Do not think that banks do not charge to cash checks. If you are not a member, there can be a hefty fee for the service. If you are a member, check-cashing fees are buried in the monthly service charge or in additional charges for checks that are outside your normal realm of business.
Have you had difficulty opening a bank account because of less than stellar credit? No matter what your credit history says, we’re happy to cash your checks for you.
By giving Americans the ability to transfer money across the country, Western Union became a powerful company. In 1884, 11 companies were invited to become part of the fledgling New York Stock Exchange. Western Union was one of those companies.
One problem with local banks is that you don’t have access to them while traveling. If you need to cash a check you receive while on the road, stop in and see us.
When you want to send bill payments to the utility company or send money across the country, we offer Western Union services to handle your transaction quickly and reliably.
While we live in an era where the trend is toward digital transactions, there are still many people who deal with cash and checks. Checks cashing services are able to bridge this gap, offering convenience and efficiency for people across all different income levels.