Wrench, Inc.

(on deer creek blvd)
Auto Repair in St. Cloud, FL
Auto Repair
Gas & Service Stations


2484 Deer Creek Blvd
St. Cloud, FL


We make caring for your car easy. Instead of carving time out of your life to bring your vehicle into the shop, you book an expert technician that comes to you.

Service can be scheduled online at any time. You’ll know immediately when your tech can come out, how long the job is expected to take, and how much it will cost.

Close to 85% of your needs can be resolved right in your driveway—from no starts, brake repair and parts replacement to mileage services. If you don’t know what’s wrong, we will diagnose your issue and make it right. We work with individual cars and trucks as well as fleets and we back up every service with a 1-year/12,000-mile warranty.


Company name
Wrench, Inc.
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Wrench, Inc. in St. Cloud FL?
    You can reach them at: 321-616-7146. It’s best to call Wrench, Inc. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Wrench, Inc. on deer creek blvd in St. Cloud?
    Wrench, Inc. is located at this address: 2484 Deer Creek Blvd St. Cloud, FL 34772.