Magis Center

(on chapman avenue)
Book Stores in Garden Grove, CA
Book Stores
Religious Organizations


13280 Chapman Avenue
Garden Grove, CA


Every century has its key questions, the driving themes that define its attitude toward God, faith, suffering, reality, and the person of Jesus Christ.

Our mission at the Magis Center is to restore, reconstruct, and revitalize belief in:

The transcendent dignity of every human person
The significance of virtue
The higher levels of happiness, love, and freedom
The real presence of Jesus Christ


(pronounced mah-jis)

In Latin, ‘magis’ means “more.” In some contexts it can mean “the even more,” the furthest frontier: frontiers of reason, knowledge, the universe, and reality itself.

Magis Center is run by Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.. Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) and is currently the President of the Magis Center and the Spitzer Center. Some highlights of Fr. Spitzer’s professional life:
Fr. Spitzer was President of Gonzaga University from 1998 to 2009. While president, he significantly increased the programs and curricula in faith, ethics, service, and leadership, and led the efforts to build 20 new facilities, increased the student population by 75%, and raised more than $200 million for scholarships and capital projects.

He has made many TV appearances including: Larry King Live (debating Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow), the Today Show (debating on the topic of active euthanasia), The History Channel in “God and The Universe,” a multiple part PBS series “Closer to the Truth,” and the Hugh Hewitt Show.

Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe“.


Magis Center Photo


Announcing "The Purposeful Universe" Campaign! Does the significant order in our universe provide evidence for or against a purpose? Or is it silent? If there is a purpose behind the universe, it's time humanity embrace it. Dr. Dan Kuebler, molecular biologist, makes the case that order in the cosmos implies purpose. Click to watch the full video! MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe: Official Trailer
The Amazing Story of Maximilian Kolbe (and Why it Matters Now, More Than Ever) BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The Amazing Story of Maximilian Kolbe (and Why it Matters Now, More Than Ever)
From the archives: Vatican Observatory Celebrates Fr. Angelo Secchi, the Father of Astrophysics Fr. Secchi was the first to classify stars by their spectra and was dubbed in an article cited below as “the most famous scientist you have never heard of.” MAGISCENTER.COM Vatican Observatory Celebrates Fr. Angelo Secchi, the Father of Astrophysics - Magis Center
Did you ever wonder why God does not remove certain crosses from your life or the life of a friend or family member even though you keep asking him to? Here’s Fr. Spitzer’s 5 reason why God may be allowing one to carry particular crosses. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Suffering and God's Top Priority
Download this exclusive and first hand account of Holocaust survivor, Hans Polk: Learn the lessons within the story. Never forget. And never let it happen again. DISCOVER.MAGISCENTER.COM Never Forget: A Story of a Holocaust Survivor | Magis Center
"If you look at the universe with common sense and an open mind, you'll find that it's full of God's fingerprints." -Dr. Peter Kreeft Read Dr. Kreeft's full article "God or Atheism — Which Is More Rational?" CATHOLICEDUCATION.ORG God or Atheism — Which Is More Rational?
Join Fr. Spitzer at the virtual Catholic Homeschool Conference as he presents - "Preparing for Leadership: How to Defend God, Jesus, and the Church" This conference has a host of insightful speakers and is completely FREE (with an option to upgrade to VIP.) Catered towards teens, but open to all interested. Register now.
Are the last century's and more recent scientific breakthroughs showing a purpose behind the universe? "I believe in the existence of a Supreme Intelligence pervading the Universe." - Thomas Edison, inventor Thomas A. Edison, Benefactor of Mankind: The Romantic Life Story of the World's Greatest Inventor 1931 Watch the full video here
"Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love. And do not accept anything as love which lacks truth! One without the other becomes a destructive lie." - Edith Stein The lives of these 4 heroic resisters demonstrate that we must uphold the truth at all costs. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM 4 Heroic Resisters to Nazism
Does the universe have purpose? How many chances will you get to ask these kinds of questions to noted paleontologist and paleobotanist Simon Conway Morris? Catch the "Ask me Anything" this Wednesday! "If we were to rerun the tape of life, my estimation would be that there would be something pretty similar to a human, in fact, something pretty similar to this conversation." - Simon Conway Morris 'Why We Are Here' Interview / Photo credit: 42evolution Watch the full video:
FROM THE ARCHIVES: This Lourdes Miracle Converted an Agnostic Physician MAGISCENTER.COM This Lourdes Miracle Converted an Agnostic Physician - Magis Center
The Fine-Tuning argument demonstrates that the universe cannot cause or even explain its own existence. Here are four examples of Fine-Tuning in the universe. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Scientists Say the Universe is Fine-Tuned: 4 Thought-Provoking Examples
Jesuit priest, Fr. George Lemaitre was the first to posit the Big Bang Theory. Although the Big Bang theory is considered the standard model among physicists and cosmologists today, it is still useful to examine the evidence that supports the theory. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Evidence for the Big Bang
If there is evolution, is there also a purpose? Watch the full video here →
Do you think the universe has purpose? "I propose to show that God, in creating the universe and arranging the spheres, had in view the five regular solids of geometry.” - Johannes Kepler, mathematician and astronomer Mysterium Cosmographicum translated and quoted in The Discovery of Kepler's Laws, 1911. Watch the full video:
Is there meaning behind the governing laws of nature? "Nature is the aggregate of the bodies, that make up the world, in its present state, considered as a principle, by virtue whereof, they act and suffer, according to the laws of motion, prescribed by the author of things." - Robert Boyle, physicist and chemist "A Free Inquiry into the Vulgar Notion of Nature" 1686 Watch our full 8-minute documentary on The Purposeful Universe:
"The universe is filled with order from top to bottom. And it's a beautiful order! And not only is it beautiful, it's order we can actually comprehend." - Dr. Dan Kuebler, Molecular and Cell Biologist Watch the full video MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe - Magis Center
Many people are familiar with Anne Frank’s diary, but few have heard of Etty Hillesum’s diary, “An Interrupted Life.” BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Etty Hillesum’s Interrupted Life
From the archives! St. John Paul II, pray for us! MAGISCENTER.COM The Miracles that Made Pope John Paul II a Canonized Saint
On this feast day of John Paul II, we want to recommend a recently released book, “100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World” by Patrick Novecosky, Author/Speaker BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM New Book Highlights How John Paul II Changed the World
Mark your calendars...📆 We’re hosting an “Ask Me Anything” with Dr. Dan Kuebler! On Thursday, November 12th, ask a molecular biologist anything you’d like to know about evolution during Dr. Keubler’s Q&A session on Reddit. Get in on the conversation by joining us on Reddit: Click here to see Dr. Kubler's recent work on the question, “Does order imply purpose?” In our documentary, The Purposeful Universe: MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe - Magis Center
True or false, there are indicators in nature of order, but not purpose. Tell us why in the comments below! 👇
The very precise fine-tuning of the initial physical constants (e.g., gravity, the electromagnetic force) of the universe is evidence of an intelligent agent acting with a purpose. Agree or disagree?
Thank you, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse, for interviewing Fr. Spitzer on the mission of Magis Center and on our Templeton-funded campaign “The Purposeful Universe" CRUXNOW.COM Despite chance and randomness, universe still has 'purpose'
Has the universe organized itself or been organized? "That the universe has organized its own self-awareness – is for me powerful evidence that there is 'something going on' behind it all. The impression of design is overwhelming. Science may explain all the processes whereby the universe evolves its own destiny, but that still leaves room for there to be a meaning behind existence." - Paul Davies, physicist The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries In Nature's Ability To Order Universe Watch our video on The Purposeful Universe:
Could there be purpose behind the universe's march towards greater and greater complexity? Molecular biologist Dr. Dan Kuebler, host of our new "Purposeful Universe" video, will share his views on this question and more on "Ask Me Anything" on Thursday. Tap to watch the full documentary: MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe - Magis Center
Are there any alternative explanations for the formation of our universe? Quantum gravity and inflation theory allow for the formation of four major speculative theories which might expand our view of physical reality far beyond our observable universe. These four are the multiverse theory, cyclical universe theory, an eternally static universe, and string theory. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Alternatives to the Big Bang
Black holes have the reputation of being something only "wizards" can understand. Yet the basic concepts behind black holes are straightforward. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The Ideas Behind Black Holes
Molecular biologist Dr. Dan Kuebler, invites you to ask him ANYTHING about evolution, the order in nature, and more! Get your questions ready for November 12th at 2pm on Reddit, when he will go live and answer what you want to know about the purposeful universe! Follow us on Reddit and stay tuned: Watch our recent video on this topic here: REDDIT.COM overview for TheMagisCenter
Check out our latest post for @AleteiaEn and figure out where you are at on the road to true ☀️ happiness. ALETEIA.ORG 'The Four Levels of Happiness': Where are you?
Disabilities such as radial dysplasia, spinal bifida, blindness and others may cause one to ask "Why would God allow me this live this way?" In this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe, Fr. Spitzer addresses how he lives well with his own disability and where he finds strength and perseverance. Fr. Spitzer also discusses what we can learn from St. Paul's "thorn in the flesh"—which St. Paul's letters strongly suggest was blindness. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Fr. Spitzer on Living Well with a Disability
If the universe arranged itself by chance and you just happened to be a lucky outcome of that arrangement what would that say about the purpose of your life? Share your answers in the comments! Watch the full "Purposeful Universe" documentary now: MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe - Magis Center
In theatres only on Nov. 19, 20, and 23, "Against the Tide" is a new feature-length documentary on the life, work, and mission of legendary University of Oxford professor, mathematician, and philosopher Dr. John Lennox. FATHOMEVENTS.COM "Against The Tide" Official Trailer Against the Tide Movie September 29 at 8:00 AM · Don't miss "Against The Tide" when it hits theaters for one night only on November 19. Get your tickets today at!
In this clip from EWTN's Father Spitzer's Universe, Father Spitzer explains the quote below, namely why the self-sacrificial nature of Eucharistic love makes it the only love that can save and forgive sins. "In the Eucharist, Jesus is not only giving us His whole self, meaning his whole person, He is also giving us his love -- indeed his unconditional love, that is love that cannot be exceeded."
Does it matter to God whether or not you exist? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Does God Care Whether I Exist?
When we look at ourselves and nature, do we see chance or purpose, randomness or order? "We need only view a Dissection of that large Mass, the Brain, to have ground to bewail our Ignorance...We admire...the Fibres of every Muscle, and ought still more to admire their disposition in the Brain, where an infinite number of them contained in a very small Space, do each execute their particular Offices without confusion or disorder" (Nicolas Steno, Minds Behind the Brain. A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries). Want to keep exploring the purpose behind our universe? Watch our full 8-minute documentary here:
With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, this article, written at the beginning of the pandemic, seems to be as relevant (if not more) now. May God fill each and every one of you with gratitude and hope in the upcoming Thanksgiving week and advent season. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Coping and Thriving in the Covid-19 Crisis
Has the gradual revelation of nature's secrets by scientific observation shown the underlying purpose of the universe? "Since nothing can exist that does not fulfill the conditions which render its existence possible, the different parts each being must be co-ordinated in such a way as to render possible the existence of the being as a whole, not only in itself, but also in its relations with other beings, and the analysis of these conditions often leads to general laws which are as certain as those which are derived from calculation or from experiment" (Georges Cuvier, Le Règne Animal distribué d' Après son Organisation, 1817). Tap the link to watch our "Purposeful Universe" documentary:
OUR LATEST: Healing Post-Election America How do we actually heal? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Healing Post-Election America
"This book is a chillingly thorough summary of the evidence for demonic activity in our world. It is useful for us to know how the devil gets his toehold by means of deceptions, temptations, and the seven deadly sins." - Scott Hahn
“Father Spitzer has written yet another wonderful book: a guide to pursuing the Christian life more faithfully and a liberating call out of darkness through the gifts of the Church, the practice of virtue, and the experience of prayer.” -Archbishop Chaput Fr. Spitzer's new book is now available at the Magis Center store! MAGISCENTER.COM Christ versus Satan - Magis Center
As Christians, what exactly should we be thankful for on Thanksgiving? St. Ignatius of Loyola often emphasizes that giving thanks is the precedent to love. If we seek to love God, then we first have to give thanks to God for all the gifts in our life. Fr. Spitzer reminds us of 6 ways Christians can thank God this Thanksgiving. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Fr. Spitzer Shares 6 Reasons to be Thankful this Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Magis Center!
If the universe has order from top to bottom, does that order imply purpose? Watch molecular biologist, Dr. Dan Kuebler, begin to unpack this question in our short documentary: MAGISCENTER.COM The Purposeful Universe - Magis Center
The prevalence of suffering in the world is one of the biggest challenges for believing in an all-good, all-powerful, God. If God exists and is good why does He allow bad things to happen? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Suffering, Gratitude, and God
"Does the Church need science? Certainly not, the cross and the gospel are sufficient for her. But nothing human is alien to the Christian. How could the Church have failed to take an interest in the most noble of the strictly human occupations: the search for truth?" -Fr. Georges Lemaître BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Fr. Georges Lemaitre, 'Father' of the Big Bang Theory
"God only comes to those who ask God to come — those who ask often, for a long time, and ardently. God cannot prevent himself from coming to them." -Simone Weil If you have not heard of Simone Weil, then this read from Catholic Education Resource Center is a good introduction to her spirituality.
C.S. Lewis tells us the quest begins during Advent because, in our story, Christ is the heroic protagonist who came to destroy evil and save humanity. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Advent as the Beginning of the Quest
Ireland here we come! Our middle school and high school religious education curriculums are debuting on the Emerald Isle and there is still time to support the initiative this #givingtuesday Learn more about Magis Center's Vision for 2021 in the video linked below. Thank you to each and everyone of you for your readership and support! YOUTUBE.COM Magis Center Summary of 2020 and Vision for 2021
The short video linked below provides a summary of what we’ve accomplished in 2020 and a sneak preview of what we have planned for 2021. #givingtuesday BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Father Spitzer’s Review of Magis 2020 and Vision for 2021
Father Spitzer explains why the self-sacrificial nature of Eucharistic love makes it the only love that can save and forgive sins. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The Eucharist: A Love that Cannot Be Exceeded
The image of Our Lady on St. Juan Diego’s tilma continues to baffle scientists. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Juan Diego’s Tilma
"After years of producing apologetics, I recently learned something new about evangelizing others." BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What Novels Can Teach Us About Evangelization
This five part article is your all inclusive guide to why God would allow suffering in the world ~ based on the thought of Fr. Robert Spitzer. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Why Does God Allow Suffering?
As you go about -- decking the halls, finishing that last minute shopping and preparing Holiday menus -- remember to stop and say a quick prayer so that your work may be made Sacred and that you, as St. John the Baptist prayed, "may decrease, so that He may increase." If you need any inspiration on how to enter deeper into the spirit of Advent, then the blog linked below is full of quotes from saints and popes to reflect on. Happy waiting!! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Advent: What Are We Waiting For?
"Ask a young person — a high schooler, for example — about evolution, and chances are, his understanding will include some perception that chance has played a major role in it. More so than a Creator. It’s a perception the Magis Center would like to change." ALETEIA.ORG Does evolution exclude God? Magis Center project seeks to provide an answer
Spontaneous prayers are short prayers that can be recited several times a day— particularly when we are overcome by fear and anxiety. Download and commit these prayers to memory in order to help in times of suffering.
Why would God allow evil to happen? In this blog post, we flesh out the most common answers to this question, unpacking it point by point. Let us know either in the comments below or through a direct message if you have any questions regarding suffering or if you are suffering yourself and are in need of prayers. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Why Does God Allow Evil?
Pope Francis has declared this year, the "Year of St. Joseph." In the early days of the pandemic, Fr. Spitzer encouraged all of us to entrust in St. Joseph, writing: "His paternal protection of the child Jesus continues, as he watches over Christ’s Mystical Body (the Church) on earth. As members of that Body, you and I are under St. Joseph’s guardianship... Teresa of Avila was one saint who understood St. Joseph’s vital role. She wrote in her autobiography, “Would that I could persuade all men to be devout to this glorious saint, for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God.” St. Joseph, pray for us! VATICANNEWS.VA Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St Joseph” - Vatican News
Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer
"The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5 Enjoy this post on the nature of light and how it fundamentally changes everything it touches! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM O Nata Lux: An Advent Reflection by Dr. Michelle Francl
As you go about -- decking the halls, finishing that last minute shopping and preparing Holiday menus -- remember to stop and say a quick prayer so that your work may be made Sacred and that you, as St. John the Baptist prayed, "may decrease, so that He may increase." If you need any inspiration on how to enter deeper into the spirit of Advent, then the blog linked below is full of quotes from saints and popes to reflect on. Happy waiting!! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Advent: What Are We Waiting For?
"Ask a young person — a high schooler, for example — about evolution, and chances are, his understanding will include some perception that chance has played a major role in it. More so than a Creator. It’s a perception the Magis Center would like to change." ALETEIA.ORG Does evolution exclude God? Magis Center project seeks to provide an answer
Spontaneous prayers are short prayers that can be recited several times a day— particularly when we are overcome by fear and anxiety. Download and commit these prayers to memory in order to help in times of suffering.
National Geographic released their third installment in the Cosmos Series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. In this season, Tyson explores the possibility of other worlds. Christopher Graney, Vatican Observatory Scholar and avid fan of the Cosmos Series writes a commentary that is both informative and entertaining. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM From the Vatican Observatory: Commentary on ‘Cosmos: Possible Worlds’
Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer
"The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5 Enjoy this post on the nature of light and how it fundamentally changes everything it touches! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM O Nata Lux: An Advent Reflection by Dr. Michelle Francl
As you go about -- decking the halls, finishing that last minute shopping and preparing Holiday menus -- remember to stop and say a quick prayer so that your work may be made Sacred and that you, as St. John the Baptist prayed, "may decrease, so that He may increase." If you need any inspiration on how to enter deeper into the spirit of Advent, then the blog linked below is full of quotes from saints and popes to reflect on. Happy waiting!! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Advent: What Are We Waiting For?
"Ask a young person — a high schooler, for example — about evolution, and chances are, his understanding will include some perception that chance has played a major role in it. More so than a Creator. It’s a perception the Magis Center would like to change." ALETEIA.ORG Does evolution exclude God? Magis Center project seeks to provide an answer
A viewer asks Father Spitzer the following question on why we need religion and not just belief in God. "Dear Father Spitzer, My neighbor and I keep debating the difference between faith and religion. He insists we do not need religion, just faith in God. How do I explain that religion is so much deeper than simply faith and I need the Catholic Church to fully practice my faith?"
What does God intend when he gives us gifts? He means to give us joy, make us better, and glorify him. Science is one such gift from God. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Science: God’s Gift to Man
National Geographic released their third installment in the Cosmos Series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. In this season, Tyson explores the possibility of other worlds. Christopher Graney, Vatican Observatory Scholar and avid fan of the Cosmos Series writes a commentary that is both informative and entertaining. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM From the Vatican Observatory: Commentary on ‘Cosmos: Possible Worlds’
Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer
"The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it." -John 1:5 Enjoy this post on the nature of light and how it fundamentally changes everything it touches! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM O Nata Lux: An Advent Reflection by Dr. Michelle Francl
The recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn proved to awake speculation on what the Christmas Star is --- scientifically speaking. Back in 2012 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI preached on the wonder the Christmas Star sparks saying: "And thus we come to the star. What type of star was that which the Magi saw and followed? Throughout the centuries this question has been the object of discussions among astronomers. Kepler, for example, held that it was a “nova” or a “supernova,” that is, one of those stars that normally emanate a weak light, but which can have unexpectedly a violent internal explosion that produces an exceptional light. Certainly, interesting things, but which do not lead us to what is essential in order to understand that star….The universe is not the result of chance, as some would have us believe. Contemplating it, we are invited to read in it something profound: the wisdom of the Creator, the inexhaustible imagination of God, his infinite love for us.” May this blog spark a newfound wonder to search for and speak the Truth in 2021. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Searching for the Christmas Star and Finding the Magi
A viewer asks Father Spitzer the following question on why we need religion and not just belief in God. "Dear Father Spitzer, My neighbor and I keep debating the difference between faith and religion. He insists we do not need religion, just faith in God. How do I explain that religion is so much deeper than simply faith and I need the Catholic Church to fully practice my faith?"
What does God intend when he gives us gifts? He means to give us joy, make us better, and glorify him. Science is one such gift from God. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Science: God’s Gift to Man
National Geographic released their third installment in the Cosmos Series hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. In this season, Tyson explores the possibility of other worlds. Christopher Graney, Vatican Observatory Scholar and avid fan of the Cosmos Series writes a commentary that is both informative and entertaining. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM From the Vatican Observatory: Commentary on ‘Cosmos: Possible Worlds’
Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer
The human person is complex --- made up of mind, body, and soul. Thus, it is no surprise that in some cases depression links to the spiritual life or rather, the lack thereof. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Understanding the Complexities of Depression and Spirituality
In 1968, Pope Paul VI appointed Stephen Hawking, a brilliant theoretical physicist, and atheist to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Why would the Pontifical Academy of Sciences be interested in an atheist scientist? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Atheism and Religion: Stephen Hawking and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
The youth are asking questions and Fr. Sptizer has answers. Get exclusive access to the first 10 of our Most Asked Question series --- Beginning with "Has Science Disproved God?"
Discover why happiness is the driving force behind every decision you make. In this clip taken from the Magis Center's "Happiness, The Series," Father Spitzer and the Magis Center explain the concept of happiness and why happiness is the only thing chosen for its own sake. #happiness #fatherspitzer #magiscenter *This clip is taken from a series on happiness which can be found here:
Use these short prayers to recall that God is present to us in our suffering. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Fr. Spitzer's Prayers in Times of Suffering, Trial, and Anxiety
There is no doubt that the world is full of suffering. It is what we do with that suffering that matters. This post explores the beauty of offering up our suffering for the sake of a friend --- In doing so we unite ourselves to Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What Friendship Has Taught Me about Redemptive Suffering
“Fr. Spitzer has successfully delivered a short course on spiritual warfare in a very compelling and readable way. It confirms much of what I’ve learned as a diocesan exorcist, but created a greater understanding of how personified evil disguised as a condition/affliction can gain a foothold in our societal and personal psyche. Christ vs. Satan is a resource for evangelization to understand why a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living a life of virtue matters!” -Fr. Gary Thomas, Diocese of San Jose, CA Subject of 'The Rite: Making of a Modern Exorcist' MAGISCENTER.COM Christ versus Satan - Magis Center
On this Inauguration Day, remember your smallness, pray for our country, and trust in the Divine plan. CATHOLICEDUCATION.ORG Real Mercy: Mary, Forgiveness, and Trust
One of the main reasons for the supposed conflict between the Catholic Church and science is the misunderstanding of what science can and cannot do. Dr. Dan Kuebler, professor of natural sciences at Franciscan University of Stubenville briefly explains the limits of science and how that applies to God, God's existence, etc..
By looking at patients' accounts of the afterlife, we may be able to infer clues into the afterlife. Are there any parallels that we can draw between NDEs and heaven? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Christian Revelation, Heaven, and Near Death Experiences
A fresh take on Father Spitzer's "Four Levels of Happiness" from Aleteia. Author Tom Hoopes writes: "I love how Father Spitzer describes our search for perfect love, perfect truth, perfect goodness, and perfect being. We are constantly dissatisfied with the love we receive from human beings, we never get the ultimate answers we’re looking for, we are always haunted by life’s unfairness, and we never feel perfectly at home." ALETEIA.ORG How to be happy no matter what happens
On January 21, the Vatican announced that Dr. Jerome Lejeune’s cause for canonization has moved forward, declaring him venerable. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Dr. Jerome Lejeune: Holiness and the Genetics of Disease
Today the Church remembers the conversion of St. Paul. Even though Paul turned from persecuting Christians to believing in Jesus as Christ, he still struggled to become the best version of himself. Paul urges us to put on our "new self": "But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him, just as truth is in Jesus, that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." Ephesians 4:20-24 The blog linked below is a map to a six part series on understanding how to become your "new self" BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The Map to Moral Conversion: Moral Conversion Series #6
There is no doubt that the world is full of suffering. It is what we do with that suffering that matters. This post explores the beauty of offering up our suffering for the sake of a friend --- In doing so we unite ourselves to Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the cross. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What Friendship Has Taught Me about Redemptive Suffering
“Fr. Spitzer has successfully delivered a short course on spiritual warfare in a very compelling and readable way. It confirms much of what I’ve learned as a diocesan exorcist, but created a greater understanding of how personified evil disguised as a condition/affliction can gain a foothold in our societal and personal psyche. Christ vs. Satan is a resource for evangelization to understand why a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and living a life of virtue matters!” -Fr. Gary Thomas, Diocese of San Jose, CA Subject of 'The Rite: Making of a Modern Exorcist' MAGISCENTER.COM Christ versus Satan - Magis Center
Why did the just man Job find himself in terrible suffering? This is the question that those of us trying to be good ask when suffering afflicts us. Here is a Biblical view on why good people suffer. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Feeling a Bit Like Job? Why Good People Suffer
The Church has declared venerable a defender of human life in all its forms, Dr. Jerome Lejeune. "To accept the fact that, after fertilization has taken place, a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical conception. It is plain experimental evidence." ~Jerome Lejeune
Today the Church remembers St. Thomas Aquinas. Among his widely influential teachings, St. Thomas Aquinas addressed the very core and starting point of reality, i.e., what does it mean to exist? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What Does it Mean to ‘Exist?’ Aquinas Weighs-In
A fresh take on Father Spitzer's "Four Levels of Happiness" from Aleteia. Author Tom Hoopes writes: "I love how Father Spitzer describes our search for perfect love, perfect truth, perfect goodness, and perfect being. We are constantly dissatisfied with the love we receive from human beings, we never get the ultimate answers we’re looking for, we are always haunted by life’s unfairness, and we never feel perfectly at home." ALETEIA.ORG How to be happy no matter what happens
On January 21, the Vatican announced that Dr. Jerome Lejeune’s cause for canonization has moved forward, declaring him venerable. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Dr. Jerome Lejeune: Holiness and the Genetics of Disease
Why the Cross? Rejected, despised, mocked. His life as a ransom for many. Have you ever looked upon the Crucified Jesus and just asked, “Why?” BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Why the Cross?
Are we determined by our environment or do we have free will? In this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe, Fr. Spitzer summarizes a catholic argument against determinism.
Why is it that we human beings need more than just a spiritual awareness of God? Why is it that we need religion? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Why We Need Religion
Why did the just man Job find himself in terrible suffering? This is the question that those of us trying to be good ask when suffering afflicts us. Here is a Biblical view on why good people suffer. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Feeling a Bit Like Job? Why Good People Suffer
So many cultures have the same trends in their religions. Could this be an indication that we all share an interior sense of the one God? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Proof of a Soul from the Transcendentals and Our Interior Sense of God
Today the Church remembers the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes, France. Discover the miracle from Lourdes that brought about the conversion of Nobel Prize winning physician, Dr. Alexis Carrell.
Why the Cross? Rejected, despised, mocked. His life as a ransom for many. Have you ever looked upon the Crucified Jesus and just asked, “Why?” BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Why the Cross?
Are we determined by our environment or do we have free will? In this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe, Fr. Spitzer summarizes a catholic argument against determinism.
Get to know Fr. Spitzer in this interview with his close friend, Fr. Watson, founder of the Sacred Story Institute. The two Jesuits will discuss everything Fr. Spitzer from his background, to his career aspirations and ultimately to his vocation to the priesthood. YOUTUBE.COM Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. PhD - Jesuit Podcast
Did you ever have a sense that there is a power beyond us - something other, something awe inspiring? Well, if so, then you are not alone. Rudolf Otto in his book, "The Idea of the Holy" named this human experience, the numinous experience and in doing so inspired the thought of many theologians including C.S. Lewis. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Rudolf Otto's 'Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans' in Our Experience of the Numen
After launching from Earth in late July, the new Mars rover lands on the Red Planet in just a few hours! BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Perseverance, Ingenuity, and the Mission to Mars
Lent is a time where we remember Christ's passion and death. Through our small Lenten sacrifices we show as St. John Paul II said "solidarity" with our wounded Savior. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM 40 Ways to Get More Out of Lent
Are we determined by our environment or do we have free will? Fr. Spitzer answers the above question in this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Free Will Versus Determinism: A Catholic Perspective
Dr. Dan Kuebler of Franciscan University of Stubenville discusses the importance of combatting the secular worldview so prevalent in our culture.
Listen to Fr. Robert Spitzer's Vocation Story in This New Podcast BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Listen to Fr. Robert Spitzer's Vocation Story in This New Podcast
RSVP now for this free live streamed event hosted by the Catholic Information Center. Fr. Spitzer will present on his new book, Christ Versus Satan in Our Daily Lives. CICDC.ORG Christ Versus Satan in Our Daily Lives: The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil - Catholic Information Center
Get to know Fr. Spitzer in this interview with his close friend, Fr. Watson, founder of the Sacred Story Institute. The two Jesuits will discuss everything Fr. Spitzer from his background, to his career aspirations and ultimately to his vocation to the priesthood. YOUTUBE.COM Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. PhD - Jesuit Podcast
Did you ever have a sense that there is a power beyond us - something other, something awe inspiring? Well, if so, then you are not alone. Rudolf Otto in his book, "The Idea of the Holy" named this human experience, the numinous experience and in doing so inspired the thought of many theologians including C.S. Lewis. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Rudolf Otto's 'Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans' in Our Experience of the Numen
Did you ever wonder why you could compare things? Why one thing is better than another? For instance, you could say one act is more just than another act or this place is more beautiful than that place. Our ability to compare comes from the fact that we have something to compare by. We have an innate awareness of what perfect justice and beauty is and so we can say one thing is more just or more beautiful than another thing. This article explains the 5 transcendentals or the 5 perfect things that philosophers have identified throughout the ages and how they give evidence for our soul. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM The 5 Transcendentals (And How they Provide Evidence for the Soul)
“These are the precious weeks [of Lent] offered by the Church to all Christians, in order to help them to reflect upon their profound identity as children of the heavenly Father and as brothers and sisters of all human beings.” —St. John Paul II For more quotes on Lent by St. John Paul II click the link below.
The blood stains on the Shroud of Turin reveal how much Jesus suffered in order to redeem our fallen race. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16
A viewer asks Fr. Spitzer the following question on how to know where God is leading you: How do I know what God wants of me? I am contemplating a change of direction in my career because I don't have a feeling of peace about things in my job. How do determine that my present job is just a cross God wants me to bear, or perhaps He truly wants me somewhere else? RESOURCES AND LINKS: --------------------------------------------------------- Blog Post: 5 Steps to Finding God's Will for Your Life ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➡️ If you need additional resources for personal growth or evangelization visit our website ➡️Check out Fr. Spitzer's Instagram #fatherspitzer #magiscenter #careerchange
"Father Spitzer's wisdom and insights are on full display in this work, which is scholarly yet completely accessible to everyone. Readers of this book are sure to find the light of Jesus Christ and sound moral principles for overcoming the darkness of our times." — Fr. Donald Calloway, M.I.C., Author, Consecration to St. Joseph BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Now Available: Vol. 2 of Fr. Spitzer's 'Called Out of Darkness' Trilogy
Former professor of the University of Chicago, Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) dedicated his research to the cross cultural study of the history of religion. He found that all men share an inclination to the sacred, which we express through myths and religions. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What Draws Us to the Sacred? Mircea Eliade on Hierophany, Myths, and Homo Religiosus
“These are the precious weeks [of Lent] offered by the Church to all Christians, in order to help them to reflect upon their profound identity as children of the heavenly Father and as brothers and sisters of all human beings.” —St. John Paul II For more quotes on Lent by St. John Paul II click the link below.
Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph! Here is an excerpt from Fr. Spitzer's message on the Solemnity of St. Joseph last year reminding us to trust in St. Joseph. "But in the midst of every Lent, we celebrate the feast day of St. Joseph who is the universal patron of the Church. His paternal protection of the child Jesus continues, as he watches over Christ’s Mystical Body on earth. As members of that Body, you and I are under St. Joseph’s guardianship. So today as we honor Joseph, we should also present our fears and sufferings to him and beseech his powerful intercession. Teresa of Avila was one saint who understood St. Joseph’s vital role. She wrote in her autobiography, “Would that I could persuade all men to be devout to this glorious saint, for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God.” I will continue to lift you up in prayer and today I especially entreat St. Joseph to guard and protect you." Read the full message here
"As elusive as the truth may seem in today’s culture under the cover of darkness, Father Robert Spitzer manages to not only uncover it in his new book, ESCAPE FROM EVIL’S DARKNESS: The Light of Christ in the Church, Spiritual Conversion, and Moral Conversion, but also provides readers a detailed path of just how to follow the truth and live a life free from the bonds of sin." RELIGIONNEWS.COM Here is the roadmap to a deeper relationship with Christ
The lately deceased philosopher of aesthetics, Sir Roger Scruton observed that the human face is unique in its ability to betray through its wrinkles and its blushes the stories of our souls. Pornography, so to speak, defaces the human by moving the attention away from the face. Both religious and secular studies show the devastating effects the pornography industry is having on society as a whole. Let this read be a reminder that each and every human being is made in the image and likeness of God and as C.S. Lewis says that if we saw each other in our glorified states we'd be tempted to worship one another. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Pornography: A Frightful Rejection of the Human Face
In this full length article, Fr. Spitzer explains 3 practices that will transform your spiritual life. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM How to Start A Catholic Spiritual Life
The blood stains on the Shroud of Turin reveal how much Jesus suffered in order to redeem our fallen race. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." John 3:16
A viewer asks Fr. Spitzer the following question on how to know where God is leading you: How do I know what God wants of me? I am contemplating a change of direction in my career because I don't have a feeling of peace about things in my job. How do determine that my present job is just a cross God wants me to bear, or perhaps He truly wants me somewhere else? RESOURCES AND LINKS: --------------------------------------------------------- Blog Post: 5 Steps to Finding God's Will for Your Life ~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➡️ If you need additional resources for personal growth or evangelization visit our website ➡️Check out Fr. Spitzer's Instagram #fatherspitzer #magiscenter #careerchange
Do our consciences point to a being outside of ourselves? John Henry Newman certainly thinks so, but Immanuel Kant proposes a bit of a different position. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What is Conscience? Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry Newman
Today, on this joyous Solemnity of the Annunciation, we celebrate God becoming flesh in the womb of the holy Virgin Mary. This is an event that C.S. Lewis calls the Grand Miracle. "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM What C.S. Lewis Can Teach Us About the Incarnation
Millions of people flock to hiking trails each year to enjoy a mountaintop experience. For many these experiences are spiritual. This desire for the high places has been going on for longer than one might think. From ancient times, cultures have built their places of worship atop natural or manmade high places. BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM Aesthetics and Spirituality Part I: High Places
If those closest to Jesus believed the Eucharist to be His body and blood, then why do so many still doubt the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? BLOG.MAGISCENTER.COM New Testament Writers & Early Church Fathers on the Eucharist [Video]
Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph! Here is an excerpt from Fr. Spitzer's message on the Solemnity of St. Joseph last year reminding us to trust in St. Joseph. "But in the midst of every Lent, we celebrate the feast day of St. Joseph who is the universal patron of the Church. His paternal protection of the child Jesus continues, as he watches over Christ’s Mystical Body on earth. As members of that Body, you and I are under St. Joseph’s guardianship. So today as we honor Joseph, we should also present our fears and sufferings to him and beseech his powerful intercession. Teresa of Avila was one saint who understood St. Joseph’s vital role. She wrote in her autobiography, “Would that I could persuade all men to be devout to this glorious saint, for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God.” I will continue to lift you up in prayer and today I especially entreat St. Joseph to guard and protect you." Read the full message here
"As elusive as the truth may seem in today’s culture under the cover of darkness, Father Robert Spitzer manages to not only uncover it in his new book, ESCAPE FROM EVIL’S DARKNESS: The Light of Christ in the Church, Spiritual Conversion, and Moral Conversion, but also provides readers a detailed path of just how to follow the truth and live a life free from the bonds of sin." RELIGIONNEWS.COM Here is the roadmap to a deeper relationship with Christ


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    You can reach them at: 949-271-2727. It’s best to call Magis Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Magis Center on chapman avenue in Garden Grove?
    Magis Center is located at this address: 13280 Chapman Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92840.