For those of you that follow me here, Unfurled has evolved into a retail flower space ( @wildflowerandfern ) in Rockridge California, that focuses on ethically, locally grown flowers. While a small shop, we want to support as diverse a group of farmers as we can. Including, but not limited to BIPOC, queer identifying, sustainable/certified organic, & womxn farmers/owners. Come follow us over there....and share with any farmers you think might fit in with our vibe!!!
#keepitlocal #ethicallysourcedflowers #slowfarming #slowflowers #botanicalliaison #notill #flowersforthebees #slowbeekeeping #bipocfarmersmatter #supportlocalflowerfarmers #bayareaflowers #bayareaflowershop
Checked out @sequoia_diner this morning w/ @reyesr789 on a rec from a customer (thanks Jose!!) Found a new fave brekky spot!!
Haven’t posted in a while, been busy opening new shop!! Follow along @wildflowerandfern and see how we continue to support our local floral community.
Now that I can come up for air (for a few weeks anyway 💕🌺💕!!) I’ll be sharing whats been happening and introducing you to my team!
#brandingcolorinspo #localflowers #slowbreakfast #slowflowers #slowfood #wildflowerandfern #markethallfoods #morningjoe #eatlocal #locavore #highwirecoffee
A look back at a table full of flower enthusiasts discussing local, sustainable flower sourcing for the trade. I’d hosted a farm tour at @fullbloomflowerfarm & for @lamusadelasflores & @lucytheflowerhunter & guests back in June, and it was wonderful sitting there knowing I’d brought everyone together and was bringing something to the table!!
📸: @christinamcneill
#slowflowers #botanicalliaison #wildflowerandfern #sustainablefloristry #buylocal #flowernerd #unfurled
I’m excited to announce that @unfurleddesign is going retail & moving into @theflowerandtheb shop in @rockridgemarkethall in Oakland. We’re starting to build our team. If you’re enthusiastic about designing with fresh beautiful flowers, & have stellar customer service skills, DM or email me soon!
Offering: part/full time, competitive pay, a busy fun atmosphere with a focus on local/sustainable blooms.
And please tag in the comments any folks you think may be interested!
#slowflowers #oaklandflorist #greatopportunity #botanicalliaison #theflowerandtheb #localflowers #localbusiness #joinourteam #flowerfamily #rockridgemarkethall #unfurled #wildflowerandfern #wildflower&fern
Looking to grow our team at a busy flower shop in Oakland with a focus on local, sustainable blooms! DM me if you’re curious!
#slowflowers #theflowerandtheb #botanicalliaison #rockridge #oaklandlocal #localflora #localflowers
Spending time in the garden of the home I grew up in is just what I needed today. Thanks mom
#homeiswheretheheartis #growingupbotanically #slowgardening #slowflowers #greenlife