For over twenty years people come to me , from around the country to find solutions to their health problems.
It is not uncommon for my patients to have already seen 4 or 5 specialists and still have their problems.
More often than not I am able to help no matter how many things they have tried because my unique wellness approach focuses on restoring function instead of covering up symptoms.
• We test for the right nutrition for that individual to balance their metabolism and permanently lose weight.
• We order advanced diagnostic labs to determine hormonal imbalances and hidden internal stressors.
• We sometimes supplement with bio identical hormones, when people are too run down from chronic stress.
• We design rehabilitation exercise programs to restore flexibility, strength and performance.
• We run detoxification programs to cleanse the body of the 80 000 environmental toxins our bodies are exposed to every week in our food, air and water.
• We find undetected nerve damage from accumulation of microtraumas and restore normal posture and function with a very gentle and precise form of chiropractic.