Widger & Widger, APLC updated their phone number.
Widger & Widger, APLC updated their website address.
Learn about #visitation on our page below. Consult our #CulverCity #DivorceAttorney if you need to fight for your parental rights!
Visitation Rights | Custody Attorney in Culver City
To many people in Southern California, the holidays mean spending time with family, but that can be real tricky after a divorce. Our blog discusses child custody agreements and how they can be utilized to everyone's advantage during the holidays.
Child Custody and the Holidays
As a high net-worth couple, entering into a #PrenuptialAgreement before you get married is a wise decision. A #prenup can protect you and your assets in the event of an unexpected #divorce years from now. Consult a #CulverCity #FamilyLaw #attorney for more information.
Culver City Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer | Family Attorney in CA
After a #divorce that involves children, it can be difficult to relocate without violating court-ordered #custody or #visitation rights. Click below to learn about the laws surrounding #MoveAway cases in #California family law.
Culver City Child Custody Lawyer | Relocation After Divorce