People Locator Service

(on bryant road)
Business Consulting and Services in Lake Oswego, OR
Business Consulting and Services
Lawyers and Law Firms


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


16780 Bryant Road
Lake Oswego, OR


People Locator Service Photo People Locator Service Photo People Locator Service Photo People Locator Service Photo People Locator Service Photo


Best Detective Work Blends Skilled Eye & Technology Thanks to COVID-19 and the wildfires here in the West, many of us are used to hunkering down, staying home if we can, just trying to stay safe. All this time at home leads to one thing: binge-watching. Our favorite is NCIS. Not NCIS: Los Angeles, and not NCIS: New Orleans. Those shows are good, but it’s the original that calls to us. As private investigators, we at People Locator Service appreciate the way the NCIS team does two things well. First, the investigators are extremely observant. They take it all in. Their leader, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, is also famous for “his gut.” If something doesn’t feel right, he follows that instinct. He has a saying: “There’s no such thing as coincidence.” At the same time, Gibbs is assisted by computer whiz Timothy McGee and Lab genius Abby Scuito. Between them, they have extraordinary computer and scientific skills. It’s a brilliant combination. It’s the same combination we believe in at PLS. We have cutting-edge technology to help us locate people. We also have old-fashioned sleuthing skills. We know when something is off. That’s why we have a 96 % rate of successfully finding people. We’ve been doing it for 24 years. FMI, www.peoplelocatorservice. com or 855-562-8775.
Elementary, My Dear Watson! There’s something about detective work that captures people. Think of Sherlock Holmes – a fictional character created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. Over the course of 40 years, Doyle wrote 56 books and four short stories about Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson. Holmes is considered to be the most popular fictional detective in literature. Some interesting facts about Sherlock. 1. Although the phrase “Elementary, my dear Watson,” is credited to him – he never spoke the words in that order. 2. Conan Doyle’s inspiration for the character was Joseph Bell, a surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Conan Doyle admired the way Bell could make broad conclusions from studying minute details. 3. Conan Doyle was also greatly inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, whose character C. Auguste Dupine is considered the first fictional detective in literature. 4. Holmes had a laboratory, where he practiced forensic science techniques. He believed that good detective work was based on finding hard evidence – and from there, it was up to the intellect to figure out what the evidence shows. 5. The Guinness Book of World Records says Holmes is the most portrayed character in movie history. 6. Sherlock Holmes was so well known that some people thought he was a real person. Some fans pretend that he was a real person, and have created societies and organizations based on that premise. If Sherlock Holmes were alive today, he would undoubtedly embrace the technology that allows us to access data. Data provides the evidence; investigators use it to make logical conclusions. People Locator Service has been offering investigative people locator services for over 24 years. Call us at 855 562-8775. We locate beneficiaries for trust accounts, retired employees due benefits, people due insurance benefits, and more.
David Halk July 15 at 6:18 PM ·
#1 People Locator Service For over 24 years, People Locator Service has provided professional people locate services for attorneys, fiduciaries, public and private corporations, banks, and other financial institutions throughout the United States. We find heirs of estates, trust beneficiaries, and retired employees, or beneficiaries of deceased employees, entitled to receive such employees’ pension or retirement benefits. Our firm’s client retention is 99%. We have a 96% success rate on location of people Call People Locator Service at 855 562-8775 or email us at Also visit, #peoplelocator #banks #trusts #beneficiaries #findpeople #insurance #financialplanning #lifeinsurance #estateplanning #healthinsurance #retirement #401k #corporations #employeebenefits
Police Widow Becomes First NYC Detective Sometimes people take tragedy and shape it into something that helps them move through it. This was the case with Isabella Goodwin of New York City. In 1896, after her policeman husband died, the widow, the mother of four children, was hired as a police matron. But she was more interested in detective work, and in 1902, she began assisting in cases, and finally, eight years later, she was officially transferred to the detective bureau. She was assigned mostly to swindling cases - and would go undercover as she investigated bogus fortune tellers, mediums and healers. When she helped solve a high-profile robbery case in 1912 - by going undercover as a servant in a boarding house where the suspects lived - she was promoted to the position of detective sergeant, first grade. She was the first female detective to work for the NYC department. Isabella remarried in 1921, and three years later left the force, after a 28-year career where she paved the way for other women. This piece of history was brought to you by People Locator Service. People Locator Service founder Ticia Symonds has been a P.I. for over 24 years. People Locator Service has a 96 percent success rate when it comes to locating people. For more information, visit or call 855-562-8775.
Amazing Detective: Maud West In the early 1900s, London had one female detective. Her name was Maud West. Maud opened an agency in 1905, hiring both male and female detectives over the course of 30 years. They investigated everything from adulterers to international spies. The agency was successful because Maud had established her as an ace detective. She was known as a master of disguise. This included disguising herself as a man, and playing the role of everything from a sailor to a man of wealth. In interviews Maud noted that when it came to shadowing people, it was better to be dressed as a man, as a woman would be noticed. As she said, “A woman cannot stand about like a man may.” And although many people thought her work was exotic, she characterized detective work as “mostly hard work and little excitement.” In fact, she had clients employ her to travel as much as needed, and in some cases would work months trailing someone through Europe and the United States. As a result of her skills, Maud opened the doors for other women to enter this field. A little tidbit brought to you by People Locator Service, a woman-owned and women-staffed investigative company. People Locator Service has been locating people for 24 years. Contact us at 855-562-8775 or visit
Joe Buck for Mayor October 8 at 2:32 PM · I’m proud to have the support of the folks throughout our city departments who work hard for the LO community everyday. As mayor, I’ll foster a city environment that supports and appreciates all of their talents and skills.
Joe Buck for Mayor September 16 at 3:09 PM · Our community is stronger when our leaders hear the voices of our BIPOC community members and when words are coupled with action that empower diverse voices to foster an inclusive & equitable city. I stand with those throughout our community who are peacefully standing up for change and for policies that value the dignity of human life over all else.
The Life of a P.I. People often ask me what it is like to be a licensed Private Investigator. They wonder if I spend hours slouched in a nondescript car peering at people through binoculars. Well, NOPE, not so much. I can do most of my hunting with my laptop. That’s not to say that the laptop does all the work. Investigating requires knowledge, patience and diligence. It also requires the ability to talk to people. Knowing where to look, what to look for and who and what to ask - these are critical skills. Only so much can be taught when it comes to observational skills. You have to have a feel for this work. People sometimes mistakenly believe that P.I.’s are always on the lookout for “the bad guy.” That’s only true some of the time. Often I am looking for people who had no idea they were entitled to money. Just last month I tracked down two individuals who had money coming to them. Their lives are now changed. I also volunteer my skills to help look for missing children, through a national organization. Over the past several years I have helped find six children. Best.days.ever. I am Ticia Symonds. My company, People Locator Service, has a 96% success rate in locating people over the past 24 years. Call us at 855-562-8775 or
Happy Veterans Day! Honor, Courage and Commitment Honoring your service, remembering your sacrifice, We thank you for your dedication to our country and your commitment to preserving our freedom. On this Veterans Day, we honor and salute you. You will never be forgotten.
#1 People Locator since 1996
Legal Locator Service December 4 at 2:45 PM ·
Dear Santa, Hi, Santa. It’s Ticia from People Locator Service in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Well, I don’t need to tell you where I am. You have found me every year. (I also know where you are, because, well, that’s my job. People think you live at the North Pole, but I think you and I both know it’s a bit closer to Key West. :) ) Anyhoo. So this year I thought I’d ask for something different. Don’t get me wrong - I love all the software and computer you have given me to help me find people. They work great. But some days I miss the good ol’ P.I. days, when I was out in the field. So I thought I’d ask for some spy gear, for those times when I need to dig in a bit more on a case. Can you bring me: 1. A new grappling hook and some sticky-soled shoes for when I am going up the side of a building. I had to leave the hook behind last time, and my shoes feel tight. Getting older, you know.. 2. A camouflage tarp for when I am doing surveillance and need to blend in, like a pile of leaves or an ornamental bush. 3. A pen that will send out an S.O.S, like the Bat Signal, when I am in a sticky situation. Such as being stuck on the side of a building. 4. A curly brunette wig, an eye patch, one fake mole and a cane that doubles as a periscope. 5. A jet pack. 6. A flask for my special Diet Pepsi and Red Bull power drink. I hope you and Mrs. Claus and the elves are enjoying the sun and sea. I mean, the Arctic breeze. HA HA. Can’t wait to see you on Christmas Eve. Send me the secret signal when you approach Lake Oswego. Cheers, Ticia
Merry Christmas Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at People Locator Service!
This past year has been one for the books! We just want to say how thankful we are for your support this year, and we’re wishing you all the best as we enter a brand new year. Happy New Year! -Staff at People Locator Service
#1 People Locator Service For over 24 years, People Locator Service has provided professional people locate services for attorneys, fiduciaries, public and private corporations, banks, and other financial institutions throughout the United States. We find heirs of estates, trust beneficiaries, and retired employees, or beneficiaries of deceased employees, entitled to receive such employees’ pension or retirement benefits. Our firm’s client retention is 99%. We have a 96% success rate on location of people Call People Locator Service at 855 562-8775 or email us at Also visit, #peoplelocator #banks #trusts #beneficiaries #findpeople #insurance #financialplanning #lifeinsurance #estateplanning #healthinsurance #retirement #401k #corporations #employeebenefits #peoplelocatorservice
#1 Locator of Trust Beneficiaries Find who you are looking for today! Professional People Locator Services since 1996. Looking for someone? People Locator Service will help you to quickly find the person(s) you need to locate. How do we find people so quickly? Real time records. People Locator Service finds people, beneficiaries, heirs, retired or former employees due pensions or locate the next best beneficiary. Reasonable fee. Non-Percentage-Based Fees. People Locator Service has a 96% success rate locating people. Call 855 562-8775 to locate people or email us at #beneficiaries #peoplelocatorservice #peoplesearch #trusts #peoplefinder #locatepeople #findpeople
# 1 People Locator Service since 1996 - Real Time Technology Do You Need Assistance In Locating Missing Beneficiaries? We locate missing heirs, beneficiaries for insurance policies, and retired employees or next of kin due employment benefits. Real time technology. 96% success rate locating people! Call 855 562-8775 Visit, #people #peoplesearch #locatepeople #insurance
Here’s a Clue Colonel Mustard, with a lead pipe, in the library! Mrs. Peacock, with a candlestick, in the dining room! “Clue”, like Monopoly, is part of most of our childhoods. As Covid-19 keeps us indoors, it is fun to turn to these classic board games. As a P.I., I favor “Clue.” It requires deductive reasoning. Also – it appeals to many ages, because, as you grow older you get better at taking notes, thus helping you eliminate suspects. Yes, the game does have a dark side – it’s not Candyland, after all, as the point is to find out who “eliminated” who in what room and with what weapon. But it’s less gruesome than a Stephen King book or a movie on Netflix. It’s simply a chance to solve a mystery. Good news – you can play it on Zoom – and there is now an app for it. Just a check-in from People Locator Service, where we have a 96% success rate of finding people. Call us at 855-562-8775. In order to distract ourselves during this interminable pandemic, my family and I really love old board games. One of my favorites, of course, is Clue. That just comes with the territory of being a P.I.
SQUAREMKTG.COM Meet our new Team Adventure Leaders!!
With Love was live. February 3 at 8:36 AM ·
#1 People Locator Service since 1996 Call 855 562-8775 96% Success rate. #peoplelocatorservice #PeopleSearch #peoplefinder
People Locator Service Celebrates 25th Anniversary This is a special month for Ticia Symonds. Twenty-five years ago Ticia started Legal Locator Service – a company that located people and also conducted background searches. Ticia split the companies into two entities, with People Locator Service’s focus on helping businesses and organizations with their fiduciary responsibilities. Ticia and her staff find people who are entitled to retirement benefits, trust funds and estate inheritances. People Locator Service has a 96% success rate in locating people. This is due to the state-of-the-art platforms People Locator Service operates – but it is also because Ticia is a trained private investigator. She was among the first women in Oregon to receive P.I. licenses, in 1997. Those skills are essential in locating people who seemed to have “disappeared.” The staff at People Locator Service is highly trained, and it provides results quickly. The company is also known for its personal touch – as Ticia says, if you call PLS, you will connect to an actual human. Over the years, People Locator Service has also volunteered to assist local law enforcement agencies in locating missing children. Call People Locator Service at 855-562-8775. #peoplesearch #peoplelocatorservice #peoplefinder #trusts #beneficiaries #
ZUPANS.COM V-Day Lobster Dinner for 2 Zupan's Markets February 2 at 5:14 PM · Celebrate Valentine’s Day with our Lobster Dinner for 2 paired with Champagne. Order online for curbside pickup.
ZUPANS.COM V-Day Lobster Dinner for 2 Zupan's Markets February 2 at 5:14 PM · Celebrate Valentine’s Day with our Lobster Dinner for 2 paired with Champagne. Order online for curbside pickup.
Why are we the Best People Locator Nationwide? Education and Experience: We use only the best-experienced investigators to serve you. All of our staff have post-high school education and each has experience of over 25 years in this profession. Our people locator gives you the highest quality of result oriented service. We use the most advanced technology. Our information is updated daily which in return gives you real time results. People Locator Service is an expert people locator making it possible to deliver the lowest costs possible. We also offer volume discounts on the location of people. We locate people for class action lawsuits quickly and at a low price. Call for volume pricing. Call 855 562-8775. Visit: #banks #banking #financialinstitutions #attorneys #trusts #fiduciary #estates #peoplelocator #locatepeople #peoplesearch #heirs #heir #peoplefinder
People Locator Service Relates to Columbo We wouldn’t be caught dead wearing the oversized trench coat. We also comb our hair. And we gave up smoking cigars decades ago .(Actually never tried cigars.) But otherwise, we see a lot of ourselves in Columbo, the T.V. detective. The show was on from 1971-1978 and 1989-2003. A similarity we share with Columbo is that we know who we are looking for. Unlike the typical “whodunit” shows, Columbo has a good idea who did it. His job is to find the evidence to prove it. At People Locator Service, our task is to find information that leads us to a specific person. The people we find are much happier than the people Columbo catches. We are usually searching for beneficiaries – people who have money or property coming to them that they are not aware of. It could be a pension, or an inheritance. We work for companies, banks , fiduciaries, and lawyers. But it’s the same sort of quest. We talk to people. We ask questions. We also know when we are getting close. Like Columbo, when we have a hunch…we say,”Just one more thing…” Our formula works. In 25 years of looking for people, we have a 96% success record. No one has a 100% record, by the way. We’re pretty sure even Columbo wouldn’t find those 4%. Call People Locator Service at 855-562-8775. #peoplelocatorservice #beneficiaries #trusts #fiduciaries #banks #insurancebeneficiaries #pensions
Have We Contacted You? If we have, it could be because we found you as a possible heir in a matter we are currently working on. We – People Locator Service – are always working on cases where there are missing or unknown heirs. Who is People Locator Service? People Locator Service, LLC is a nationwide people locator service that specializes in gathering information on unknown heirs for trust matters, insurance, real estate, mineral, gas and oil rights, and pensions due to retired employees. We conduct thorough searches in order to find the rightful heirs. We often find people who did not know they were heirs. We have located thousands of people over the past 23 years. People Locator Service, LLC is a licensed Private Investigation business. Our people locator services are utilized by a range of companies, including the banking-trust industry, fiduciaries, attorneys, employers looking for retired employees due pension benefits, and more. We find and verify beneficiary information. The following are typical questions asked in our cases. Why are you contacting me? We have contacted you on behalf of our clients as we believe you may be a beneficiary in this matter. What should I do next? Call us on the number provided on our website. How did you get our telephone number or address? The telephone number and/or address maybe the last known residence address for you as supplied by the company that has secured our services. Alternatively, we could have performed a people search which involves searching different real time databases to find your address. How much will I be charged for this? You will NOT be charged for our services. The company that has appointed us will incur all the costs. How much is my inheritance worth? We do not have access to any financial information – we are therefore unable to discuss any financial aspects of this trust/case, etc. The person you are searching for has died. What should I do? We would appreciate you contacting us. There may be an entitlement to a relative’s trust or pension It is important that we obtain details of the next-of-kin to inform our client. #peoplesearch #peoplelocator #findpeople


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People Locator Service
Business Consulting and Services


  • What is the phone number for People Locator Service in Lake Oswego OR?
    You can reach them at: 855-562-8775. It’s best to call People Locator Service during business hours.
  • What is the address for People Locator Service on bryant road in Lake Oswego?
    People Locator Service is located at this address: 16780 Bryant Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035.
  • What are People Locator Service(Lake Oswego, OR) store hours?
    People Locator Service store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.