David D. White, Attorney
David White’s practice is focused primarily in personal injury, criminal defense and family law.
David White derives his experience as a long-term associate for large firms in Washington, D.C. and Dallas, Texas. In 2008, David combined his expertise to co-found White & Measells law firm in Austin, Texas. An aggressive trial attorney, David represents his clients vigorously, extending both reliable and affordable legal representation to those in Austin, Texas and beyond.
John Michael Measells, Attorney
John Michael Measells’s practice is focused primarily in personal injury, criminal defense, corporate matters and entertainment law.
Drawing from a diverse background in the Texas legislature and in private practice, John Michael Measells brings a unique and valuable perspective to each client and to every case. Before combining efforts to found
White & Measells in 2008, John Michael focused not only as a law firm litigator, corporate attorney and entertainment lawyer, but he also served as General Counsel to Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, one of Texas’ most prominent senators.