Clovis Community Medical Center

(on herndon ave)
Hospitals and Medical Centers in Clovis, CA
Hospitals and Medical Centers


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours


2755 Herndon Ave
Clovis, CA


Home to Central California's highest level of care.


Clovis Community Medical Center Photo


Looking for trustworthy, general information about coronavirus? Visit our website or call our information phone line to learn more.
Hip pain? You're not alone! Hear J.R. Jackson's story of how his hip replacement gave him his life back. Cheers for top-notch orthopedic care right here in the Valley!
"Should I get an epidural? What if I have to have a C-section? When should I have a birth plan?" These are all questions expecting moms might ask themselves. Community Regional Medical Center's Chief Medical & Quality Officer and OBGYN Jeffrey Thomas explains some of the anxiety around having a baby and what you can do to prepare for delivery.
What does 6 feet apart really look like? Our team members show us how to keep our “eye on the ball” and maintain social distance while having some fun! #socialdistancing
Disaster can strike when we least expect it, which is why it's always important to have an emergency plan in place. Check out these helpful tips from Community's Emergency Preparedness Manager and the American Red Cross Central California Region to keep you and your family safe.
Being pregnant can already be a stressful time for most women, let alone having a baby in the middle of a pandemic. Dr. Jeffrey Thomas, OBGYN and Community Regional Medical Center’s Chief Medical & Qualty Officer, answers your questions about pregnancy and COVID-19. #InTheKnow #MedWatchToday
When it comes to fighting breast cancer, we are #ValleyStrong. A huge thank you to local law enforcement agencies throughout the Valley for their efforts to help patients at our Marjorie E. Radin Breast Care Center. Visit for more information! #ValleyPinkPatch #PinkPatchProject
🩸 Valley People Need Valley Blood 🩸 There is a critical blood shortage (all types) right here in the Valley. Now, more than ever, the Central California Blood Center is asking for YOUR donation. Check out the graphic below to see how you can make an appointment and donate your blood TODAY! Visit for more information.
Spending more time indoors (working from home, etc.) decreases the amount of time we're exposed to direct sunlight which can increase our risk of vitamin D deficiency. Learn what you can do TODAY to ensure you get enough vitamin D, even in the midst of the pandemic. COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Vitamin D: A Hidden Deficiency in Women of Color
Learn why it's so important to have an emergency evaculation plan, especially for a fire, with the Tulare County Fire Department.
Go “In the Know” with us and help break the stigma of mental illness. Dawan Utecht, director of The County of Fresno Department of Behavioral Health, explains why it may be hard to talk about internal struggles.
Wildfires burning across the Valley are polluting the air, making it hard to breathe and even causing problems for your eyes. Dr. Michael Mendoza from EYE-Q Vision Care tells you what you can do to avoid the irritation.
Things to know before your next mammogram! Learn more:
The stress and anxiety that many of us are feeling in the midst of the ever-developing coronavirus pandemic can, at times, feel overwhelming. Licensed therpaist Dr. Michael Roubicek, LCSW, shared some insight to how we can manage our mental health during these uncertain times. #mentalhealth #beatCOVID #strongertogether
The coronavirus pandemic has led many to avoid or delay medical treatment. Now, experts worry hundreds of thousands of deferred cancer screenings in the U.S. could mean worse outcomes for patients.
Did you know colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women? But with proper screening, you can significantly increase your chances of living a long healthy life. Register today for our live online seminar on Thursday, November 19 as we discuss colorectal cancer and compare the different screening options available to you and your loved ones. THU, NOV 19 AT 6:00 PM PST HealthQuest: Get the Facts About Screening for Colorectal Cancer
This year, our NICU reunion is going digital! We're excited to bring our NICU alongside the team at Community Regional Medical Center to provide you with our first VIRTUAL NICU Reunion: "Little Patients, Big Thanks." Danny Davis, our Vice President of Women & Children's Services, tells us a little about why our NICU reunion is important for all those involved. For more information, click "interested" on our event page, here:
The birth of a child can be one of life’s happiest milestones. But most mothers will tell you the changes that come with a baby can hit in unexpected and powerful ways. Amy Parks, coordinator of the UCSF Fresno Pediatric Residency Program, says pediatricians can play a key role in helping moms get the mental health support they need. #postpartumdepressionawareness COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Pediatricians on alert for moms’ postpartum depression
"I think sometimes people don't realize how difficult it is for everybody that's gone through this. I think for [people] that go in to medicine, this is why you do it... this allows you to give back to the community and show why you trained in what you did." Our System Chief Medical Officer Dr. Thomas Utecht explains that though the coronavirus hit our hospital system hard, it was the advanced planning and ongoing passion of our team that helped us continue battling even in the toughest times. #strongertogether
No matter where you choose to deliver your baby, at Community, we offer the tools to help you prepare. Register today for our virtual series "Preparing for Childbirth" so you can watch (and re-watch!) these educational sessions led by our Labor and Delivery experts. For more information visit:
Flu season is just around the corner. And while it always hits our region hard, this year we need our community to be even more careful—COVID is not over. We want to avoid a “twindemic” – experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic and a heavy flu season at the same time. Every year, the peak of flu season puts a strain on hospitals with a surge of patients – a twindemic could overwhelm the entire healthcare system. Here are five ways you can protect yourself and our community!
Tomorrow at noon! Our NICU Reunion is going digital! We're excited to bring our NICU alongside the team at Community Regional to provide you with our first VIRTUAL NICU Reunion: "Little Patients, Big Thanks." To attend, click "interested" on our event page and check back tomorrow at 12 p.m.: SAT, NOV 21 Community Medical Centers 2020 NICU Reunion
Got a headache? It could be a migraine. And for some people, the pain can be debilitating. Learn how one Central Valley woman overcame her migraines with the help of Dr. Loveneet Singh. Read more about migraines, triggers and treatments here:
We all know paying attention to what we eat is important. But did you know poor nutrition has caused nearly half of the Valley’s residents to be affected by chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and hypertension? Join us next Thursday, December 3 with in a free online seminar led by Registered Dietitian Kristen Coleman as we discuss how diet can affect your body. To register, visit THU, DEC 3 AT 6:00 PM PST HealthQuest: The Power of a Healthy Diet
Pregnancy can be an exciting and stressful time, both physically and mentally. Imagine receiving a cancer diagnosis while being pregnant. Jiovanna shared story of triumph as she battled acute myeloid leukemia and the tough decision she was faced with at just 12 weeks into her pregnancy.
There is a critical blood shortage in the Valley and as we continuing battling COVID-19, blood donations are needed NOW more than ever. Ersilia Lacaze, Director of Marketing at the Central California Blood Center, explains why it's crucial we donate blood: it's simple, safe and can save many lives. #ValleyPeopleNeedValleyBlood #DonateNow #StrongerTogether
Eight is great! Thank you to all those that participated in The Business Journal's "Best of Central Valley Business" this year, voting us "Best Hospital" for the 8th year in a row! 🤩 With everything that all of us have gone through this year, a little good news like this really makes the tough days worth it. From all of us at Clovis Community Medical Center, thank you again - and here's to staying safe and healthy! Read the full list of winners, here:
Our Director of Infection Prevention and Clinical Performance, Jennifer Trytten, PharmD, CIC, explains in this week's State of COVID that infection prevention is more than just a single department - it's the staff members that incorporate infection prevention operations in their every day work. Infection prevention goes beyond our hospital walls as well - it's what everyone in our community needs to do to keep themselves and their families safe. #StrongerTogether #BeatCOVID #InfectionPrevention #Twindemic #StateOfCOVID
"I want to thank ALL healthcare workers for the work you are doing and will continue to do to keep our Valley as healthy as possible." Craig S. Castro, President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Medical Centers Health System, takes a moment to reflect on the challenges we have all faced this year - and provides a message of hope and healing as we head into the holiday season. #strongertogether
Flu season is upon us, and now more than ever, it's important that we take it seriously. Here are three steps to keep the flu at bay from you & your family: COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Three steps to protect yourself from the flu
This week Community Medical Centers received its first shipment of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. We are proud to begin the vaccination of our healthcare workers over the next few weeks - protecting them in the fight against COVID-19! While the arrival of the vaccine is exciting news, it's important that we still wear our masks, wash our hands and continue social distancing in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. #StrongerTogether #StopTheSpreadOfCOVID19 #Pfizer #COVIDVaccine
You count on us. But now we're counting on you. Please don't gather this holiday season. Wear your mask. Here's a glimpse of what we see and why it's so important not to share your air...
"On the way to work a holiday song comes on the radio, 'Do you hear what I hear, Do you see what I see' – the reality NO, most of you don’t. You don’t see what we see. Every day. For ten months straight. 24/7 no break. From daily concerns about enough tests, beds, staff – to trying to manage the 'too manys' – patients, infections, deaths." - System Chief Medical Officer Dr. Thomas Utecht shares why it's so important not to gather this holiday season. Read more: COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Community Medical Centers' system’s chief medical officer urges public not to gather, social distanc
We are so proud of our EVS team members! Thank you for all of the hard work and dedication you bring to work every single day. GVWIRE.COM Without Fanfare, These Frontline Hospital Workers are Fighting COVID Room by Room - GV Wire
Hospital equipment in the classroom is helping to spark medical careers with these Kerman High School students. Learn how Community is investing in the education of the next generation of healthcare workers! COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Hospital equipment in the classroom helps spark healthcare careers
How does COVID-19 and the vaccines affect fertility and pregnancy, if at all? We sat down with Dr. Carolina Sueldo, board-certified physician with the Women's Specialty and Fertility Center, to answer this question (and more). Check out the video below and click here to watch the rest of our Q&A with Dr. Sueldo: #COVID19Vaccines #Fertility #Pregnancy #StrongerTogether
They say it's nice to stop and smell the roses every now and again - and we think it's nice to stop and see some of the little ones that were recently born (and blossomed) within our hospitals. Take a couple of minutes out of your busy Monday and check out this week's Future Generations, below! #MedWatchToday #FutureGenerations
Vaccines take time to work their best - and in some cases can require a second dose! The more time that passes, the higher the efficacy and the lower the risk of actually catching the disease. But even after you receive the COVID-19 vaccine and the second dose, the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) still recommends we wear our masks and avoid close contact with others to help curb the spread. Let's all do our part! #StrongerTogether
To the various military healthcare personnel deployed to Clovis Community, we salute you and say thank you for providing our team additional support. We're pleased to continue working side-by-side in the weeks to come, battling against COVID-19. #StrongerTogether #BeatCOVID19
“2020 was a difficult year for everyone. I saw personally from my mom and across the country... because of this pandemic.” Clovis East High School student Diya Mehta created gift bags for our employees to help brighten spirits during this challenging time. Thank you, Diya, for providing a little joy as we move into this new year! #healthcarehero #strongertogether
Over 6 million Americans are living with heart failure. Some don’t even know they have it. Heart failure robs your other organs of oxygen and can make you tired, short of breath and give you swollen feet. Register today for our FREE, online seminar led by Richard Kiel, M.D. and Rohit Sundrani, M.D. to learn more about heart failure and treatment options that will keep it from slowing you down. THU, FEB 4 AT 6:00 PM PST Understand Heart Failure & How to Treat It
It’s never been more important to regularly clean and disinfect your home. By routinely cleaning highly touched surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, phones, handles, toilets, and faucets, you are taking important steps to kill those germs to help keep you – and your family – healthy. Learn more about the four easy steps for safe and effective cleaning!
Earlier this week, these Clovis North freshmen baked nearly 500 cookies and goodies to show their appreciation for the staff at our hospital. Thank you Ava, Lol, Valeria and Alexis for such a ‘sweet’ thought for our staff. 🍪😋🙏
As the COVID-19 vaccines continue to roll out, one question remains: "Do I still need to wear a mask?" The short answer: yes, it's still just as important to continue: 😷 Wearing a mask ↔️ Socially distancing (at least 6 feet) 💧 Washing your hands We sat down with Dr. Praveen Buddiga of the Family Allergy Asthma Clinic who stresses the importance of still wearing a mask to help slow the spread of #COVID19 in this new year. #covidvaccine #wearamask #strongertogether
We've said it before but it bears repeating: even after you receive the COVID-19 vaccine AND the second dose, the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) still recommends we wear our masks and avoid close contact with others to help curb the spread. Check out the Moderna graphic below ⬇ to learn about how time affects vaccine efficacy. We included the Pfizer graphic as well, in case you missed it a couple weeks ago! #StrongerTogether
March 4th! Register today for a special, FREE online event with Dr. Praveen Buddiga, Board-Certified Immunologist of Family Allergy Asthma Clinic, where we discuss the scientific facts, effectiveness, safety, side effects and the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccination. THU, MAR 4 AT 6:00 PM PST HealthQuest: Understanding the COVID-19 Vaccine
“We’ve seen too many lives cut short by COVID-19 – more than 1,185 in Fresno County alone. January was our deadliest month so far. There were 434 people here who lost their battle with COVID. That’s more than the number of people who die in a typical month in our county from the top eight causes of death combined. The most powerful thing one can do to stop more needless COVID-19 deaths is to get vaccinated – so I did. I’m urging you to do the same – as soon as you can." Read more of this important op-ed published in The Fresno Bee by our System Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Thomas Utecht. COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG I got the COVID-19 vaccine and encourage you to
Kids are spending more time than ever in front of a screen due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of our pediatric physical therapists shares some creative ways to keep your child active while at home.
Beverly Wahlenmaier loves spending time with her family. But when her back pain was so excruciating it had her in a wheelchair in “The Happiest Place on Earth” — Disneyland — she said enough was enough. We sat down with Beverly and Dr. Derek Taggard, Spine and Neuro Surgeon, to talk about warning signs, symptoms and treatment options available to help those living with scoliosis live life to the fullest. Watch her story below or read more, here: #MedWatchToday #AdultScoliosis
"Just recently, my mom passed... she got COVID-19 from somewhere. Think about it. In any second, someone could bring [COVID-19] to your family and if you have [the vaccine] you'll be protected." Julia Ramirez, one of the many fearless Environmental Service Technicians at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, works tirelessly each day to keep our patients and staff safe against COVID-19. Hear why she decided to get the vaccine. #StrongerTogether #WhyIGotTheShot #ImABigShot #COVID19Vaccine
"There were enough risk factors [with COVID-19] that I really was concerned it would shorten my life... and I don't want to shorten my life during this time when my work as a chaplain is so needed." Palliative Chaplain Lori Niles explains the reality of what she experiences and sees throughout our hospitals and what made her decide to get the COVID-19 vaccine. #StrongerTogether #BeatCOVID #ImABigShot #IGotTheShot
The recent development of effective COVID-19 vaccines is providing hope to us all - but many of us still have questions. Join Board-Certified Immunologist Dr. Praveen Buddiga for a special online event to learn about facts, effectiveness and the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. 💻: HealthQuest Online Seminar 📆: Thursday, March 4, 2021 ⏰: 6 p.m. Register now: #HealthQuest #COVID19Vaccine #StrongerTogether
Collaboration from a multi-specialty team is key. It takes multiple tests and specialists coming together to collaborate, identify and treat dysautonomia. Meet Karmen Reeves. A 16-year-old girl who now has hope for a normal future without fainting after finding the Dysautonomia Clinic on the campus of Community Regional Medical Center. #communityatwork Read her full story, here: COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Pediatric specialists team up to tackle dysautonomia
"There were enough risk factors [with COVID-19] that I really was concerned it would shorten my life... and I don't want to shorten my life during this time when my work as a chaplain is so needed." Palliative Chaplain Lori Niles explains the reality of what she experiences and sees throughout our hospitals and what made her decide to get the COVID-19 vaccine. #StrongerTogether #BeatCOVID #ImABigShot #IGotTheShot
Let's not get comfortable with COVID-19. It's been one year of living with the virus in our community. In order to return to some form of normalcy, we must stay diligent in social distancing, washing our hands regularly, and wearing masks in public. #DoYourPart #StrongerTogether
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we know the virus has far-reaching effects that go beyond the disease itself. Isolation and social distancing have had a negative impact on the mental health of many. But a recent study shows that one group of people in particular has been negatively affected by quarantine: those with dementia. COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG COVID-19 has a particularly negative impact on those with dementia, study says
This week on #MedWatchToday, we recognize a group of students from Clovis North High School who made and delivered a sweet surprise to our staff. A big thank you to these #healthcareheroes!
Have you recovered from COVID-19? The Central California Blood Center explains why it's so important for those who previously tested positive for COVID-19 and have been symptom-free for 28 days to donate plasma.
The recent development of effective COVID-19 vaccines is providing hope to us all - but many of us still have questions. Join Board-Certified Immunologist Dr. Praveen Buddiga for a special online event to learn about facts, effectiveness and the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. 💻: HealthQuest Online Seminar 📆: Thursday, March 4, 2021 ⏰: 6 p.m. Register now: #HealthQuest #COVID19Vaccine #StrongerTogether
Collaboration from a multi-specialty team is key. It takes multiple tests and specialists coming together to collaborate, identify and treat dysautonomia. Meet Karmen Reeves. A 16-year-old girl who now has hope for a normal future without fainting after finding the Dysautonomia Clinic on the campus of Community Regional Medical Center. #communityatwork Read her full story, here: COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG Pediatric specialists team up to tackle dysautonomia
Strokes are the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Nearly 800,000 people suffer a stroke every year. But knowing how to prevent a stroke, or what to do when one occurs, can help protect both you and your family. Register today for our FREE online seminar on April 1. We'll discuss tips to reduce your chances of suffering a stroke, as well as the causes, signs and treatment options for emergency stroke care. Visit to register today! THU, APR 1 AT 6:00 PM PDT Stroke 101: How to avoid a catastrophe
Let's not get comfortable with COVID-19. It's been one year of living with the virus in our community. In order to return to some form of normalcy, we must stay diligent in social distancing, washing our hands regularly, and wearing masks in public. #DoYourPart #StrongerTogether
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we know the virus has far-reaching effects that go beyond the disease itself. Isolation and social distancing have had a negative impact on the mental health of many. But a recent study shows that one group of people in particular has been negatively affected by quarantine: those with dementia. COMMUNITYMEDICAL.ORG COVID-19 has a particularly negative impact on those with dementia, study says
This week on #MedWatchToday, we recognize a group of students from Clovis North High School who made and delivered a sweet surprise to our staff. A big thank you to these #healthcareheroes!
Have you recovered from COVID-19? The Central California Blood Center explains why it's so important for those who previously tested positive for COVID-19 and have been symptom-free for 28 days to donate plasma.
The recent development of effective COVID-19 vaccines is providing hope to us all - but many of us still have questions. Join Board-Certified Immunologist Dr. Praveen Buddiga for a special online event to learn about facts, effectiveness and the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. 💻: HealthQuest Online Seminar 📆: Thursday, March 4, 2021 ⏰: 6 p.m. Register now: #HealthQuest #COVID19Vaccine #StrongerTogether


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Clovis Community Medical Center
Hospitals and Medical Centers


  • What is the phone number for Clovis Community Medical Center in Clovis CA?
    You can reach them at: 559-324-4000. It’s best to call Clovis Community Medical Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Clovis Community Medical Center on herndon ave in Clovis?
    Clovis Community Medical Center is located at this address: 2755 Herndon Ave Clovis, CA 93611.
  • What are Clovis Community Medical Center(Clovis, CA) store hours?
    Clovis Community Medical Center store hours are as follows: Mon-Sun: 24 hours.