Have you been coming to our pharmacy recently? What have you liked most about your experience thus far? Consider leaving us a review on our Facebook or Google page.
When it comes to taking medication, this article has some tips you may find to be useful: https://bit.ly/32uAf0Z
#Survey: What non-prescription items do you pick up at our pharmacy? Let us know in the comments!
When it comes to affordable prescription drugs, Horowitz Supremo Pharmacy is always here to help! Call us for more information on our pharmacy services at 908-353-3282 https://bit.ly/34CDKoQ
"Consumer accountability drives quality and efficiency." - Pete Hoekstra
New inroads are being made every day in the battle against Alzheimer's disease. Take a look at what's in development. https://bit.ly/2HXQmL8
We offer a wide variety of medical equipment in addition to our prescription sales! Visit our site for more information or call us at 908-353-3282 to get started today.
When buying hand sanitizer, be sure to check the label to make sure the product you're buying will work (it should be at least 60% alcohol). This article explains. https://bit.ly/3mKUMI2
In some interesting news, there could be a new medication for people dealing with cystic fibrosis! https://wb.md/2EE0F8k
Pro Tip: Always ensure you consult with your doctor and pharmacist when starting any sort of medication or over the counter medicine. #Pharmacies
According to researchers, Vicodin is considered to be the number one prescribed medication in the US. #Pharmacy #MedicationInfo
If you ever have any questions about the difference between branded medications and our store brand varieties, feel free to ask us anytime!
Are you properly storing your medications? Here are some guidelines you should follow: https://bit.ly/3cpMpwS
Do you have Medicare? Here's a quick rundown of the vaccines it will pay for. https://bit.ly/3mSqjrM
Whether you get them through your diet or through over-the-couner supplements, here's a look at vitamins known for their anti-inflammatory properties. https://bit.ly/2JtHjEd
Have you provided us with a list of all the medications and supplements you take (including OTCs)? Do you know if any of them are contraindicated for your new prescription?
Do you understand everything that is in your medications (either prescribed or OTC)? What ingredients have you puzzled?
How long has it been since you've purged your medicine chest of expired medications and supplements? Do you know how to dispose of them properly?
When you first pick up a prescription you have never taken before, talk to your pharmacist about how to take it, any side effects, and any other things you may need to know about the new medication.
What is something we currently provide that you would love to see us continue to provide in the future?
How should you properly store your medicine so that it lasts, and also is kept safe away from children? Read more here: https://bit.ly/3pMuru1
Question of the Day: What would you say is the most common reason that you visit the pharmacy?
Fill in the Blank: My favorite thing about the pharmacist at my local pharmacy is that they ______________.
When it comes to our pharmacy services, we offer prescription refills, vitamins and supplements, and more for the community of Elizabeth and surrounding area. Call 908-353-3282 to learn more. https://bit.ly/2Z7ujfq