Your Goals Physical Therapy

(on jones)
Doctors in Houston, TX
Massage Therapy
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


9642 Jones Rd.
Houston, TX


1 on 1, 60 minutes sessions, with a Doctor of Physical therapy who will provides manual therapy, specialized exercise designed to remove pain or dysfunction from your body.


Your Goals Physical Therapy Photo Your Goals Physical Therapy Photo


Running is such an amazing activity! I fell in love with running about 15 years ago...but just like many people I had to hang up my running shoes for a while because of knee pain. Check out my blog to find out how I got back to running without any knee pain.
Your Goals Physical Therapy is in Cypress, Texas. September 29 at 5:10 PM · Cypress, TX · Don’t believe the hype! Your knees are not bad. There is a reason for the pain you are feeling and its not your age or poor genetics. I help active adults over come knee pain to get them back to their favorite activities. Over the past 10 + years I’ve seen a horrible trend of more people talking about their “bad knees”. I hear things like: I had to stop running because of my bad knees. Oh I can’t squat because of my bad knees. I can’t go on that vacation because of my “bad knees”. I use to hear these things from people well into their 60s and 70s but now it I hear it from 40 years olds. It is simply not true! Your knees are not defective! You don’t knee to return them or hope your insurance will qualify you for replacements. You just need to talk with someone who will actually look at your knee, bend your knee, feel the muscles and ligaments around your knee to help determine the root cause of the pain or limitation. That’s how I help my patients get back to running, lifting weight, or simply playing with their kids without expensive surgeries.
Don’t believe the hype! Your knees are not bad. There is a reason for the pain you are feeling and its not your age or poor genetics. I help active adults over come knee pain to get them back to their favorite activities. Over the past 10 + years I’ve seen a horrible trend of more people talking about their “bad knees”. I hear things like: I had to stop running because of my bad knees. Oh I can’t squat because of my bad knees. I can’t go on that vacation because of my “bad knees”. I use to hear these things from people well into their 60s and 70s but now it I hear it from 40 years olds. It is simply not true! Your knees are not defective! You don’t knee to return them or hope your insurance will qualify you for replacements. You just need to talk with someone who will actually look at your knee, bend your knee, feel the muscles and ligaments around your knee to help determine the root cause of the pain or limitation. That’s how I help my patients get back to running, lifting weight, or simply playing with their kids without expensive surgeries.
Grandma was right! You need to quite slouching. Upright posture improves many physical things but it also affects your emotions. People with good posture have better self images and more overall energy. I personally believe that is because sitting up straight improves health of our bodies... Up right posture improves: Your lung functions, Your spine health Your shoulder health Your neck health Your digestion Just to name a few off the top of my head. So start practicing better posture today and see how much better you feel tomorrow! #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
How do you like your yogurt? We have a family favorite yogurt snack. It is 1 cup of plain low fat Greek yogurt, 1 cup of cut up strawberries and 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter all mixed together we call it “peanut butter and jelly” I love trying new recipes...please share #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
It is very easy to think that you simply have a “bad back”. Especially, if the pain has been around for several years and progressively getting worse. Squatting is an amazing movement that uses every muscles in your body. To do a squat correctly you have to engage your back, hip, knees, and ankles in the same way that you should for many daily and sports tasks. Let’s squat, squat, squat !! #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
Your Goals Physical Therapy October 7 at 6:04 PM · Wednesday blog: this week I talk about a mom I meet that was suffering from a disc bulge but now she’s taken her life back. Check out the full post at Let me know what you think in the comments below👇👇👇👇🙏🙏🙏
Wednesday blog: this week I talk about a mom I meet that was suffering from a disc bulge but now she’s taken her life back. Check out the full post at Let me know what you think in the comments below👇👇👇👇🙏🙏🙏
Your Goals Physical Therapy October 6 at 6:30 PM · If you said Sitting you’re correct! And the least about of the stress on your spine is while you are laying down. If your back is very sore and painful try laying down with some ice. And avoid sitting as much as possible. If you are looking for more information on how to stop your back from going out check out my Free Ebook "7 Tips To Keep Your Back From Going Out More Than You!"
Who hasn’t been sitting more this year then they ever have before?!? So many people have asked me why their back so painful after sitting. This is the topic of this weeks blog. Let me know what you think in the comments below. For the full blog check out
Wednesday blog: It’s very overwhelming when you back starts to ache when you are trying to sleep. In this weeks blog I talk about how I stop my back from hurting when I lay down. For the full blog check out: Comment below to let me know what you think
Habits are very hard to break! they are also hard to make. This is where planning is very important. This week lets pick one habit that you want to create or replace. Then set up a 5 day plan on how to achieve this. Don’t make it complicated...just one thing you want to do.. For instance, I want to mediate 10 minutes everyday this week. So I’m going to look at my calendar and schedule in 10 minute to mediate. That way I can’t say I don’t have time, or oops I forgot. Then next week I’m going to look back and see what worked for me and what didn’t. Next week plan while be that much better because I will have experience to help my planning. What habit are you trying to create? How is it going? #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
Happy Monday! Just remember that mistakes are just part of the process. Personally, I need this reminder on every Monday 😜 Here’s to having a great week ☕️ #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
This is how I feel today...Mastitis even a “mild case” is no joke. Today i’m very thankful for nannies and husbands since they are picking up where I’m leaving off. Not to mention Laps....Tomorrow is a new is naps and snuggles. #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms
what new habit are you trying to start this week? My new habit 🤞 is to wake up and workout first thing in the morning. I’ve noticed that no matter how well I plan my workouts not getting done because something always comes up that takes priority. #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #cyfairmom, #jerseyvillage #cypressmomnetwork #cypresstxmoms CYPRESSMOMSNETWORK.COM Wellness Wednesday: Dr. Molly McDonald, Physical Therapist | Cypress Moms Network
A huge thank you to Cypress Mom Network! I love working with a company that saves mom time. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
Going into Thanksgiving week I alway start to think of the things I’m thankful for.. I know this year has had its challenges but there were good times also. Just to start. I was able to spend more time with my kids. My family is healthy. My son loves school. And I am very excited that all the restaurants, groceries stores and retail store are finally putting cleaning EVERYTHING as a high priority. 2020 Has definitely left its mark but there are still so many things to be thankful for. I hope your thanksgiving week leaves you feeling rejuvenated and your soul feeling warmed. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
I find looking at health as a process versus a destination a calming idea. To me it means I don't have to be perfect every day. I don’t have to make the “best” decisions every meal. I simply have to find one thing I want to work on and strive to make that better. Then when that one thing has improved I can take on the next things. How do you see “Health”? #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
Our backs are one of the most common places we hurt ourselves. I talk to people every day that have one form or another of a back injury. Some people are just annoyed by a mild low back ache and some are completely doubled over in pain. No matter where people are on the spectrum the one thing they have in common is a fear of moving. They want the pain to stop and they don't want to move "the wrong" and further hurt themselves. In the video I talk about how your spine stays healthy, now lower back injuries happen and how to stop your lower back pain. Let me know what you think in the comments 👇.
Your Goals Physical Therapy updated their phone number.
I had a good friend of mine look at me one day and say “I’m going to run a marathon.” When she made the statement she didn’t run nor did she know how many miles you needed to run for a marathon. But six months later sure enough she ran a marathon in a little over 5 hours. She had a dream then she took action to find out how to make that dream come true. She found a running group to help support and guild her. Then she looked up training and nutrition programs/ needs for marathon running. I’m not really sure how most people end up running marathons but I was alway impressed that she was able to imagine it then make it happen. What are you dreaming of doing? #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
To help me give you information that's helpful, I'm going to start asking you what you think about different things. Let's start exercising....feel free to write in your answer in the comments below. ❓❓What stops you from exercising? 👉Don't see the point 👉Don't know where to start 👉Afraid you won't achieve your goals 👉Have difficulty moving the way you want 👉something different???
In my 20s and the start of my 30s I mostly ate at restaurants and bars. I didn’t realized how much that yummy food was effecting my health and my emotions. I could hear myself being very negative about basically everything all the time; I didn’t realized that the depression talking. I finally got feed up with feeling bloated all the time and started make changes in my diet and exercise program. Over the severally months I slowly changed one habit then another. Eventually I noticed how much happier I was throughout the day. I didn’t loss my temper as often and I had so much more energy. It is far easier to be happy and positive when you’re not uncomfortable all the time. Do you want to feel better? Do you need help getting started on your health journey? If, yes send me a DM so we can help you feel healthier and happier. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
Happy Monday! I hope everyone’s week is staring off great. Until I can across this quote recently I’d only hear life described as a “box of chocolates” or “roller coaster”. I like the idea of the card game because I find it very relatable to your health. People don’t choose to have injuries BUT they do get to choose how to manage their injuries. AND Knowing that you have the ability to make positive changes can be a very powerful thing. If you are dealing with a injury that is stoping you from fully enjoying your life send me a DM. Life’s to short to be missing out on your favorite actives for one more day. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
Tis’ the season to dream about what is possible in the new year… Fitness goal: I want to run a 10K in 45 minutes. Family goal: I want 10,000 hugs from my kids :) Mental goal: Give myself the same grace I give everyone else. Work Goal: Start a weekly Newsletter What is the one thing that if you achieved it in 2021 it would make 2021 memorable? #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
I’ve been working on this rubik’s cube on and off for a long time AND I FINALLY COMPLETED IT. I hope everyone is enjoying their day with family! Anyone else working on a puzzle or project today?
Not sure about you but I’m ready for a fresh start. Come on 2021! #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage
Have you ever done something that should’ve just been an embarrassing moment in time that turned out to be a serious injury? That is what happened to Trish. Check out my blog post that talks about Trish’s journey from not being able to move her arm without fear of further injury to finally getting back to her normal activities. Let me know what you think in the comments 👇 For the full blog check out:
Just like Alicia many women have worn cute shoes long enough to have foot pain and even develop a bunion. And just like Alicia they have the bunion surgery thinking that shortly after the surgery the pain would stop and they’d be back to those cute shoes ready to go dancing. But what do you do if you still have pain and swelling in your foot months after surgery? Check out this blog post to find out Send me a DM if this is the type of care you are looking for #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your Goals Physical Therapy January 13 at 6:00 PM · We have all tripped or fallen bounced right up and walked it off without a second thought. But what do we do when we trip or stumble and WE KNOW this is going to swell up. That is why this sweet, concerned woman contacted me. She rolled her ankle walking in a parking lot and she wanted to keep her ankle from getting “too swollen and ugle”. This week’s blog is a summary of what I told her. Send me a DM if this is the type of care you are looking for. For the full blog check out: #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
We have all tripped or fallen bounced right up and walked it off without a second thought. But what do we do when we trip or stumble and WE KNOW this is going to swell up. That is why this sweet, concerned woman contacted me. She rolled her ankle walking in a parking lot and she wanted to keep her ankle from getting “too swollen and ugle”. This week’s blog is a summary of what I told her. Send me a DM if this is the type of care you are looking for. For the full blog check out: #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Ever wonder if there were things you could to prevent you from needing a hip replacement? That is the topic of this week's blog. I know that I'm talking to my son about how to take care of his toys so they won't break quickly. This blog tells you things you can do to improve the health of your hip. If this is the type of care you are looking for or if you have any questions about your specific situation send me a DM. For the full blog going to: Please share this information with anyone that would benefit from it. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your stomach and butt muscles! That’s right the best things are alway free 😍 Years of sitting more than standing cause our abdominal and butt muscles get weak. Slowly over time our posture, how we walk, stand and lift things all change. Unfortunately all of these changes are adding more stress to our lower backs. If you are in the market for a back brace look no further than your own body. Things as simple as squeezing your butt and abdominal muscles can make a world of difference. If you are interested in learning specific exercises that will support your lower back from a movement specialist and ensure you are using proper form send me a DM. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
So many of us have high pain and annoyance tolerances. We will change what chairs we sit in, how long our walks are, we will only buy specific shoes before we seek out the reason for our lower back pain. We don’t want to bother anyone for something small or something that will just go away on its own. But what happens when your back pain affects everything you do in your daily life, even brushing your teeth? I met Michelle when she was completely fed up with having back pain while brushing her teeth. All she wanted was to be able to run errands and chase her daughter without pain. Send me a DM if this is the type of service you are looking for -my-teeth #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
If I think about all the housework I have to do in a day my mind is blown. In my house I have 2 kids, myself, my husband, and German Shepard and a cat. I love them all BUT man can they track dirt into my house every single day! Then let’s talk about the laundry pile. My daughter is at the phase where she likes to wear all her clothes at the same time. My son is still figuring out that looking through your drawers does mean throwing what you don’t want to wear that day onto the floor. So needless to chores are far from over ever (if anyone knows the chore fairy please send her my way) When I think about all the things I want to organize and clean my heart and mind go into overdrive. The only way I've found to stop the sense of overwhelm is to write a list of the things running through my mind. Then I can prioritize the ones that have to be done today, the ones I can pass to my husband or my son. After my list is done I feel an immediate sense of relief. I have a plan and it is achievable. This is the same thing I suggest for anyone who is trying to improve their health. Make a list of just 1-5 things you can do to help yourself feel better. For instance: drink more water, add 1 vegetable to 2 meals a day, eat 2 1 cup serving of fruits a day, move for 30- 60 minutes daily, get 8 hours of sleep. Then pick 1 or 2 that you can implement for the next week or month. And congratulate yourself when you make it each day the first week, then at the end of the second week etc. In other words, find small goals that you can achieve on a daily basis and weekly bases. If you feel unhealthy now you didnt’ get there overnight and you cannot come out of it overnight. That doesn’t make you a makes you human. Each healthy habit you help yourself create will make you feel better which will take the stress and overwhelm of that list away. The way you walk a mile is one step at a time.. and the way you’ll get to a healthier you is one small goal at a time. What is your goal for this week? ***Mine is cutting up my veggies Sunday so I have them ready to go throughout the week. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
I remember growing up hearing phrases like “Chicken soup helps a cold.” “You need to stay hydrated with a fever.” When allergy season started my mom loaded us up on vitamin C to help our immune system fight off the allergens. I think over the years we have started to rely on the doctor and pills more and more. It doesn't hurt to remind ourselves that nature has ways to cure scurvy with vitamin C. Vitamin K helps our blood clot, the same things that cause fruits and veggies to have bright colors help our bodies fight chronic inflammation. So while people should go to the doctor when they are sick and if you’re prescribed medication you should take that medication. Let’s back up that medication (or prevent the need for it) by eating healthy nutritious foods. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Ever wonder if there were things you could to prevent you from needing a hip replacement? That is the topic of this week's blog. I know that I'm talking to my son about how to take care of his toys so they won't break quickly. This blog tells you things you can do to improve the health of your hip. If this is the type of care you are looking for or if you have any questions about your specific situation send me a DM. For the full blog going to: Please share this information with anyone that would benefit from it. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Who knew you really can learn something from listening to the emergency landing procedure on an airplane. (Well other than what to do during turbulent weather or sudden landing.) I’m talking about the line about putting the mask on yourself, then on your kids or someone that needs help. As a mom that feels so wrong. If I see that mask drop down my first thought and possible only thought would be, “how I can help my kids”. Without that warning from the airline staff it wouldn't have occured to me that to help my kids I have to have oxygen first. This scenario is very common. We as moms want our kids to be happy so we sign them up for all these activities, we set up playdates, we cook amazing meals, we clean the house, fold laundry all on top of a work or school week. And we forget that if we don’t take care of ourselves then we will crash. We need to schedule in time to take care of ourselves in addition to our families. I'm not talking about just taking time to get a nice hair cut or our nails done. Of course those things are amazing and well deserved. I'm talking about making sure we get 8 hours of sleep, daily mental quiet time, we eat good nutrition and exercise to fuel and heal our bodies. These things may seem like “extras'' but they are not. It’s hard to have patience with kids and spouses when we are worn down. And what happens to the house when mom is sick? Over time, not getting enough sleep, not eating good food, not getting exercise, not taking time to calm and relax our minds increases the stress in our bodies resulting in illnesses. Sometimes it's just a cold but for many Americans this combination leads to chronic illness that may never go away. I know this may feel like one more thing on your long never ending TODO list but it doesn't have to be. You could have your kids help you come up with health food recipes, you all could go to the park for a walk, run or bike ride. And just think about how much easier it would be to get the kids to bed on time when they are worn out from playing at the park. Don’t forget that your health and happiness matter and your family reaps the benefits from a fully rested healthy mom. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
We’ve all woken up with a stiff or painful neck. This week's blog talks about how it is possible to resolve that pain without making a recurring medical appointment every time this happens. Check out the full blog at: Let me know what you think in the comments below. Please share with someone that would benefit from this information #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your stomach and butt muscles! That’s right the best things are alway free 😍 Years of sitting more than standing cause our abdominal and butt muscles get weak. Slowly over time our posture, how we walk, stand and lift things all change. Unfortunately all of these changes are adding more stress to our lower backs. If you are in the market for a back brace look no further than your own body. Things as simple as squeezing your butt and abdominal muscles can make a world of difference. If you are interested in learning specific exercises that will support your lower back from a movement specialist and ensure you are using proper form send me a DM. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
So many of us have high pain and annoyance tolerances. We will change what chairs we sit in, how long our walks are, we will only buy specific shoes before we seek out the reason for our lower back pain. We don’t want to bother anyone for something small or something that will just go away on its own. But what happens when your back pain affects everything you do in your daily life, even brushing your teeth? I met Michelle when she was completely fed up with having back pain while brushing her teeth. All she wanted was to be able to run errands and chase her daughter without pain. Send me a DM if this is the type of service you are looking for -my-teeth #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
I got an interesting call from a nice woman named Lisa. Lisa is in her early 40s and I got permission to share her story. She called me after seeing one of my ads because she was worried about her shoulder. She just couldn’t move it normally. The straw that broke the camel's back was when her husband tossed a water bottle to her and she just couldn’t get her arm to lift high enough or fast enough to catch the bottle. She was so embarrassed when the bottle hit her, not to mention a little hurt. For the full blog check out: Let me know what you think in the comments below👇 #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
The day after Valentine's day and I’m still enjoying all the loving sentiments. As I was thinking about all the happy songs like the Beatles All you need is love… “There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need” reminds me that no matter what goals I, personal growth, financial, or even just organizing my house, I know that with the right plan I can get things done. Unfortunately problems arise when I think I achieve all those goals without help. For instance I wanted to organize a few parts of the house to get rid of old toys, clothes, wires and random trash that we’d accumulated over years. It took a LOT longer than I anticipated. It became very obvious that if I was going to be able to finish this task in one weekend I was going to need help so I recruited my Husband and son. With their help I was able to get all the old clothes, toys and random electrical cords all out of our house. After the multiple bags of trash left the house I felt great. I don’t know why I thought I was going to be able to take on such a large task by myself. Perhaps a little pride or some control issues 😬. In all seriousness, sometimes It is hard to figure out what you need help with and what you should be able to do on your own. This is the nice thing about setting up goals. When you have a time frame to complete things you have also given yourself a natural point of reflection. Making changes To your lifestyle is hard. It takes time and lots of support. So if you’re finding that reaching some of your small short goals is becoming difficult then recruit your family, recruit your friends, or look for a group of people with the same type of goals. Don’t think that you’re a failure just because you can’t do it on your own. It can be a daunting task and everybody needs support. If you are looking for a supportive group that you could share changes and success look for my private FB group. Your Goals PT’s health and fitness group and asked to join. It’s 100%free. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your Goals Physical Therapy February 14 at 12:00 PM ·
Your Goals Physical Therapy is in Cypress, Texas. February 12 at 10:00 PM · Cypress, TX · What does it mean that not pain is created equal? We’ve all had a conversation with a friend or family member that causes us to get prickly. We get stuck in our heads spiraling about how inconsiderate that person was and how dare they say XYZ. For me the best way to reorganize my thoughts is to vent to a friend, or my husband. After they let me express my emotions and thoughts they can help me reframe the situation to find a way to move past the hurt feelings. Just like my friends help me reframe my feelings, I help my clients reframe their pain. By learning how to navigate through pain, I’m able to help clients get back to their favorite activities. When your knees hurt all the time and some crazy physical therapist suggests that you need to exercise it very hard to believe her. I frequently get that “You must be nuts lady” look from women. They immediately tell me I have pain just walking or standing up and you want me to move more? Which is a completely valid question. This is why I educate my clients on how to navigate pain. How do you separate out the pain sensation that means damage is happening versus muscle soreness that is telling you that you’re building strong joint saving muscles. In addition to how to move while controlling their pain. I educated my clients on the importance of creating and fine tuning internal awareness to help them navigate pain. We cannot just ignore all pain because “No pain No gain” and we cannot also not maintain a persistent state hypervigilant and total pain aversion. It’s important to learn how to walk the line between these two extremes. If you have chronic joint pain and want to get back to your favorite activities but aren’t sure if that is possible send me a DM. Let’s talk to find out how I can help you live your best life. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
I was okay with the idea of having no power for a few days. My husband bought a generator so we were able to keep the house moderately warm and use some lights. But then we lost water. That’s when I was like “peace out” im going someplace with running water. I was having fun entertaining the kids in the dark but not being able to wash anything that was my limit. Personally I’m very fond of all modern comforts which is why last week is as close to camping as I’ve been in years. But if I think about it wasn’t that long ago that people had to manually wash their laundry and dishes. In fact, in Boston they still advertise apartments with descriptions like “Modern kitchen and disposal”. Growing up in Houston I’d never been in a kitchen that didn't have a dishwasher and garbage disposal. Cooking used to involve growing and picking your own vegetables, not to mention cutting them up to cook. It is crazy how much of our daily household chores are automated now. This is why we need to exercise daily. Instead of having to spend hours in my kitchen cooking and cleaning. I get to chase my 2 year old or wrestle with my 5 year old. I get to throw one kid in a stroller and the second on his bike and go for a run. What would have been time spent doing housework, I now get to spend play with my kids. Automation is amazing but it is a double edge sword. We have freed ourselves from having to spend hours each day preparing food or chopping trees down to stay warm ...but what we do with that newly freed up time directly affects our health. I know many people dislike exercise, or feel silly working out, but truly at its heart “exercise” is simply replacing the movement we use to get by just living with fun activities you get to do with friends. I’m very thankful that I get to pick how I’m going to move. Did you learn any lesson from this impromptu camping experience? #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
I got an interesting call from a nice woman named Lisa. Lisa is in her early 40s and I got permission to share her story. She called me after seeing one of my ads because she was worried about her shoulder. She just couldn’t move it normally. The straw that broke the camel's back was when her husband tossed a water bottle to her and she just couldn’t get her arm to lift high enough or fast enough to catch the bottle. She was so embarrassed when the bottle hit her, not to mention a little hurt. For the full blog check out: Let me know what you think in the comments below👇 #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
The day after Valentine's day and I’m still enjoying all the loving sentiments. As I was thinking about all the happy songs like the Beatles All you need is love… “There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need” reminds me that no matter what goals I, personal growth, financial, or even just organizing my house, I know that with the right plan I can get things done. Unfortunately problems arise when I think I achieve all those goals without help. For instance I wanted to organize a few parts of the house to get rid of old toys, clothes, wires and random trash that we’d accumulated over years. It took a LOT longer than I anticipated. It became very obvious that if I was going to be able to finish this task in one weekend I was going to need help so I recruited my Husband and son. With their help I was able to get all the old clothes, toys and random electrical cords all out of our house. After the multiple bags of trash left the house I felt great. I don’t know why I thought I was going to be able to take on such a large task by myself. Perhaps a little pride or some control issues 😬. In all seriousness, sometimes It is hard to figure out what you need help with and what you should be able to do on your own. This is the nice thing about setting up goals. When you have a time frame to complete things you have also given yourself a natural point of reflection. Making changes To your lifestyle is hard. It takes time and lots of support. So if you’re finding that reaching some of your small short goals is becoming difficult then recruit your family, recruit your friends, or look for a group of people with the same type of goals. Don’t think that you’re a failure just because you can’t do it on your own. It can be a daunting task and everybody needs support. If you are looking for a supportive group that you could share changes and success look for my private FB group. Your Goals PT’s health and fitness group and asked to join. It’s 100%free. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your Goals Physical Therapy February 14 at 12:00 PM ·
Am I the only one that felt like last week was spent doing nothing but catching up. How much laundry can one family pile up in just one week? Apparently a LOT (but I guess we were wearing 4 layers at a time 😂) I’m looking forward to starting this week not feeling behind on EVERYTHING. It’s such an overwhelming feeling. I felt like I was doing 2 weeks of housework on top of outside of the home work all at the same time. And since I wasn't able to go grocery shopping or plan meals on Sunday (like normal). Figuring out and making meals was one more task added to each day. But one thing I noticed was that as the stress mounted the sense of being overwhelmed lead me to feel like a failure at everything..I was a bad mom, bad wife, and a bad therapist. I start to say things to myself that I would NEVER say to another person. It is crazy the looping thoughts that take over my thoughts. Ironically, I started to notice this cycle in myself after listening to my clients who would beat themselves up about not being perfect on their health journey. Whether you are beating yourself up about being a “bad mom” or that you “can’t get healthy” please remember this…. ALL things in life are a process. That means nothing is unrecoverable just because you have a bad day, week or month. What do you do once you’ve noticed you’re off track? Simply think about what went wrong and come up with a strategy to prevent the things you can control (planning meals and workouts) but forgive yourself for the things you have no control of (like an ice storm). So if you had a week like mine, that didn't leave a lot of time for planning food or your workouts and you are feeling like a failure. One week in time does not define you as a person, mom or wife! Can we all say that together...One moment in time does not define me! Today is a new day and the start of a new week. We get to change the course of today by learning from yesterday’s mistakes….that's call progress not failure. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Having a workout partner is amazing. Good workout partners push you to be stronger, they help you keep good form, they help you stay motivated on your health journey. And you both get to celebrate y’all wins and encourage through y’all challenges. But sometimes your workout buddy gets to be the person that annoys you enough to see the doctor that you’ve needed to see for months. At least that’s how Kay’s story started. Kay has been working out with her workout buddy for years. During the pandemic they started to walk nightly. A few months into the pandemic Kay started to limp because the back of her knee hurt when she walked. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Having a workout partner is amazing. Good workout partners push you to be stronger, they help you keep good form, they help you stay motivated on your health journey. And you both get to celebrate y’all wins and encourage through y’all challenges. But sometimes your workout buddy gets to be the person that annoys you enough to see the doctor that you’ve needed to see for months. At least that’s how Kay’s story started. Kay has been working out with her workout buddy for years. During the pandemic they started to walk nightly. A few months into the pandemic Kay started to limp because the back of her knee hurt when she walked. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
How Can You Stop Your Hip From Popping While You Workout? First you are 100 % right not to do an exercise that causes a joint to pop. It’s awesome that you’re paying enough attention to your body to realize something isn't’ right. I’m glad you’re looking for ways to resolve the pop in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles. (As I pointed out I know many people don’t Iike abdominal workouts.) There can be several reasons your hip will pop while doing abdominal exercises, specifically when lifting both legs at the same time. For the full blog: Send me a DM if you have a questions #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
How Can You Stop Your Hip From Popping While You Workout? First you are 100 % right not to do an exercise that causes a joint to pop. It’s awesome that you’re paying enough attention to your body to realize something isn't’ right. I’m glad you’re looking for ways to resolve the pop in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles. (As I pointed out I know many people don’t Iike abdominal workouts.) There can be several reasons your hip will pop while doing abdominal exercises, specifically when lifting both legs at the same time. For the full blog: Send me a DM if you have a questions #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
Your Goals Physical Therapy is in Cypress, Texas. March 22 at 4:00 PM · Cypress, TX · There is no magical time to workout. Well not in relation to the health benefits. Since having children I’ve tried many different times of the day to workout. Pre-children I was definitely an early morning workout person, that way nothing got in the way. But now that I have kids, it's hard to stick to any schedule...if you get up early they get up early...if you carve out 1 hour after work then that's when they need a snack or when they start fighting with each other. I’ve tried to workout after they go to bed but then they need one more story or one more sip of water. I will say the older my kids get the easier it is to find consistent time to workout. That’s the fun of life...tomorrow will be different. So if you are a mom that is trying to be consistent with your workouts remember that there is no perfect time to workout and there is nothing that says you have to follow a set program. So the days my kids get up early then I try to incorporate them in my workout whether that is using them as a weight or holding them while I walk on the treadmill. If that just isn't working then there is alway tomorrow. Remember health is a journey not a destination and we all know that some of the best parts of a road trips are the detours. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
There is no magical time to workout. Well not in relation to the health benefits. Since having children I’ve tried many different times of the day to workout. Pre-children I was definitely an early morning workout person, that way nothing got in the way. But now that I have kids, it's hard to stick to any schedule...if you get up early they get up early...if you carve out 1 hour after work then that's when they need a snack or when they start fighting with each other. I’ve tried to workout after they go to bed but then they need one more story or one more sip of water. I will say the older my kids get the easier it is to find consistent time to workout. That’s the fun of life...tomorrow will be different. So if you are a mom that is trying to be consistent with your workouts remember that there is no perfect time to workout and there is nothing that says you have to follow a set program. So the days my kids get up early then I try to incorporate them in my workout whether that is using them as a weight or holding them while I walk on the treadmill. If that just isn't working then there is alway tomorrow. Remember health is a journey not a destination and we all know that some of the best parts of a road trips are the detours. #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
How Can You Stop Your Hip From Popping While You Workout? First you are 100 % right not to do an exercise that causes a joint to pop. It’s awesome that you’re paying enough attention to your body to realize something isn't’ right. I’m glad you’re looking for ways to resolve the pop in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles. (As I pointed out I know many people don’t Iike abdominal workouts.) There can be several reasons your hip will pop while doing abdominal exercises, specifically when lifting both legs at the same time. For the full blog: Send me a DM if you have a questions #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle
How Can You Stop Your Hip From Popping While You Workout? First you are 100 % right not to do an exercise that causes a joint to pop. It’s awesome that you’re paying enough attention to your body to realize something isn't’ right. I’m glad you’re looking for ways to resolve the pop in order to strengthen your abdominal muscles. (As I pointed out I know many people don’t Iike abdominal workouts.) There can be several reasons your hip will pop while doing abdominal exercises, specifically when lifting both legs at the same time. For the full blog: Send me a DM if you have a questions #cyressmomnetwork #thelocalmomsnetwork #fromonemothertoanother #cyfair #healthymoms #nwhouston #cypresstx #cypressmoms #cypresstxmoms #nwhoustonmoms, #purebarrecypress #orangetheory #cypressrun #noom #weightwatchers #jennycraig #yourgoalspt, #jerseyvillage, #rawgymwarzone, #planetfitness, #crossfit290, #lifetimefitness #lafitnesslifestyle


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Your Goals Physical Therapy


  • What is the phone number for Your Goals Physical Therapy in Houston TX?
    You can reach them at: 832-276-7095. It’s best to call Your Goals Physical Therapy during business hours.
  • What is the address for Your Goals Physical Therapy on jones in Houston?
    Your Goals Physical Therapy is located at this address: 9642 Jones Rd. Houston, TX 77065.
  • What are Your Goals Physical Therapy(Houston, TX) store hours?
    Your Goals Physical Therapy store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.