At Cosmetic & Surgical Arts in Glendale and Manhattan, New York, you will work with Dr. Anna Arsenous, a top-rated, board-certified, trauma-trained general surgeon with 15 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. The incorporation of this art in her practice has been a natural evolution, started early in her surgical residency training. As she pursued her passion for sculpting and provided reconstruction surgery for indigent breast cancer patients, Dr. Arsenous observed that suffering an injury and disfigurement after surgery also caused hopelessness and depression, affecting all aspects of a patient’s recovery. This awareness of suffering motivated the seeking of solutions.
A chance meeting with the elite founding surgeons of the field of cosmetic surgery - Dr. Giorgio Fischer, Dr. Gerard Yves Illouz, Dr. Michele Zocchi and Dr. Guerrero Santos - occurred at the first American meeting of the International Lipoplasty Society, which Dr. Arsenous attended as the sole surgical resident. Dr. Arsenous has continued training with pioneers and masters of cosmetic surgery at international conferences and workshops.
Training in principles of lipoplasty by Dr. Klein brought Dr. Arsenous to the era of safe and highly effective lipoplasty surgery. Shortly after, Dr. Illouz encouraged the concept of fat grafting and fat transfer, leading to the successful and satisfying use of this technique in body enhancement by Dr. Arsenous. Training by Dr. Roger Amar led Dr. Arsenous to practice fat graft and volumetric facial rejuvenation, also applying similar principles in use of other volumetric rejuvenation molecules such as hyaluronic acid. She underwent training in the use of the toxin currently known as Botox by the original discoverer, Dr. Jean Carruthers.
And now, in the era of safe and reproducible results with the use of lasers, laser medicine has been established at Cosmetic & Surgical Arts.
Dr. Arsenous continues to practice general/laparoscopic surgery.