I worked with John for 15 weeks. John was an African American diagnosed schizoaffective.
His symptoms were: delusional thoughts, disorganized speech, auditory and visual hallucinations.
In hypnosis, all of these symptoms would go away.
While working with him, he told me about a traumatic accident. His sister was killed in a drive-by shooting at the age of 16, she died within his hand. He was trying to guide her to safety.
His mind was attempting to process the traumatic event.
But the Feeling was so powerfully intense! The emotional brain stopped him from feeling. His rational mind started to create the illogical rationalization. His belief was verbalized as "I can't believe this.., I can't believe this.. "
The feeling was never processed, they were repressed. The denial started his delusional thinking.
That affected his cognition which lead to disorganized speech and hallucinations.
Well in hypnosis he was finally able to deal with the traumatic accident and after 15 weeks he became asymptomatic.
*No real name was used in this post*
Our nervous system is sensitive to danger to keep us safe and protected. This stress is a normal physical response to an event or problem that makes us feel threatened or overwhelmed.
The same system that helps us avoid danger can be the same system that creates long term chronic stress that damages our mind and body.
I recently met with an individual that works as a product manager for a corporation. He had challenging deadlines, was short-staffed, dealing with pressures from upper management with a home, four kids and wife.
He came to see me for his frequent migraines but he also suffered from excessive worry, forgetfulness, muscle spasms, and as well as back pain. He signed on for 12 sessions for 1,000 dollars.
After the 4th session, he reported that he had become asymptomatic. Life is meant to be lived and not endured. Refer me to your friend that suffers from frequent migraines. Ask them have they ever had a mental massage.
Our nervous system is sensitive to danger to keep us safe and protected. This stress is a normal physical response to an event or problem that makes us feel threatened or overwhelmed.
The same system that helps us avoid danger can be the same system that creates long term chronic stress that damages our mind and body.
I recently met with an individual that works as a product manager for a corporation. He had challenging deadlines, was short staffed, dealing with pressures from upper management with a home, fours kids and wife.
He came to see me for his frequent migraines but he also suffered with excessive worry, forgetfulness, muscle spasms, and as well as back pain. He signed on for 12 sessions for 1,000 dollars.
After the 4th session he reported that he had become asymptomatic. Life is meant to be lived and not endured. Refer me to your friend that suffers with frequent migraines. Ask them have they ever had a mental massage.
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Cure for Anxiety, Depression, Addiction and to be more Confident.