Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law

(on 9th street)
Lawyers and Law Firms in Cleveland, OH
Lawyers and Law Firms


1417 W 9th Street
Cleveland, OH


When you are accused of a crime, choose Richard V. Agopian, Attorney At Law. Criminal Defense Attorney Agopian can provide the legal representation you need for your case to achieve the outcome you deserve. He is experienced in all major felony-criminal cases, ranging from DUI to Murder. When facing legal trouble in the Cleveland area, time is of the essence. For more information, or to schedule your appointment to review your case, please call Richard V. Agopian, Attorney At Law at
(216) 338-3120.


Company name
Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law
Lawyers and Law Firms


  • What is the phone number for Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law in Cleveland OH?
    You can reach them at: 216-338-3120. It’s best to call Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law during business hours.
  • What is the address for Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law on 9th street in Cleveland?
    Richard Agopian, Attorney at Law is located at this address: 1417 W 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44113.