you are ready for this challenge it will change your life 💪🏻 text us to sign up!
💭” I was skeptical about this journey but I made a commitment and was going to stick to it! I am proud to say I didn’t cheat even though few days I did struggle with wanting sugar, The staff talked me out of it and were always encouraging even on days when the scale did the opposite of what we all want. In the end I am happy to say I reached my mini goal and am very proud of myself! This program has given me the tools I need to continue to succeed and keep my way off. This is not a diet this is a LIFESTYLE! I am happy to embrace all the things I have learned and live my life eating healthy and to control portions! Thank you!”
💭”I want to start off by saying thank you to these lovely ladies! You have been there for encouraging words & good laughs through this process. This process wasn’t always easy but it was so worth it! I’ve gained confidence, energy & a healthier way to live & eat. The best part is all the compliments I get & energy to keep up with my sons. This journey taught me tools I get to take into the future & keep moving forward. “
💭 “Estoy muy agradecida con wellness y todo su equipo por que yo ya estaba desilusionada de que nada me funcionaba para bajar de peso pero me hablaron de ustedes y dije es lo ultimo que voy a intentar y sorpresa he bajado de peso, lo que ningún doctor, dietas pudieron; fue difícil por que estaba acostumbrada a comer cosas no saludables ( muchas harinas, grasas, azucar) pero no me di por vencida por mi, por mi hijo, esposo y día con día me fui sintiendo mejor, mis enfermedades fueron siendo menos dolorosas y todo esto me ayudó y sigue ayudando a no quedarme estancada, creer en mi, seguir luchando, MUCHAS GRACIAS WELLNESS, LOS AMO!”
💭 “Wow! This journey started off with doubts. Like every weight loss journey I try and start, I was finished by day 5, but not this one. I stuck to it and it’s amazing when you have accountability and people rooting for you the whole way. I have learned a lot about portion control and how important it is to eat 6x a day. I’ve become more aware of what I buy at the store as I find myself looking at the nutrition label without a second thought. The hardest thing for me was finding different ways to cook certain meals, time, and having the will power to stick with my plan when I go out. I said NO a lot!! Thank you to ladies at Wellness Mode for helping me kick start my journey, I couldn’t have done this without your support! “
Did anyone else feel like this year just flew by us? 🥴We can’t believe the HOLIDAYS are around the corner!👻🦃🎄hoping that in January 2021 our office can open again and we’re able to see you all again! But for now as restrictions keep changing weekly let’s finish off this year strong 💪🏻 December Special is for all new and returning clients 🙌🏼 if you are interested in signing up message us as soon as possible as we are limited to 15 spots a week ✨
💭 “Una año de diferencia. 77 lbs menos. Un año de mucho cambio en mi vida. Un año enfocada en mi salud. Por mi, por el futuro de mis hijos, y por una larga vida Un año mas de vida, gracias a dios. Un año de cambio. Un año de aceptación. Un año lleno de apoyo y amor. Un año lleno de bendiciones. Un año de mucho esfuerzo y fuerza de voluntad. Gracias a dios & a todos por el apoyo que me an brindado, que este año sea otro mas para recordar ❤️”
💭 “Quiero darle las gracias a todo el equipo de Wenless Mode por todo su apoyo ha sido una experiencia maravillosa me ha dejado un aprendizaje de por vida y sobre todo la importancia de la salud para nuestro cuerpo muchas gracias”
💭 “I recently had my 3rd baby, and breastfeeding was not working for me. So I reached out to wellness mode and they were so patient and always willing to work with me. Especially because I was breast-feeding. Keeping me on a keto diet helped me produce more milk. It also helped me lose 20 pounds before my wedding. Thank you wellness mode for all your help! ❤️”
💭 “Already starting 2021 with a fresh mentality if it hadn’t been for Wellness Mode i would feel so stuck and lost, thank you ladies for sticking with me and believing in me from the beginning. 2020 was a very interesting year to say the least. I’ve learned a lot now come 2021 I want to apply everything i’ve learned. You ladies were the highlight of the year/life! Despite everything that’s happened i’m so grateful for you thank you for having such a positive impact in my life.”
I am currently on week 3 of my second round of Wellness Mode weighing this morning 366 pounds! The first time I I joined in 2018 I wasn’t happy with my weight ANYMORE! I didn’t want to shop Big and tall anymore and I was loosing my confidence. I maintained my weigh for 2 years until last month I decided to do it again! During my maintenance it was easy, I was getting a lot of compliments so I didn’t want to be the big guy who lost weight and gained it all back, so I continued to do low carb, meaning I would drink zero calorie drinks and whenever I ate out I would try not to eat too many carbs. Once in a while yes! but 90% of the time I ate healthy and I would go to the gym. This second round it is easier because you know it works and just seeing ur progress report every Monday motivates you. I want to be under 350 but my ultimate goal is 320 for now. So for those of you that think this is hard, it is only hard if you make it that way. And if I was able to do it at such a heavy weight, ANYONE CAN!”
To all our new followers I want to introduce myself 🙋🏼‍♀️ my name is Fiorela and I am the owner/nurse at Wellness Mode ❤️ one of my biggest struggles has always been my weight 👎🏻 since I was 10 years old I have tried every diet in the book 📚 I knew I couldn’t live like this for the rest of my life as my body image has to do 100% with how I feel and perform in life 🌼 when I created Wellness Mode in 2016 I knew that this was something I had to teach many people that struggle like I always did 🗣 and may I add that until this day I still do ✨and YES THAT IS NORMAL! Everyone that already knew me from when I first started Wellness Mode met me at my ideal weight 🌟To the people that didn’t see me during July of 2019 I went to the hospital for mental health reasons, I was under a lot of stress with very little sleep and I didn’t take care of myself 💔I was put on psychotropic medication which made me gain 20 lbs and was very depressed 😞 in January of 2020 I knew that if I was going to be setting an example I needed to lose the weight and get my mind to the right place 🧠 it was so hard SO HARD to do this diet again, it’s so strict and anything can affect your weekly effort but just like I teach many people to never give 🆙 I PUSHED THROUGH 💪🏻 Finally by April of 2020 I was able to reach back to my ideal weight 👏🏻 and have been able to maintain my weight 😍 of course the holidays added those extra 5 lbs but today I started my journey once again to feel good 😌 most importantly because I know my MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS 🤩 and so does YOURS! 🙌🏻 if you gave up before, it’s never too late to start again 👊🏻 step backs are normal, but what is not normal is to sit at home and do absolutely nothing about it ✨ What doesn’t kill you makes you STRONGER 👏🏻 what doesn’t challenge you won’t CHANGE YOU 💪🏻 and when there is a will there is ALWAYS and I mean always a WAY 🙌🏻💞
💭 “First I’d like to thank the coaches, you have decided to help total strangers accomplish goals they probably thought impossible. When I started 12 weeks ago I didn’t think I would have completed the program, too many different reasons came up, work, time, kids, holidays you name it. This program has helped me with more than just losing weight, they helped me realize that with hard work and determination you can accomplish your goals. Setting attainable goals is what helped me. The coaches used positive affirmations and that made all the difference. I knew that even in the moments of struggling that they would remind of why I started to begin with. Its more than weight that I’ve lost, I lost the desire to make poor food choices. My confidence is back, I’m loving my body, and my mind is clear. My mindset has completely changed, I am in control of what I put in my body and not the other way around. This isn’t an easy fix, this program isn’t easy, but anything worth having won’t be easy. Set your goals, make up your mind that you are ready and take it one day at a time.”
💭 “Wellness mode is such an amazing program, truly changed my life. I am still shocked I did this through the Holidays. The support and encouragement these ladies provide is remarkable at times I wanted to give up but they always helped me through this. I joined the program because I needed to makes changes in my life style, my health was deteriorating. I had High Blood Pressure and was diagnosed Diabetic taking several medications. I am no longer on medication, my blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normal! I have more energy, the headache are gone. I’m so glad I decided to invest in myself and most importantly my Health. Wellness Mode has given me the tools to continue with this Healthy Life Style! Thank you ladies!! “
“Coming together is a beginning ✨Keeping together is progress 💫 Working together is a success 🌟” . This is Wellness Mode 💝 a strong team of 5 beautiful souls that no matter what comes our way 🙌🏻 We help each other succeed to step forward into growth 💪🏻 . Today we shot our first commercial for Telemundo 📺 which we are so excited about and can’t wait to share it with you all 😍 . We hope for another year of success 🥳. Cheers to a new beginning for 2021 🎉and stay tuned for our giveaway this Friday! 🙌🏻
💭 “I am beyond grateful and so proud of my journey with Wellness Mode. You girls are truly dedicated to your work and love for helping others achieve theirs health goals. Thank you for once again helping me in achieving my goal. “
Can we all say that being healthy it’s not only about looking good but feeling amazing 🤩 if you’ve been there before you know exactly what I mean 😏 Overweight: sad, no energy, depressed, lack of motivation, not wanting to go out, putting make up on doesn’t make a difference 👎🏻 Healthy: glowing, extreme happiness, having the power to do whatever you want and only have positive vibes 🥳✨ be proud of how far you have come and stop giving up every time you have a set back 💫 I promise you that life is full of joy and happiness once you stop putting excuses ⭐️


Company name
Wellness mode
Health and Medical


  • What is the phone number for Wellness mode in Indio CA?
    You can reach them at: 805-444-0357. It’s best to call Wellness mode during business hours.
  • What is the address for Wellness mode on market in Indio?
    Wellness mode is located at this address: 82855 Market St Indio, CA 92201.
  • What are Wellness mode(Indio, CA) store hours?
    Wellness mode store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 6:00AM - 6:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.