One area that education law covers is discrimination in the field of education, whether this covers the hiring process or the actual process of educating students. These laws are generally enforced by state and local Departments of Education.
If you’ve been in an automobile accident that was caused by the negligence of the other driver, you may be offered a fast settlement check. One reason to turn that down, which a civil attorney can explain in detail, is that the full scope of injuries and damages from accidents isn't always known for at least several weeks.
An attorney is often the best friend a parent can have when they are trying to protect the rights of their child with special needs. They know the law and are able to do whatever is needed to make sure that your child is protected.
If you believe you have been harassed or illegally mistreated on the job, record as much information as possible in writing. Keeping a written record of incidents, names, times and dates will strengthen your complaint when you speak to a supervisor or consult an attorney.
Legally, the special education process should follow certain steps, including identification of delays or challenges in the child’s learning process, a learning disability diagnosis, and finally the development of a 504 plan or IEP to guide the child’s education going forward. If the school is fighting you on this in any way, then it may be time to consult with an education lawyer.
No matter the civil issue you are dealing with, we are dedicated to helping you find the best legal solution. We specialize in a wide range of civil litigation, from contract disputes, to discrimination, to police brutality.