We focus on creating extraordinary players, coaches and sports parents who find playing their sport at a high level both rewarding and fun.
Our Mission: To offer concise 8-panel brochures with precise, measurable body movements on “how to play” a particular skills with a sport.
Our Guarantee: We’re so confident with the content within each brochure that, should you fail to learn something you did not know before receiving your brochure, we’ll gladly refund the cost of your order—no questions asked!
Our Legacy: HowToPlay.com copyrighted our first instructional brochure (Effective Hitting Mechanics) over 14 years ago. During the last 14 years, over 2,000,00 Parents, Players and Amateur Coaches have been exposed to HowToPlay.com skills, drills and coaching wisdom.
Our "How To Play" Brochures: Our entire "How To Play" series offers you a 3-dimensional approach to sport's excellence ...
Skills. Each brochure focuses a specific skill within each sport. Each brochure breaks down each skill by individual body part. These are the same movements you see the top athlete in each sport perform as they play their sport.
Drills. Now that you know "how to" move, we figure you need to know the drills to make each move natural and automatic. We invite you to compliment each "How To Play" Skill Brochure with a "How To Play" Drill Brochure.
Coaching Techniques. We don't stop there! We also offer a "How To Coach Better" series to compliment our Skills and Drills Series. "How to Coach Better" features everything you need to learn to play at your Sport's highest levels ... Coach Plans, Mental Training, Team Building and Skill Building.
The Benefits of Playing Sports: Sports help players develop teamwork and leadership skills. They help them create and maintain a positive self-image. They promote regular exercise and personal discipline. Over the last 14 years, more Parents, Players and Amateur Coaches than we could have possibility imagined have used "How To Play" Brochures as their roadmap to achieving all this and more!
Dare to Dream with "How To Play" Brochures: "How to Play" was conceived to help athletes achieve their full potential. Perhaps playing to your full potential would help you receive a college scholarship or even a professional opportunity!!!