Whigham Design Associates is a full service Interior Design business working with builders, architects, and clients on their new build jobs, remodel jobs, and simple face lifts to old tired spaces. My job is to listen to your needs, likes and dislikes, and problems that need solving and come up with a design solution that works for your lifestyle. After all you are the one that lives or works there! At the same time of solving your issues, my job is also to make your space innovative and creative paying attention to many details. Some people have never worked with designers before, but the experience can be rewarding. There are often misconceptions that they are too expensive or fear that their voice may not be heard. As a professional designer listening to your voice is the biggest key in a successful job. And with all our education and knowledge that is required to keep one's license, all that knowledge can be extremely beneficial to you in making your decisions and yes, even save you money in the end from making mistakes.
Sandra is a Licensed Interior Designer and a Professional member of ASID, TAID, TBAE.