Serving The Community For Over 30 Years.
A visit to the dentist's office isn't just about checking for cavities anymore – there have been incredible advancements in the field of dentistry, and we have responded by expanding our range of custom dental care services to suit your needs.
We are always at the forefront of the latest research in dentistry and use the most up-to-date methods and technology to help our patients' achieve their desired smiles. We frequently perform a wide variety of general dental procedures, so you can rest assured that yours will be performed by a skilled and experienced medical professional. With an arsenal of state-of-the-art equipment and an expert staff dedicated to your dental health, we are in a unique position to offer best-in-class dental care.
Cleaning and Consultation
We all know that good oral hygiene keeps your teeth looking clean and shiny, but did you know that it's also essential to your overall health? It's true, poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes.
That's why dentists recommend that teeth be cleaned professionally twice a year. Teeth cleaning is the removal of dental plaque and tartar in order to prevent cavities, gingivitis and gum disease. The average dental cleaning is a routine procedure that is rarely painful and takes 30 to 45 minutes.
At Posnick Dental we specialize in and frequently perform a variety of dental cleaning procedures, from scaling to whitening, so you can rest assured that yours will be performed by a skilled and experienced medical professional.
Composite Fillings
For over 150 years, cavities were filled with a mixture of metals, including silver and mercury. It was perfectly normal to see dark grey areas in someone's mouth when they laughed.
But today, you can get your cavities, as well as any other smaller hollow areas in your teeth, filled with composite fillings. Composite fillings...