Empire Self Defense & Fitness

(on walker way)
Gyms and Fitness in Colonie, NY
Gyms and Fitness


4 Walker Way
Colonie, NY


Empire Martial Arts offers the most comprehensive self defense curriculum, the highest quality of instructors and a warm, beginner-welcoming environment. Walk through our doors and into our beautiful 6,500 square foot training facility, speak with our friendly staff and students, and you will see why we are the fastest growing Martial Arts training center in Albany, NY.


Empire Self Defense & Fitness Photo


🦁Choose your fitness spirit animal! (Or add one of your own) 🦝
💪🏾🦸🏾‍♀️Choose 3 words that describe how your workouts make you feel ... ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Congratulations Zack he earned his Green Belt in our Muay Thai Kickboxing program last night. You are making outstanding progress, ROCK ON
Congratulations to Cole and Matt for earning their Yellow Belts in our Muay Thai Kickboxing program. You ROCK
💥STARTING your fitness routine back up after quarantine? Important tip!💥 👉🏾START SLOWLY – LISTEN TO YOUR BODY – and then GRADUALLY INCREASE the length and/or intensity of your workouts. It can be SO TEMPTING to go hard when you first (re)start working out because you’re inspired and motivated. ➡ But here’s something to know! When people started working out after taking a break due to the lockdown earlier this year, doctors saw an uptick in the number of injuries! 💡Recommendations: Start at 50% of what you used to do (whether it’s cardio or strength training), and very slowly build back up. Your muscles, joints, and tendons will be very grateful!
🎧🎶Best music for strength training workouts?! Let me know below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
⭐Who is your biggest support for your workouts/fitness? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
We just got an update from National Grid. They are working hard and will continue through the night but we won’t have POWER until sometime tomorrow. Jump into the SPARK UNIVERSITY and knock out one of the BONUS workouts. And we will see you all Saturday
We are still in limbo with the POWER OUTAGE No restoration times listed....heard maybe 11pm tonight from a student that lives a few streets down. We also have no power at home. Stay tuned for more updates through our TEXT PROGRAM
🧠📢Tip to trick your brain into helping you create (and stick with) healthy habits! 💡 ⏱I have a tip for you that’s backed by real research in brain science – and it takes just 5 seconds. 🤩The moment you get an “instinct” to do something healthy (exercise, floss your teeth, eat healthy, stretch) … Just countdown 5-4-3-2-1, and then DO IT!!! Because otherwise, your brain will tell you dozens of reasons why you SHOULDN’T do those things … and you can end up stuck in your same-old, same-old rut. 🛌🏾Why this works: your brain is always on the lookout for threats … and it wants you to feel safe and in control. So whenever you try to develop a new behavior, it can respond by encouraging you to stay in your comfort zone. 🤸🏾‍♀️BUT … if you take action before your brain kicks into gear, it short circuits the process! 🔥This is the 5-Second Rule made famous by author Mel Robbins. And it really does work – as long as you take ACTION! Have you heard of this rule before? Have you ever tried it!? Let me know below!! ⬇️⬇️ REFERENCE: https://melrobbins.com/5-second-rule-hack-science-explained/
🤺🥊Who is your fitness role model?
🌞42%! That’s how much MORE likely you’ll be to reach your goals if you write them down. How about if you write them down 5x EVERY morning!? Well we don’t know for sure, but we DO know it’s insanely powerful. And if it’s something you’re having a hard time staying on track with, it’s an easy way to help prime your brain for SUCCESS! 🧠 👉 Every morning – while you’re drinking your tea or coffee, or eating breakfast – grab a notebook and write down ONE of your goals 5 times. 1️⃣Just ONE Goal. Are you willing to give this a try? How about for the next 3 days and see if you notice a difference :-) Let me know below, so I can help hold you accountable! 👇👇
🍏🥑🍺You just finished a tough workout. What’s your favorite post-workout meal/snack? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔When you first start working out or are coming back after a layoff, start with just cardio workouts to lay a good foundation of fitness before you begin strength training. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥MYTH!🔥 💡While cardio workouts – walking, biking, jogging, cardio classes – are important for your health and overall fitness, resistance training also offers huge benefits that you don’t want to miss out on! 💪🏾It can help you become stronger in ALL of your daily activities – including your cardio workouts! – and make it easier to stay active. 🧡It’s linked with a number of health benefits, from improved flexibility and balance to stronger bones and reduced risk of health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 💪🏾🏋🏾‍♂️For best results, do 2-3 total body weight workouts a week in addition to cardio workouts (if you’re doing those separately)!
🧘🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️It’s workout time … which do you choose? (There are no wrong answers!) 🚴🏾‍♀️
👎🏾😭🤡What’s your favorite exercise that you LOVE to hate? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Kosma and Evan, they earned the coveted BLUE BELT in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program tonight. I am so proud of their determination, self discipline and hard work, you did AMAZING....ROCK ON
We had 2 more students earn new belts in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program this evening. Congratulations, you both ROCK Zack -Yellow (W2) Clint Orange (W3)
Congratulations Colton he earned his GREEN BELT (W4) in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program this morning, next step BUE BELT. You crushed it, well done
💥If you need a dose of motivation to finish 2020 strong, try this:💥 👉🏾Look through your email contacts or social media followers/friends lists for the names of 5-7 people who have inspired you in the past. 💡🎓It could be someone whose work you admire … someone pushed you to work harder at a job or in school … who posts inspirational content that you enjoy ... or whose dedication in the gym or on the playing field made you want to try harder! Then, every day for the next 5-7 days choose one of them to message with a “thank you” … and be sure to tell them the impact they made on you! 🔥This can help break you out of a rut and rev up your own motivation! Plus, it’s a great way to “pay it forward.” Try it and see. :)
💪🎯🔥What’s your BIGGEST goal for the rest of 2020? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🔥🔥🔥I AM OFFICIALLY PUTTING 2020 on notice! Want to join me?! This year has been so crazy, and I want to end it on a high note. That’s why I’m committing to a Processed Food Free diet for the rest of the year. If our caveman ancestors couldn't eat it then neither will I. 👀Time to kick things up a notch. ⚡Its so easy to be seduced by the endless food options that are all around us, but the truth is the majority of them are killing your fitness and wellness goals and could even take years off your life. To me fitness isn't just about looking good or having a high level of athletic performance. Its also about improving my quality of life now and into the future. Heck, Id like to be in my 80's and still having fun on the mats and I'm certainly not going to get there on a cheese puff and Oreo cookie infused diet. 🏆Are you joining me in doubling-down on your goals for the rest of 2020? 💪🏾There is still time to make serious progress before the year is over! What are YOUR goals for the next two months?! Let me know below! ⬇⬇
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Always make sure to stretch out BEFORE your workout to help improve your performance and strength. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥FALSE!🔥 💡Holding stretches (like the runner’s stretch or a quad stretch) isn’t proven to help prevent injury or cut back on post-workout muscle soreness. ⚡Plus, it can actually hurt your performance, since researchers believe stretching tires out your muscles. 🔥A great idea is to warm-up doing lower-intensity versions of the same movements you’ll be doing during your workouts. These are called dynamic stretches and include brisk walking, leg swings, squats, gentle arm circles, etc. 🧘🏾And if you want even MORE flexibility work, do traditional stretches AFTER your workout when your muscles are warm and more mobile. Or stretch out on its own, as a separate workout.
It's going to be an EPIC week on many levels.....and we make getting in shape and KNOCKING that stress out of your life a BLAST. 🔥☯️💪
🌲🍁🦃 The holidays are around the corner! If you’re feeling stressed or anxious ... here's a quick way to turn it around! 🥳 💡 When you breathe, make your EXHALE longer than your INHALE. (Seriously, try it right now. It’s kind of magical!) 👉🏾 This works with your body’s nervous system (through your vagus nerve) to help shut down your body’s stress response AND release feel-good relaxing hormones, helping to calm you! For even greater benefit, try to breathe through your nose vs. your mouth. Do you ALREADY do this!? Let me know below 👇
⭐Who are you most thankful for this year?
✅Quick tip to help you avoid the iffy “sniff test” when it comes to leftovers ... 💡Make sure you label ALL of your leftovers and prepped food BEFORE you put them in the fridge or freezer! It doesn’t have to be a fancy label. A piece of masking tape and a magic marker will do the trick. Just write what’s inside the container and (most important of all) THE DATE. 🥘I know we always THINK we will remember when we put that leftover stir-fry in the fridge, but too many times we don’t! 🔥There’s no point in doing meal prep ahead of time if you just end up throwing it out! Do you label everything before you put it in the fridge? Let me know below! :-)
👉Wait till Monday … or start today?
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔The fitter you are, the more you sweat. 🙈 . 🙉 🔥FACT!🔥 💡Fit people tend to sweat more than people who don’t work out regularly. It’s all about how much heat they generate! 💪🏾The fitter you are, the higher your workload – and the higher your workload, the more heat you generate! 💦That’s what leads to the extra sweat. 😅Also men tend to sweat more than women because they are bigger and generate more heat.
😁I have a fun tip for you today that can help boost your mood, cut stress, and improve productivity and concentration during the day. Ready!? 🌿Get a plant for your desk. 🧠Researchers say that having plants around can decrease stress, clean up the air, reduce sickness, and increase productivity by 15%. Plus, having greenery around helps brighten your workspace! If you work from home, make sure you choose a pet-friendly plant (like spider plants, Boston ferns, banana plants, or butterfly palm). 🌻Do you have any plants right now in your office or house!?
Thank you for being part of our EMPIRE family. I hope you all have an amazing day with your family and loved ones.
GET READY.......TURKEY BURN training both AM & PM It's going to be EPIC as we focus on some pre-holiday calorie BURNING and improving your skills.....EMPIRE STRONG
😋⭐What’s your favorite healthy-ish holiday treat? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
👉🧘‍♂️What’s your BEST stress reliever?❓
💡Q: Every afternoon I get tired and hungry! What should I do? ✅A: There are a couple things to try! 👉🏾First, make sure you’re eating enough for breakfast and lunch, and include some protein-rich foods. Protein can help keep you feeling full and satisfied and is less apt to contribute to that midday lull feeling. 👉🏾 Second, there is nothing wrong eating a between-meal snack! Make it a healthy choice that can tide you over until dinner. Planning ahead so you have something on-hand is key here! Think about items like fruit, nuts, or Greek yogurt.
🔥🏋️‍♂️Favorite place to get a workout: indoors or outdoors?
Great recipe from a good friends family business. Support local... https://www.netrition.com/recipe-whipped-coconut-cream.html?fbclid=IwAR0eRox5NgGv3YbqoChxqqYApweWMvG5OEpOhXAoPZ_QI8Q_bgKcPExLgJo NETRITION.COM Recipe: Whipped Coconut Cream From Netrition.com.
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Replacing the sugar in recipes with honey is a healthy choice. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥IT DEPENDS!🔥 💡The Fact: honey contains antioxidants, trace amounts of minerals, and has antibacterial qualities (especially higher-quality varieties!). It definitely has more health benefits than refined sugar. 💡The Myth: despite those benefits, honey is still sugar – and that’s something most of us get way too much of! It is also calorie dense (it has a lot of calories for the amount of nutrients). Eating too much added sugar is linked with many chronic illnesses and diseases. ✅ The takeaway: enjoy honey – but do it in moderation!
Double AWESOMENESS for Big Matt as he also earned his BLUE BELT in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu this evening. Congratulations
CONGRATULATIONS to Big Matt on earning his BROWN BELT last night in our Muay Thai Kickboxing program......He persevered through a tough challenge. So proud of him....ROCK ON
Congratulations Zack, he earned his YELLOW BELT (W2) in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program. You ROCK
💡Q: I keep reading that it’s best to workout first thing in the morning, but I am not a morning person! Does it really matter? 🌞 A: Some studies show that morning workouts are beneficial because they start your day with a fat-burning boost. Plus there are likely to be fewer distractions to get in the way of your workout! 💪🏾But other studies show our body temperature peaks between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., and with it, so can our strength. Plus, our bodies are better able to use oxygen and have better reaction times later in the day. 🔥The takeaway: It really doesn’t matter WHEN you work out – just that you do!
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Working past the age of 65 is linked with earlier death. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥MYTH!🔥 💡A study reported in a CDC journal found that compared with people who retired, those who worked past the age of 65 were about 3x more likely to report being in good health. 🤩 And they also were about HALF as likely to have health problems like heart disease or cancer. 👉🏾Important note: This isn’t the case for all jobs and all people! 💡According to a separate study, working in jobs that are stressful and/or physically demanding, or that you find boring or without meaning, may not have the positive health associations. 🔥The takeaway: working at something you love doing may have health benefits as you age!
🍱🥘 What are you DOING TODAY to improve your fitness?? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🎅🏾🎄🤶🏾From our family to yours! Wishing you a very healthy and happy holiday season! Enjoy every moment. 🎄What’s your FAVORITE holiday activity?
Christmas Eve family workout. THE BEST NEVER REST. NO EXCUSES
💃🏾🤸🏾‍♀️🚲 What’s ONE thing on your 2021 bucket list? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🔥Hoping all your goals for 2021 become reality! 💪🏾
Last family workout of 2020. The BEST NEVER REST. Get ready for a phenomenal 2021 Happy New Year.
✨🎉It’s almost time for the New Year’s Ball to drop and we are wishing you all the best for a brand NEW YEAR filled with health, happiness, & success!!! 🎊 👋🏾Are you saying GOODBYE to 2020, or HELLO to 2021? (or BOTH!) 👋🏾
🍱🥘 What’s your goal for 2021?
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Working past the age of 65 is linked with earlier death. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥MYTH!🔥 💡A study reported in a CDC journal found that compared with people who retired, those who worked past the age of 65 were about 3x more likely to report being in good health. 🤩 And they also were about HALF as likely to have health problems like heart disease or cancer. 👉🏾Important note: This isn’t the case for all jobs and all people! 💡According to a separate study, working in jobs that are stressful and/or physically demanding, or that you find boring or without meaning, may not have the positive health associations. 🔥The takeaway: working at something you love doing may have health benefits as you age!
🏋🧘‍♂️👉What’s one thing you are doing for your self-care today? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🔥It’s time for our mid-week check-in … how are you doing? ✅If you’re on-track, congrats!!! Keep up the GREAT work! 👉🏼If you’re struggling, it’s not too late to pull it together! Ask yourself: what would this look like if it was easy?
💃🏾🤸🏾‍♀️🚲 What’s ONE thing on your 2021 bucket list? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🔥 IT’S TIME TO GET UP OUT OF THAT CHAIR!!!! 🔥 Yet another study has linked sitting or lying down with heart disease – specifically, heart failure. This study was taken from data of 81,000 women aged 50 to 79 who took part in the Women’s Health Initiative Study. 💡Women who sat or laid down for less than 4½ hours a day were used as a baseline, and risk of being hospitalized for heart failure was calculated from there. Risk of heart failure hospitalization was 14% higher in those who sat/laid down between 4½ and 8½ hours a day The risk was 54% higher in those who sat/laid down for more than 8½ hours a day. 🛋 One shocker from the study: the risk stayed the same even among the women who were the most active and got suggested amounts of exercise (when they weren’t sitting or lying down). 🚶🏾‍♀️The takeaway: Make an effort to get up and MOVE. Set a reminder on your phone every hour to stand up and walk for a few minutes. Your heart will thank you for this!
💡Q: Which should I do first, cardio or weights? ✅A: As with almost everything fitness related, the answer depends on your goals! However, for the MOST part, people will get added benefits if they put strength training first. Here are two reasons why: You’ll be stronger and less fatigued when you do weight training first, which can improve your workout performance. This could also help you avoid injury related to being pre-fatigued before you start your workout! Doing cardio last has an added benefit. A study done by the American Council on Exercise found that when people did cardio after strength, their heart rates were higher than they were when they did cardio first. That means they didn’t have to work out extra hard to get their heart rates up into their cardio training zone. 🤩PLUS: Because the body uses up stored carbs as fuel for the strength workout, there’s a slight boost in the amount of fat burned during the cardio session. Which do YOU do first!? Are you going to change it up now that you are in-the-know? Let me know below 👇👇
🔥🔥Which motivates you more? Fear of failing, or desire to succeed?
MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Reading for 30 minutes a day is linked with a longer lifespan. 🙈 🙉 . 🙊 🔥FACT!🔥 It’s true – reading books is linked with a living longer! 📚According to a study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, compared with people who don’t read books: ✅ People who read up to 3½ hours a week were 17% less likely to die over the next 12 years, and … ✅ People who read more than 3½ hours a week were 23% less likely to die over the 12 year period. In fact, the book readers lived an average of almost two years longer than people who did not read at all. The researchers used data gathered from a bigger health study of more than 3,500 people over the age of 50. The results were controlled for many factors, including gender, age, race, education, depression, employment, income level, and marital status. Reading newspapers and magazines had a weaker correlation with longevity, said researchers. 🔥The takeaway: crack open those books!
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓ 🤔Eating red meat can speed up the aging process. 🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊 🔥FACT!🔥 💡Unprocessed organic red meat does NOT appear to accelerate the biological aging process … but studies show processed “conventional” (grain fed, factory-farmed) red meat DOES. This might be because conventional meat contains phosphates that improve its tenderness, flavor and shelf life. Having too much phosphate in your blood is linked with a higher risk of heart disease, weak bones, kidney disease, and a shorter lifespan. That being said, many researchers believe the shorter lifespan isn’t only because of the meat consumption, but other lifestyle factors. Plant-based foods contain numerous micronutrients and antioxidants that can protect against disease. ✅The takeaway: If you eat red meat, if at all possible make sure it’s certified organic – and also make sure you eat your vegetables!
🌎🏝⛵ We all need downtime! Where do you want to go on your next trip? ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Congratulations Zack he earned his Orange Belt (W3) in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program last night. Well done you ROCK
Congratulations Evan, he earned his PURPLE BELT in our Muay Thai Kickboxing program, he persevered through a tough challenge. ROCK ON
Another Brazilian Jiu Jitsu promotion tonight, Clint earned his GREEN BELT (W4) next step BLUE....Congratulations, you ROCK
DOUBLE AWESOMENESS for Tom as he pushed through 2 tough challenges and earned his ORANGE BELT (W3) in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and also his BLUE BELT in our MUAY THAI Kickboxing program, you CRUSHED IT, congratulations....ROCK ON
Just finished tweaking some April lesson plans for all classes, (The BEST NEVER REST) as you all have been making AMAZING progress. Super PSYCHED for tomorrow's Drills classes...See you in the AM
Another group of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu promotions last night, these guys were on FIRE. Congratulations, you ROCK Jake - ORANGE (W3) Joe -YELLOW (W2) Steve - YELLOW (W2)
We had 2 more MUAY THAI Kickboxing promotions last night, these guys ROCKED the challenge. Congratulations Jesse and Joe
Dominick hit his first 6 door LACHE today and it was his first time on the OBSTACLE. BEAST in the making
We KICKED OFF Wednesday IN FULL EMPIRE mode Syair and Shamire earned their YELLOW BELTS in our Muay Thai Kickboxing program, you guys ROCK


Company name
Empire Self Defense & Fitness
Gyms and Fitness


  • What is the phone number for Empire Self Defense & Fitness in Colonie NY?
    You can reach them at: 518-492-4285. It’s best to call Empire Self Defense & Fitness during business hours.
  • What is the address for Empire Self Defense & Fitness on walker way in Colonie?
    Empire Self Defense & Fitness is located at this address: 4 Walker Way Colonie, NY 12205.