But how do you know how your business model rates? It turns out there are nine questions you can use to determine the strength--of lack thereof--of your business model. https://bit.ly/2QszekI
These 9 Questions Will Tell You If You Have A Great Business Model.
Too many people don’t take their IRA and 401(k) paperwork seriously enough... If you are one of them, here are two recent cases that may surprise you. https://bit.ly/2G0Gtyd
Why Your Retirement Account Paperwork Needs To Be Done Right
Attempting to run a business without a good cash flow strategy is like trying to sail a ship across the sea without a rudder. https://bit.ly/2IJ6ORE
8 Cash Flow Management Tips | www.financialhotspot.com
Here are some of the obstacles homeowners face when refinancing and how you can avoid them: https://bit.ly/2WyS5hl
3 Things That May Prevent You From Refinancing a Mortgage | The Ascent
Target-date funds are a popular choice among investors for retirement savings, but like any investment, they have pros and cons that need to be considered. https://bit.ly/2Zui1fK
Target-Date Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages
Investors are unique players in the growth process of a business. The level and quality of their involvement can ultimately help determine a company’s success or failure. Here are 5 common types of investors and when to consider them: https://bit.ly/2EA4NpS
5 Types of Investors for Startups
Does your employer offer 401 (k) matching? Here is an article that explains how it works.
Learn More About How 401(k) Matching Works
With holidays around the corner are you thinking of putting some money aside? Here is a great article to help make your money work for you.
4 Ways to Make Your Money Work for You
Overpaying for Insurance Affects Retirement, Study Shows
Overpaying for Insurance Affects Retirement, Study Shows
Here are some great social security tips - it's not too early to consider them! https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomhager/2020/01/16/social-security-lifehacks/?utm_source=followingimmediate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200116#59b9d6f41f9e
Social Security #LifeHacks
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account
Getting the Most From Your Health Savings Account | www.financialhotspot.com
What Happens To The Money Withheld Due To Social Security's Earnings Test?https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2020/09/20/ask-larry-what-happens-to-the-money-withheld-due-to-social-securitys-earnings-test/?ss=taxes#3366c65f2dec
Ask Larry: What Happens To The Money Withheld By Social Security’s Earnings Test?
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy | www.financialhotspot.com
We’ve all seen the statistics on how many businesses fail within the first few years of operation, and the current pandemic may accelerate that struggle for some startups. Here are 4 things you should never do if you want your startup to thrive: https://startupnation.com/manage-your-business/stop-business-last/
Stop Doing These 4 Things if You Want Your Business to Last
Gallup studies have found that diverse workgroups have higher profits. They also found companies that emphasized diversity in the workplace had employees that were more likely to stay at the company. https://www.score.org/blog/10-business-benefits-diversity-workplace
10 Business Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace
The principle that direct observation improves work performance is commonly known as the “Hawthorne effect.” How can this be used in a work-from-home environment? Here are some ideas: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/355102
You Work Better When You're Being Watched. Here's How To Monitor Yourself
If you are evaluating franchising your business, consider the following risks and rewards of franchising. https://www.franchiselawsolutions.com/franchising/risks-rewards/
4 Risks and Rewards of Franchising a Business | Internicola Law Firm
5 Tips on Claiming Charitable Donations on Your Taxes
5 Tips on Claiming Charitable Donations on Your Taxes | www.financialhotspot.com
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy https://financialhotspot.com/2020/08/28/10-great-tips-to-save-you-money-on-your-car-insurance-policy/
10 Great Tips to Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Policy | www.financialhotspot.com
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act provides tax credits to reimburse employers for providing paid sick leave and paid family and medical leave to employees unable to work because of the Coronavirus. See #IRS guidelines: https://go.usa.gov/xvzu4 #COVIDreliefIRS
New credits fund employers for Coronavirus-related paid leave | Internal Revenue Service
Be wary of scam calls claiming to be #IRS. Criminals often demand payment right away http://irs.gov/alerts
Tax Scams / Consumer Alerts | Internal Revenue Service
Were you aware of any of these?
These 7 Types Of Miscommunication Kill Your Team’s Productivity
Worried about experiencing burn out? Here are 3 tips on how you can avoid it.https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout https://hbr.org/2020/04/3-tips-to-avoid-wfh-burnout
3 Tips to Avoid WFH Burnout
Five Helpful Tips for Leaving a Will
Five Helpful Tips for Leaving a Will | www.financialhotspot.com
A friendly reminder to pay your taxes on time!
In this day and age, virtual accounting is becoming more commonplace. Learn more on how virtual accounting can help you today. https://financialhotspot.com/2020/12/04/what-you-should-know-about-virtual-accounting/
What You Should Know About Virtual Accounting | www.financialhotspot.com
Are you planning to buy a new car? Add an electric or hybrid vehicle to your options. Some states in the United States offer an incentive in a form of a tax rebate. https://www.tesla.com/support/incentives
Electric Vehicle & Solar Incentives
Aside from conserving energy, your taxes can also benefit from going solar. Homeowners who recently purchase the system can earn a solar investment tax credit. https://www.energysage.com/solar/cost-benefit/solar-investment-tax-credit/
The Solar Tax Credit Explained | EnergySage
Are you mailing your tax returns? Here are some tips from the USPS. https://www.usps.com/taxes/
Mail Your Tax Return with USPS
Thinking of Medicare enrollment? Avoid these 3 mistakes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dianeomdahl/2021/02/16/dont-make-these-3-mistakes-that-can-mess-up-your-medicare-enrollment/?sh=2760ab331eea
Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes That Can Mess Up Your Medicare Enrollment