We're open at Skinner Law Firm with most of our folks working from home. We're working hard to connect to our clients electronically. Don't hesitate to send a DM or give us a call about your case or a new case.
How the big pharmacy chains fueled the Opioid Epidemic...
Big Pharmacy Chains Also Fed the Opioid Epidemic, Court Filing Says
What do you do when you get sued for a debt? Here's a nice piece in the New York Times explaining the process. Don't hesitate to give us a call if you think something is wrong. You'd be surprised how often debt collectors break the rules.
What Happens If You Are Sued by a Debt Collector?
More PFAS Martinsburg coverage in the Heral-Mail:
Martinsburg water contamination lawsuit filed in federal court
Here's coverage of the lawsuit filed to hold PFAS manufacturers accountable for the contamination of the Martinsburg water supply.
Federal lawsuit filed against companies alleged with contaminating city water
We're going to get a jump on #givingtuesday and donate $1000 to Jefferson County Community Ministries. JCCM has been particularly hard hit during the pandemic but still manages to reach out to the folks who really need help the most. We hope you'll join us.
Jefferson County Community Ministries
Hospitals frequently try to refuse to take health insurance to take advantage of hospital victims. This is something we frequently see with car crash victims.
How Rich Hospitals Profit From Patients in Car Crashes
PFAS may be linked to severe Covid cases....
PFAS Chemical Associated With Severe Covid-19
Opioid overdoses are surging: where the pandemic and epidemic intersect.
Washington, D.C. opioid overdoses are surging