Pain Evaluation & Management Center

(on yankee park place)
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine in Dayton, OH
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM


1550 Yankee Park Place
Dayton, OH


Pain Evaluation and Management; State of the art, the most advance treatments offered anywhere in the state of Ohio. Our goal is to restore patients to their former lifestyle as free as possible from pain.


Pain Evaluation & Management Center Photo


Survey question: For those of you who once experienced ongoing pain but no longer do, how long did the pain last? #QOTD
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much you exercise, you can still end up with recurring, debilitating pain. Even Tiger Woods has experienced it.
If you’re like many people this year, you’ve started to take up gardening. You should use kneeling pads while you work — and that if you still have pain in your lower body afterward, see a pain management professional. #protip
Dealing with pain is never pleasant! If you're looking for holistic and alternative solutions for pain management, contact our team here at Pain Evaluation & Management Center at 937-439-4949 today.
Fill in the blank: The most important pain management tactic I used that seemed to help was ___________________________. #survey #QOTD
Have you been dealing with chronic pain issues? What do you feel is the source of your problem? Tell us below!
“Nurturing yourself is not selfish—it’s essential to your survival and your well–being.” -- Renee Peterson Trudeau #painmanagement #inspiration #inspirationalquotes
We help alleviate our clients' pain quickly. Give us a call to learn more about our services at (937) 439-4949.
Dealing with any sort of bodily pain can be tough! See this report on how to mitigate your pain issues!
Tired of that boring old pain scale? See what you think of this one!
To learn the difference between acute and chronic pain, as well as how they are treated, check out this interesting article.
What daily rituals have you taken up in an effort to help you mitigate your pain? How have these rituals helped you? Share your experiences with us below.
Question of the day: When did you last make an appointment to see one of our pain management experts? #survey #QOTD
Our dedicated staff listens to our patients' concerns and addresses the root of the problem to relieve pain. Give us a call to learn more at (937) 439-4949.
Check out this informative article to learn more about fibromyalgia and the type of pain associated with it.
Learn more about referred pain, what causes it, and which areas of the body are most often affected in this informative article.
Neuropathic pain often presents itself in a very distinctive way. Learn how to recognize the signs of nerve pain with this helpful guide.
Somatic and visceral pain have different causes as well as feel very different from each other. Click the link to learn more about the two types of pain.
We listen to our patient's concerns and try to address the root of the problem. Give us a call to learn more. (937) 439-4949
Help mitigate your arthritis pain with these 9 natural remedies. Have you tried any of these approaches before?
Have you ever considered seeing a specialist to learn more about your pain management options? Why or why not?
Did your pain start suddenly, or has it come on gradually? Where is it located?
What are your biggest concerns about pain management procedures or methods?
Have you noticed any recent changes or worsening in your pain symptoms? Have you consulted your doctor about these concerns?
Does pain or fear of pain keep you from partaking in certain activities or experiences you enjoy? Do these limitations have a profound impact on your quality of life?
We help our patients alleviate their pain. Give us a call to learn more or to set up an appointment. (937) 439-4949
How long have you been seeking treatment for your pain? #painmanagement
If you're using prescription opioids for your chronic pain, you may find the results of this new study interesting.
Scientists are constantly researching effective medications for pain relief. Here's a look at one possible advancement:
Among the modalities for managing pain, there are active and passive options. Click here for an overview of both:
Is your pain constant or intermittent? Do there seem to be any particular triggers?
There are a number of misconceptions about cancer and pain. This article tries to provide a clearer picture of the issue.
People often get Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Rheumatoid Arthritis confused, leading to health problems. Get a second opinion if you've been diagnosed with one of them so that you can be sure your pain management regimen is targeting the correct diagnosis.
How much do you know about pain, other than it hurts? This article takes an in-depth look at the subject:
Do you ever struggle to find the right words to describe your pain? What have been the most effective terms you've been able to use thus far?
Opioids aren't necessarily dangerous. However, young people and other demographics are very susceptible to develop a dependency on these painkillers. Work with your pain management team to determine whether you should (still) be taking them.
Fill in the Blank: The worst pain I've ever experienced was the result of _______________________. #survey #QOTD
Survey Question: What is the most important thing this pain management practice has been able to do for you or your family? #QOTD
Pain Evaluation & Management Center provides comprehensive pain management in a caring environment. Give us a call today!
For every hour you sit at your desk, take a 10-minute break to walk around, or at least stand up and stretch. That will help reduce your back pain and other issues, according to this:
Fill in the Blank: I have found that I experience the most pain at about the _____________ hour of the day. #survey
Question of the Day: How often do you speak with your pain management specialist(s) at our company? Do you have any appointments scheduled at the moment? Don't forget!
For top-quality pain management care in the Dayton area, count on Pain Evaluation & Management Center. Call us today!
Have you heard of radiofrequency ablation? According to this article, a new form of it can help reduce your shoulder pain by more than three-quarters. Here's how it works:
When experiencing pain from an auto accident, personal injury accidents, chronic pain from an ailment, and more, contact our professional staff here at Pain Evaluation & Management Center today. Just call 937-439-4949.
Question of the Day: Do you take any over-the-counter pain treatments every day? #survey #QOTD
Pain management is one of the only recommended treatments for osteoarthritis at the moment, according to these experts. Have you been diagnosed with this health issue and are experiencing painful symptoms? Talk to a doctor ASAP about treatment options.
Do you take yoga classes or practice postures on your own? Either way, you should, as these exercises help with pain issues, according to VeryWell Health and other sites.
Fill in the Blank: I have been using this pain management company to get some relief for about ________________ years. #survey
Are you pregnant or about to undergo surgery? You may have heard about epidurals, which manage pain for you. Here’s the lowdown on what they do:
Taking opioids for pain is a slippery slope, with short-term benefits and long-term dangers. Enroll in a pain management program through a health professional or clinic instead.
Survey Question: How many times have you spoken with our pain management company so far this year? Don’t forget to keep in contact!
Survey Question: Do you think one part of our pain management work has been especially helpful to you? Which aspect of it?
Fill in the Blank: I probably experience pain these days about once every _________________. #survey
Experiencing pain from a workplace accident or personal injury is never pleasant. For pain management treatments in the Dayton, OH area. Contact our staff here at Pain Evaluation & Management Center by calling 937-439-4949.
Taking opioids for pain is a slippery slope, with short-term benefits and long-term dangers. Enroll in a pain management program through a health professional or clinic instead.
Survey Question: How many times have you spoken with our pain management company so far this year? Don’t forget to keep in contact!
Did you recently bruise your tailbone? Get help from a medical professional and, if it doesn’t go away soon, enter into a pain management program.
Diet is crucial to pain management, as experts like this note. If you have been diagnosed with obesity and experience chronic pain, the two could be related.
Survey Question: Do you think one part of our pain management work has been especially helpful to you? Which aspect of it?
Fill in the Blank: I probably experience pain these days about once every _________________. #survey
Experiencing pain from a workplace accident or personal injury is never pleasant. For pain management treatments in the Dayton, OH area. Contact our staff here at Pain Evaluation & Management Center by calling 937-439-4949.
Taking opioids for pain is a slippery slope, with short-term benefits and long-term dangers. Enroll in a pain management program through a health professional or clinic instead.
Survey Question: Do you recall the most physically painful experience of your childhood? What caused the injury?
Did you recently bruise your tailbone? Get help from a medical professional and, if it doesn’t go away soon, enter into a pain management program.
Diet is crucial to pain management, as experts like this note. If you have been diagnosed with obesity and experience chronic pain, the two could be related.
Survey Question: Do you think one part of our pain management work has been especially helpful to you? Which aspect of it?
Fill in the Blank: I probably experience pain these days about once every _________________. #survey
Experiencing pain from a workplace accident or personal injury is never pleasant. For pain management treatments in the Dayton, OH area. Contact our staff here at Pain Evaluation & Management Center by calling 937-439-4949.
Question of the Day: Do you have a preferred pain management technique? Did we suggest it to you as an option or did you know about it prior to coming here? #survey
Survey Question: How often do you make routine appointments with pain management professionals these days?
Are you experiencing what's known as "social pain," an often debilitating health problem that starts with isolation or loneliness, and can cause physical problems? Read on for the lowdown on it:
Survey Question: Do you recall the most physically painful experience of your childhood? What caused the injury?
Did you recently bruise your tailbone? Get help from a medical professional and, if it doesn’t go away soon, enter into a pain management program.
Diet is crucial to pain management, as experts like this note. If you have been diagnosed with obesity and experience chronic pain, the two could be related.
We've been helping our patient's overcome and manage their personal injuries for over 25 years. Learn more about our experience and services we have available below!
Believe it or not, professional athletes are offering suffering from severe pain while playing competitively. Check out this inspiring story of a golfer who overcame chronic pain to play once more:
Chest pain isn't always heart-related. It could be indigestion, acid reflux, a lung problem, or some other issue. Visit a doctor immediately to get it checked out and to start a pain management plan!
Question of the Day: Do you have a preferred pain management technique? Did we suggest it to you as an option or did you know about it prior to coming here? #survey
Survey Question: How often do you make routine appointments with pain management professionals these days?
Are you experiencing what's known as "social pain," an often debilitating health problem that starts with isolation or loneliness, and can cause physical problems? Read on for the lowdown on it:
Fill in the Blank: The most physically painful experience of my youth was ______________________. #survey
Survey Question: How many different elements of your daily routine involve pain management (for example, do you get acupuncture, take vitamins, exercise, etc.?)
We've been helping our patient's overcome and manage their personal injuries for over 25 years. Learn more about our experience and services we have available below!
Believe it or not, professional athletes are offering suffering from severe pain while playing competitively. Check out this inspiring story of a golfer who overcame chronic pain to play once more:
Chest pain isn't always heart-related. It could be indigestion, acid reflux, a lung problem, or some other issue. Visit a doctor immediately to get it checked out and to start a pain management plan!
Question of the Day: Do you have a preferred pain management technique? Did we suggest it to you as an option or did you know about it prior to coming here? #survey
Question of the Day: How long have you been a client/patient of our pain management company? #survey
ADVICE: If you find that your shoulders and neck are stiff when you get up in the morning, you may not be moving around enough in your bed. Talk to a pain management and/or sleep team about how you can get a more comfortable night's sleep.
Back pain is back with a vengeance these days. If you are experiencing more back pain than usual (from sitting all day), get up every hour and walk around for five minutes and/or do a few gentle stretches. #protip
Fill in the Blank: The most physically painful experience of my youth was ______________________. #survey
Survey Question: How many different elements of your daily routine involve pain management (for example, do you get acupuncture, take vitamins, exercise, etc.?)
We've been helping our patient's overcome and manage their personal injuries for over 25 years. Learn more about our experience and services we have available below!
What pain management techniques or treatments have you tried in the past?
Healing from a work injury is always easier with the medical support from Pain Evaluation & Management Center. Call us for an appointment now at (937) 439-4949 #DaytonOH
Question of the Day: How long have you been a client/patient of our pain management company? #survey
ADVICE: If you find that your shoulders and neck are stiff when you get up in the morning, you may not be moving around enough in your bed. Talk to a pain management and/or sleep team about how you can get a more comfortable night's sleep.
Back pain is back with a vengeance these days. If you are experiencing more back pain than usual (from sitting all day), get up every hour and walk around for five minutes and/or do a few gentle stretches. #protip
Fill in the Blank: The most physically painful experience of my youth was ______________________. #survey
Here are a few things you should know before signing a pain management contract:
For how long have you been in pain?
What pain management techniques or treatments have you tried in the past?
Healing from a work injury is always easier with the medical support from Pain Evaluation & Management Center. Call us for an appointment now at (937) 439-4949 #DaytonOH
Question of the Day: How long have you been a client/patient of our pain management company? #survey
ADVICE: If you find that your shoulders and neck are stiff when you get up in the morning, you may not be moving around enough in your bed. Talk to a pain management and/or sleep team about how you can get a more comfortable night's sleep.
Pain Evaluation & Management Center in Dayton, OH, is the trusted source for providing holistic and alternative solutions for safe and effective pain relief. Contact our professional staff today at 937-439-4949 for more information.
What things seem to exacerbate your pain? What helps to relieve it?
Do men and women feel pain differently? This article takes a look at the question:
Here are a few things you should know before signing a pain management contract:
For how long have you been in pain?
What pain management techniques or treatments have you tried in the past?
Here's an interesting development in the search for non-opioid pain relievers. What do you think about it?
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Follow this link for a look at the benefits yoga and meditation may provide:
Pain Evaluation & Management Center in Dayton, OH, is the trusted source for providing holistic and alternative solutions for safe and effective pain relief. Contact our professional staff today at 937-439-4949 for more information.
What things seem to exacerbate your pain? What helps to relieve it?
Do men and women feel pain differently? This article takes a look at the question:
Here are a few things you should know before signing a pain management contract:


Company name
Pain Evaluation & Management Center
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine


  • What is the phone number for Pain Evaluation & Management Center in Dayton OH?
    You can reach them at: 937-439-4949. It’s best to call Pain Evaluation & Management Center during business hours.
  • What is the address for Pain Evaluation & Management Center on yankee park place in Dayton?
    Pain Evaluation & Management Center is located at this address: 1550 Yankee Park Place Dayton, OH 45458.
  • What are Pain Evaluation & Management Center(Dayton, OH) store hours?
    Pain Evaluation & Management Center store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.