Wolterman Orthodontics is an orthodontic office serving a variety of oral and dental needs in the Cincinnati area. Dr. Wolterman offers initial consultations free so that patients know exactly what kind of work they will need in the future. From confidence to comfort to health, smiles are an important part of a person. Dr. Wolterman and his staff understand that, and they loving nothing more than having a positive impact on their patients’ lives through their smiles. The office offers a variety of orthodontic solutions. From metal braces, to adult braces, to invisible braces, Dr. Wolterman works with patients to determine the best solution for their needs. The office is widely known in Cincinnati and beyond for their caring staff and welcoming environment. For example, they offer patient incentives (prizes!) and even cookies in the office. For those worried about the price of braces, they will work with you to find a payment solution that makes orthodontics affordable.Stop hiding your crooked or misaligned teeth. Get the confidence you deserve with a visit to Wolterman Orthodontics, where confident smiles are created every day. It’s time to get the smile you’ve always wanted. For your complimentary initial consultation, set up an appointment by calling (513) 231-0041 or visit them online to learn more.