AMS Cardiology

(on old york)
Doctors in Abington, PA
Health and Medical


8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM


1235 Old York Rd.
Abington, PA


Abington Medical Specialists, a comprehensive cardiovascular practice, is committed to preventing and treating all aspects of cardiovascular disease. As one of the most well-respected groups in the Philadelphia region, Abington Medical Specialists brings the latest state of the art cardiovascular care to our patients.


AMS Cardiology Photo


Happy #WorldSmileDay 😄 Did you know laughing and smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve your mood, and reduce stress? Give it a try today for an instant boost.
Happy World Heart Day from the team at AMS! What are you doing today to support your heart health?
Your family's health and fitness are so important, especially during this time of the year. For Family Health & Fitness Day, we're sharing 4 important reasons why you should create a health and fitness plan for your family ➡️
Celebrate the first day of fall with some heart health fall treats 👉
Happy Monday! We hope you have a great week.
Do you have an abnormal heartbeat? An Electrophysiology study might be able to help determine the cause of your irregular heart rhythm. Your doctor will then be able to prescribe medication or an effective treatment to help combat this issue. Learn more 👉
Since the 1970's, we've made it our mission to help hearts in the Greater Philadelphia area. Our leading cardiologist group is made up of lifelong learners on the “cutting edge” of cardiovascular medicine. Call us today to schedule an appointment 215-517-1000.
Arrhythmias, or an irregular heart rate, comes in two forms - Bradycardia and Tachycardia. These can occur in the upper or lower chambers of the heart and can cause dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pains, and more. Learn how the physicians at AMS can help you 👉
Halloween is right around the corner and whether you love or hate this time of year, you're probably going to come across a scary movie or two in the next couple weeks. Watching scary movies does have some impact on your body, including your heart health. We're taking a look at how your body reacts today 👉
#FunFactFriday: A blue whale’s heart is as big as a compact car.
Today is Global Handwashing Day where we are taking the time to remind you of the importance of adopting a proper handwashing routine. Stop the spread and reduce germs and bacteria when you wash your hands the right way!
At AMS, our doctors practice Interventional Cardiology. This subspecialty of cardiology deals specifically with the catheter-based treatment of heart diseases. Speak with your doctor today about these specific treatments and if they're right for you.
It's #NationalAppleDay! 🍏🍎 Recent studies suggest that just two apples a day can ward off heart attacks and strokes and may even lower your cholesterol. Here are a few simple tips and apple recipes to get your daily dose in 👉
We value each and every patient that walks through our doors. Consider leaving us a review and letting us know about your experience with our doctors.
Daylight savings time is upon us and for many, the time change can negatively affect them. If this sounds like you, check out some of our tips to make your daylight saving transition a breeze 👉
If your doctor suspects that you may have a blockage in one or more of your arteries, a Peripheral Angioplasty may be suggested. This procedure involves passing a balloon into the area of blockage in an artery. The balloon is then expanded and the blockage opened. A stent is frequently implanted at the same time. Learn more 👉
By now, it's no secret how bad smoking is for your health. We're sharing how it affects the heart and what you can do to keep yours protected 👉
Did you remember to set your clocks back for Daylight Savings Time?
We hope everyone has a safe and healthy Halloween!
We're all staying home a little bit more these days. While it's an important factor in slowing the spread of COVID-19, it's crucial to continue to stay active while you're at home. We're sharing 5 tips to keep you healthy at home 👉
Happy Veterans Day to our soldiers, both past and present. We thank you for your service.
At AMS, our goal for preventative cardiology is to deliver individualized, research-based care to our patients to help them reduce risk factors of heart disease. In addition, we also help to promote health and wellness for both patients with and without cardiac and vascular disease. Schedule an appointment with us today 👉
#FunFactFriday: The heart can continue beating even after being disconnected from the body!
Today we are celebrating an exciting milestone - the one year opening of our new office! Here's to many more years of caring for our patients ❤️
It's #NationalHikingDay! We're sharing all the ways that hiking can benefit your health (especially your heart!) 👉
We're ready for a new week. Happy #MotivatonalMonday!
Happy Thanksgiving from AMS Cardiology!
We proudly continue to deliver the best patient-centered care to everyone who we welcome through our doors ❤️
Do you know if you have an increased risk of Atrial Fibrillation? Patients who suffer from heart valve problems, congenital heart & coronary artery disease, heart attack, & stroke are at a greater risk of developing AFib. Learn how our doctors can help 👉
Now more than ever, we're spending more time indoors. The days are shorter and the temperature is chillier but that doesn't mean your exercise routine should suffer. We're sharing 5 fun ways to stay fit and active this winter 👉
It's #HandwashingAwarenessWeek! Remember to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place.
The holidays will be here before you know it and you might be feeling extra stressed. Here are 3 ways that stress can impact your heart and what you can do to reduce your stress 👉
We do our best to always keep learning so we can be our very best for our patients ❤️
#FunFactFriday: The cheetah is one of the fastest land animals, but its resting heartbeat is about 120 beats per minute, similar to a jogging human!
It's #NationalBrownieDay and we're sharing this heart-healthy, chocolatey recipe for you to enjoy 👉
Peripheral vascular disease can cause leg pain due to narrowed or restricted blood flow to your arteries. We can identify these symptoms & provide proper treatment to slow the progression or even reverse the symptoms. Schedule an appointment today ➡️
An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. Your doctor may suggest this procedure if you experience shortness of breath or chest pain. Learn more ➡️
Happy weekend! We hope you're spending some quality time with your family, snuggled up indoors.
Start 2021 off right and consider scheduling an appointment with one of our doctors. Our goal is to deliver individualized research-based care to our patients in order to reduce risk factors of cardiovascular disease and prevent symptoms from worsening.
#NationalChocolateCoveredAnythingDay calls for well...chocolate covered anything! We're providing 20 heart-healthy recipes that are smothered in chocolate to help you celebrate the occasion 👉
Happy Holidays from the AMS family!
As the new year approaches, it's a great time to reassess your lifestyle and start fresh. From eating better to spending more time exercising, we're sharing some helpful tips to ensure you stay on track with your health goals for 2021 ➡️
Happy 2021 from AMS Cardiology!
We hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Years Eve! Happy 2021!
It's the last Monday of 2020. Do you have your 2021 resolutions established?
January is National Blood Donor Month. Consider donating this month to help others in need!
Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular heart rhythm that affects the upper chambers of the heart. If you're experiencing palpitations, a feeling that the heart is racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, or weakness, schedule an appointment with us today.
#TipTuesday: Winter weather can put some unwanted strain on your heart. If you're going to be spending time outdoors, dress in layers with a hat and gloves, come indoors often to warm up, and if you're shoveling snow, don't shovel for long periods of time.
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the US and studies show that an excess of inflammatory foods may increase your risk. Today we're sharing how inflammatory foods negatively affect your health 👉
A blockage in one or more of your arteries is known as Peripheral Vascular Disease. Your doctor may suggest Peripheral Angiography to help with the blockage. Learn more and see if this procedure could help you 👉
"Today we honor the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. "You only need a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love." #MLKDay
#FunFactFriday: The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s lifetime!
Happy Sunday! We know it's cold outside so take your workout indoors and at home today! We're sharing some low impact cardio exercises that are perfect to get your heart rate up while being easy on your joints 👉
Did you know heart disease symptoms look different in men & women? Women are often at a higher risk than men, & it can often be overlooked. We're sharing symptoms & risk factors associated with heart disease in women, & steps you can take to prevent it 👉
Our number one goal at AMS Cardiology is to deliver individualized, research-based care to our patients in order to reduce risk factors of cardiovascular disease and prevent symptoms from worsening. Get help with your health when you schedule an appointment with us today.
"Today we honor the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. "You only need a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love." #MLKDay
#FunFactFriday: The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s lifetime!
We do everything we can to keep you healthy, happy, and strong 💪
Happy Sunday! We know it's cold outside so take your workout indoors and at home today! We're sharing some low impact cardio exercises that are perfect to get your heart rate up while being easy on your joints 👉
Did you know heart disease symptoms look different in men & women? Women are often at a higher risk than men, & it can often be overlooked. We're sharing symptoms & risk factors associated with heart disease in women, & steps you can take to prevent it 👉
Our number one goal at AMS Cardiology is to deliver individualized, research-based care to our patients in order to reduce risk factors of cardiovascular disease and prevent symptoms from worsening. Get help with your health when you schedule an appointment with us today.
"Today we honor the late, great Martin Luther King Jr. "You only need a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love." #MLKDay
#FunFactFriday: The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s lifetime!
It's #WearRedDay! Today, we encourage you to wear the color red in order to help raise and spread awareness about heart disease.
Are you watching the big game today? 🏈 If so, we have a list of healthy foods you can make that will satisfy the whole family 👉
Looking for a few quick and easy exercises to keep your heart healthy this month? ❤️ Try brisk walking, running, swimming, or weight machines and stretching for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
February is Heart Month ❤️ Every year more than 600,000 Americans die from heart disease. This is a great chance to start some heart-healthy habits to reduce your risk!
We do everything we can to keep you healthy, happy, and strong 💪
Do you suffer from an abnormal heartbeat? An Electrophysiology study might be able to help determine the cause. Your doctor will then be able to prescribe medication or effective treatment to help combat this issue. Learn more 👉
We often don't realize just how demanding snow shoveling can be on our bodies. Today we're sharing safe and smart techniques that can help you avoid injuries this season ➡️
Wondering which foods are best to consume when you're heart conscience? Try incorporating these into your diet: Leafy Greens, Red and Orange Vegetables Berries Avocados Whole Grain Seafood like Salmon, Trout, and Tuna Nuts and Seeds
It's #WearRedDay! Today, we encourage you to wear the color red in order to help raise and spread awareness about heart disease.
Are you watching the big game today? 🏈 If so, we have a list of healthy foods you can make that will satisfy the whole family 👉
Did you know that 1 in every 4 deaths in the US is a result of heart disease? In honor of Heart Health Month, we're sharing some notable national events that you can participate in to help spread awareness of the importance of heart health ➡️
Happy Valentine's Day from AMS Cardiology!
Do you suffer from an abnormal heartbeat? An Electrophysiology study might be able to help determine the cause. Your doctor will then be able to prescribe medication or effective treatment to help combat this issue. Learn more 👉
We often don't realize just how demanding snow shoveling can be on our bodies. Today we're sharing safe and smart techniques that can help you avoid injuries this season ➡️
Wondering which foods are best to consume when you're heart conscience? Try incorporating these into your diet: Leafy Greens, Red and Orange Vegetables Berries Avocados Whole Grain Seafood like Salmon, Trout, and Tuna Nuts and Seeds
It's #WearRedDay! Today, we encourage you to wear the color red in order to help raise and spread awareness about heart disease.
We ❤️ our patients! #TestimonialTuesday
#FunFactFriday: Octopuses have three hearts!
Did you know that 1 in every 4 deaths in the US is a result of heart disease? In honor of Heart Health Month, we're sharing some notable national events that you can participate in to help spread awareness of the importance of heart health ➡️
Happy Valentine's Day from AMS Cardiology!
Do you suffer from an abnormal heartbeat? An Electrophysiology study might be able to help determine the cause. Your doctor will then be able to prescribe medication or effective treatment to help combat this issue. Learn more 👉
We often don't realize just how demanding snow shoveling can be on our bodies. Today we're sharing safe and smart techniques that can help you avoid injuries this season ➡️
March is #NationalNutritionMonth and we're inviting you to develop healthful eating and physical activity habits to continue towards your health goals.
In honor of #NationalProteinDay, we're sharing 9 important functions of protein in the body 👉
Arrhythmias is an irregular heart rate and comes in two forms - Bradycardia and Tachycardia. These can occur in the upper or lower chambers of the heart and can cause dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pains, and more. If you experience this, learn how the physicians at AMS can help you ➡️
We ❤️ our patients! #TestimonialTuesday
#FunFactFriday: Octopuses have three hearts!
Have you been keeping up with your heart-healthy New Year's goals? If you've hit a bump in the road, read on to learn how to get back on track with some heart-healthy resolutions and foods that you can incorporate into your daily routine ➡️
You can feel confident when your health is in our hands ❤️
March is #NationalNutritionMonth and we're inviting you to develop healthful eating and physical activity habits to continue towards your health goals.
In honor of #NationalProteinDay, we're sharing 9 important functions of protein in the body 👉
Arrhythmias is an irregular heart rate and comes in two forms - Bradycardia and Tachycardia. These can occur in the upper or lower chambers of the heart and can cause dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pains, and more. If you experience this, learn how the physicians at AMS can help you ➡️
We are still offering telehealth services so you can stay safe and help mitigate the spread! Schedule a virtual appointment today ➡️
#TipTuesday: It's time to spring back to heart-healthy eating! Try eating plenty of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and protein-rich foods, like fish and legumes, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and oils, and fresh herbs and spices to add flavor.
Happy #InternationalWomen'sDay from AMS Cardiology!
Have you been keeping up with your heart-healthy New Year's goals? If you've hit a bump in the road, read on to learn how to get back on track with some heart-healthy resolutions and foods that you can incorporate into your daily routine ➡️
You can feel confident when your health is in our hands ❤️
March is #NationalNutritionMonth and we're inviting you to develop healthful eating and physical activity habits to continue towards your health goals.
Happy St. Patrick's Day from AMS Cardiology!
Are you getting enough sleep? 💤 Experts recommend healthy adults need anywhere between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but everyone is different. Speak with your doctor today to determine the amount of sleep that's right for you. #NationalSleepAwarenessWeek
We are still offering telehealth services so you can stay safe and help mitigate the spread! Schedule a virtual appointment today ➡️
#TipTuesday: It's time to spring back to heart-healthy eating! Try eating plenty of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and protein-rich foods, like fish and legumes, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and oils, and fresh herbs and spices to add flavor.
Happy #InternationalWomen'sDay from AMS Cardiology!
Have you been keeping up with your heart-healthy New Year's goals? If you've hit a bump in the road, read on to learn how to get back on track with some heart-healthy resolutions and foods that you can incorporate into your daily routine ➡️
In patients with abnormal heartbeats, restoring the heart’s normal rhythm may be necessary. This is accomplished by a procedure known as “electrical cardioversion where a patient is put to sleep for about 5 minutes. During that time, a short “jolt” of electricity is delivered to the heart, restoring normal rhythm to the heart. Learn more ➡️
Happy first day of Spring! 🌷 What are you doing to celebrate the arrival of warmer weather? Try going for a walk or jog outdoors!
#FunFactFriday: Every cell in the body gets blood from the heart, except for the corneas.
Happy St. Patrick's Day from AMS Cardiology!
Are you getting enough sleep? 💤 Experts recommend healthy adults need anywhere between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but everyone is different. Speak with your doctor today to determine the amount of sleep that's right for you. #NationalSleepAwarenessWeek
We are still offering telehealth services so you can stay safe and help mitigate the spread! Schedule a virtual appointment today ➡️


Company name
AMS Cardiology


  • What is the phone number for AMS Cardiology in Abington PA?
    You can reach them at: 215-517-1000. It’s best to call AMS Cardiology during business hours.
  • What is the address for AMS Cardiology on old york in Abington?
    AMS Cardiology is located at this address: 1235 Old York Rd. Abington, PA 19001.
  • What are AMS Cardiology(Abington, PA) store hours?
    AMS Cardiology store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.