It's Our Business If your car's been acting a little strange, why not bring it to us for a look? We can do about anything you'd need done to your vehicle and if it's not in our area of expertise, we'll recommend someone who can help you.
Hours and Location: Our hours are convenient: 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday - Friday, and we can arrange early drop-offs and late pickups to suit your schedule. We are located at 296 E. Washington St., Harrisonburg VA, between North Main St. and Vine St., down the hill from the Harrisonburg water tower.
What We Do at Wrench Craft . . . we work on cooling systems and brake systems.
We do tire rotation and oil changes, as well as engine repairs, timing belt installations, and wheel bearings.
We are equipped to service your air conditioning unit and transmission.
and what we don't do . . . we do not do the following: state inspections, automatic transmission work, tire repair, exhaust systems or body work.