White Peony Acupuncture

(on prospect)
Acupuncture in Lyons, CO


406 Prospect St
Lyons, CO


How does acupuncture work? Oriental medicine has a rich and successful history that reaches back thousands of years. In a few words, acupuncture and herbal therapy rebalance the body so it can heal itself. The ancient medicine accesses meridians, or channels, that run the length of the body and carry energy, or "qi." The energy along these meridians and the acupuncture points on the meridians can become imbalanced, creating pain and disease. Acupuncture gently reminds the body how to get back in harmony as well as prevents disharmony before it arises. Acupuncture promotes blood circulation and releases endorphins. It affects certain areas of the brain that release hormones and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters to bring the body into better balance.


Company name
White Peony Acupuncture


  • What is the phone number for White Peony Acupuncture in Lyons CO?
    You can reach them at: 970-708-1576. It’s best to call White Peony Acupuncture during business hours.
  • What is the address for White Peony Acupuncture on prospect in Lyons?
    White Peony Acupuncture is located at this address: 406 Prospect St Lyons, CO 80540.