OWI charges are extremely serious, and Iowa prosecutors have no mercy for those accused of this crime. Thus, your next stops following your OWI charge are crucial. We encourage you to read our blog to learn about what to do after your OWI charge.
What Should I Do After an OWI Charge?
Well by now, you have probably spent an overwhelming amount of time with your family members. And at this point, some of them are probably starting to agitate you. Sound familiar? Read on in our blog today.
COVID-19 And Harassment Within The Household
The quarantine has forced many couples to spend additional time together. Because of this, domestic abuse reports have increased drastically. Be sure you know your rights here:
How to Approach Domestic Abuse Assault Charges
Many people who have recently been charged with a crime are likely wondering if they have to show up to court or how the virus will affect their case. Read more in our recent blog to learn more.
How Covid-19 might work to your benefit in the courtroom
Today's blog discusses how to approach domestic abuse assault charges. If you are facing these charges, contact us today.
How to Approach Domestic Abuse Assault Charges
You should do it right the first time and contact a theft defense attorney to weigh your options before you decide to just plead guilty. Read more about the issues with a theft conviction on our blog today!
Issues with a Theft Conviction on Your Record
The holiday season is supposed to be joyous and eventful for people across the nation but for a significant amount of people it is lonely and depressing. Whether it is that you have very few family members and friends or you simply do not have enough money in your bank account to buy gifts for loved ones, it can cause someone to get down-and-out. Read the blog to learn how OWIs are on the rise during this time.
Upticks in OWI’s During the Holiday Season
Probation Revocation matters can be very stressful for a person looking at having their probation revoked and sent to jail or prison. Generally, revocation occurs when a person, who already is on probation, picks up new charges. Read today's blog to learn more about how to handle probation revocations.
How to Handle Probation Revocations
It is that time of year again - the holidays. Most people would think that the holidays are supposed to be happy and fun times that you spend with your family. This is not always the case. Read on in today's blog!
Theft Crimes and the Holidays