The Iowa Judicial Branch and Governor Reynolds have implemented several new guidelines governing court timelines, procedures and notarization requirements for Iowa divorce cases. Read more on our blog:
Coronavirus - Iowa Divorce Updates
In response to the current spread of Coronavirus, the Iowa Supreme Court has imposed new case management guidelines to Iowa divorce cases. Read more on our blog:
Will Coronavirus Impact Iowa Divorces?
Republican Senator Brad Zaun has introduced a reform bill that encourages the court to award joint custody and joint physical care. Read our blog to learn more about Senate File 11.
Senate File 11 Aims for 50/50 Parenting Rights
Iowa law recognizes two types of marital abandonment: actual abandonment and constructive abandonment. Read our blog to learn how marital abandonment can influence your divorce case.
Marital Abandonment & Your Divorce Case
Many couples with pre-need cemetery contracts find themselves at a loss once they’ve decided to file for divorce. Should they sell their plots? Donate them? Read our blog to explore your options.
Divorce & Your Cemetery Plots
Part of the post-divorce experience is learning how to share custody with your ex. Read our blog to learn how you can proactively manage the visitation blues.
Managing the Emotional Trials of Visitation
There was a time when people balked at the conversation of prenuptial agreements and discussions about what happens in a divorce. Read more on our blog:
How Could My Prenuptial Agreement Be Voided in Idaho?
Marriage and divorce issues are difficult to maneuver because they are not often governed by reason but by emotion. Read more on our blog:
Will Cheating Hurt Me in My Divorce Case?