Are you looking to simplify your new car shopping experience as much as possible? Check with your credit union or bank to get pre-qualified for a loan. With that in hand, the shopping experience will be focused mostly on the lowest possible price for the vehicle.
If you're looking for high-tech appointments, new cars lead the way. In fact, the ability to connect to an MP3 player wasn't even available before 2001, while Bluetooth phone connections and satellite TV are increasingly available.
Shopping from a respected new car dealership eliminates the concerns of stumbling across a lemon. If there is an issue at a new car dealership, the manufacturer’s warranty and the dealership’s reputation will ensure that everything is taken care of properly.
If you are looking for a pleasant new car buying experience, come to a company that cares. We want to find you the best car for you and your family. We know we can find the model, color, and trim that suits your taste. Contact us for more information.
A "fixed guaranteed residual" refers to the price decided on at the time of a car lease in which the dealership promises to sell you the car at the end of the lease. This can end up saving you a lot of money, especially if the value of your car is greater than the predetermined price.
What is an MSRP? MSRP stands for manufacturer's suggested retail price. It is the price the manufacturer recommends that the retailer use as the selling price for consumers.
The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is posted on every vehicle. This is the price suggested by the manufacturer, not necessarily the price you will pay.
So what is a "balloon loan"? This is a loan that pays off a portion of your new car loan, requiring the buyer to pay off most of it (the "balloon") at the end of the term. This is a great way to get yourself low monthly payments.
Always test drive a new car before you buy it. It's the only way you can be sure the car is right for you, and that you'll enjoy driving it every day.
Imagine getting your vehicle totaled just months after you bought it. Because of depreciation, the actual value of the vehicle is likely lower than the loan balance – perhaps significantly lower. New dealers offer gap insurance for just that situation.
Car history: Leonardo da Vinci's self-propelled car design of 1478 remained only a sketch until 2004 when a replica, now on display at an Italian museum, was crafted.
We recommend always taking any new car you are considering purchasing out for a test drive. Not only can you check out all the components and features, but also make sure the car is a good physical fit and that you as the driver are comfortable and have adequate visibility on all sides.
When buying a new car, the customer may also sell his or her current vehicle. As a trade-in, this value has the possibility to reduce a portion of the amount owed for his or her purchase.
Vehicle history: French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot's self-propelled road vehicle made its debut in the year 1769. Its top speed? About 2.5 miles per hour.
Just because you have bought your new car and driven it home, it does not mean we forget about you. We will be in touch periodically to check to make sure your car is working properly, remind you of service, and to be available if you need another vehicle.
One advantage of a car dealership is that it is a one-stop shop for everything related to your new vehicle. There is a large selection, financing is available and you can return to the dealership for any repairs or maintenance.
One way to preserve the life of your new car is to shift the car to neutral at red lights or when stopped in traffic. Putting the car in neutral will prevent the engine from working while the car is stopped.
Do you keep meticulously detailed records of all your car maintenance? Unfortunately, not all car owners do. If you want to be sure you’re buying a car that’s been well-maintained, buying new is the only way to go.
Although your income may seem irrelevant to finding a new car, it's critical to securing financing. If we're helping you get a loan or lease, remember to bring income verification documents with you.
When you are purchasing a new car, you can get as many or as few features as you want, customizing it to your personal standards. You do not have to settle for less than you want, like you would with a used car.
If you are concerned about depreciation when purchasing a new car, keep in mind that vehicles that are in higher demand retain their value better. We can help you find those cars that are most likely to maintain a stronger resale value.
Depending on your situation, it may be easier for you to buy your new car with monthly payments in mind, not the actual sticker price. Remember, it rarely matters how low your financing is when the monthly payments are still out of reach.
We are a company that is focused on quality cars and quality service. We want to find you the best new car for your money. We know car buying can be a hassle; that is why we make it is so you can enjoy your new car buying experience. Call today for more information.
Car history: Did you know that the idea of a self-propelled car dates back to the year 1478? Leonardo da Vinci sketched a self-propelled car, but it was not made then.