Another great day of #lasik ! Anticipating some happy 20/20 patients tomorrow...
#laservisioncorrection #lasereyes #20/20vision
Keepin’ it safe...
One patient at a time.
And....We're BACK!!
05-08-2020 - And....We're BACK!!
Day 1 of the new normal! We have opened to see a few necessary patients. VERY carefully!!
Thanks to modern technology, I was able to have virtual office visits with five people today! I think everybody found these “visit” very very productive! #TheDoctorIsIn
The EyeDoc is IN!!!
04-20-2020 - The EyeDoc is IN!!!
Sean came in for his 2 month Lasik post op appointment today! He definitely is loving the no glasses life!
We were busy at the LASIK center yesterday! Joseph is already enjoying life without glasses or contacts just ONE DAY after surgery! Congrats! #lasiksurgery #Lasik
Anthony woke up this morning with great vision after having LASIK yesterday! #Lasik #lasiksurgery
Speaking of staying safe...entire staff recertified for CPR and use of AEDs! All part of how we protect our patients! #heartsavers #cprtraining #cprsaveslives
James came in for his 1 year post op and is doing great!! So happy for you James!
Thanks Sandy at Henry Ford! Dr. G received his first dose of the #covidvacine #covid #wearadamnmask😷 Do we see a light at the end of the tunnel?
Curious about how cataract surgery is done, and options for Laser Cataract surgery?
Cataract Surgery Talk
Did you know.....
On the list of amazing things blind people can shooting! Laser sights on a gun with sensors that sound a tone as the rifle is aimed at the different colored rings of the target make this possible.
Emily and Tom both had LASIK yesterday and we couldn’t be more happy for them! #lasiksurgery #lasik #alllaserlasik #20/20in2020