Dr. Arth Patel is a board certified Family Medicine physician specializing in Sports Medicine practicing at NewYork-Presbyterian Medical Group Queens located in Jackson Heights, NY. Dr. Patel earned his medical degree from New York Medical College and remained there to complete a master’s in public health. He served his residency in family medicine and completed his fellowship in primary care sports medicine. He served his residency in family medicine at St. Francis Hospital at the University of Connecticut in Hartford, Conn. and completed his fellowship in primary care sports medicine at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Lehigh, Pa.
Dr. Patel specializes in the treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries and advanced primary care. He sees adult and pediatric patients for concussion management, ultrasound guided injections, platelet rich plasma, stem cell therapy, musculoskeletal and non-operative orthopedic conditions. Dr. Patel is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.